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America Needs A Strong Leader

Pasquale Scopelliti

Updated: Aug 3, 2020

John Minford, #SunTzu 10: 11 "When troops are strong but officers weak, the result is impotence."

Did we win the Korean War? I'd have to say not. Some sort of half-measured thing like North and South Korea cannot count for victory, can it? And then, Clinton negotiated - by which I mean gave away - nuclear proliferation to North Korea in the 1990s.

It is a phenomenon of the post WWII era, that America - with its strong people and rich economy - props up Communist nations, giving them our productivity and suffering the consequences, impotently. They would collapse without our money and spiritual force.

If we had not given North Korea its nuclear capability, its economy would have collapsed. Rather, we've made them one of the great weapons sellers on the planet, and they use these profits to shore up their evil regime. Clinton and Bush 43 were impotent to deal with them.

No matter how you slice and dice him, Nixon was a complicated case. His mission with China was to build them up against a seemingly unstoppable USSR. He overestimated Russia, and underestimated China. Yet, it's hard to judge him for either misjudgment.

Still, Nixon abandoned South Vietnam, fled, following all of our overarching impotence there, and set China on a course of economic prowess due, solely, to us giving them every advantage, sending our jobs and technologies to them, and until now, we've been impotent to compete.

Even on Vietnam, that ill-conceived fiasco cannot be placed on Nixon's desk. Kennedy, in the ultimate of impotency, allowed himself to be assassinated and Johnson, who's ever prosecuted an American war more fecklessly, more foolishly? So, what clean way was there to get out?

Can you feel the power of Master Sun's insight in all this, yet? The American soldier, the American citizen has always been strong. Our officers, not so much. Wherever you see America NOT capable of accomplishing Her objectives, it is her weak leaders to blame.

If you recall how I've shared that in my own youth I was ashamed of America, and completely anti-patriotic. Well, I never burned a flag, and never agreed with that. I should have noticed that inconsistency in myself back then, you know? I always loved our flag. Go figure.

I couldn't have explained it back then, but I suspect it might always have been the same rogue's gallery of weak, impotent leaders that so disgusted me. What I didn't see, though, was our own greatness, we Americans. I didn't see how we were strong when they were weak.

I've told you the story of how my father lied about his age in order to VOLUNTEER for WWII. He was 16, about to be 17, lied that he was 18, and was always confused about his own age for the rest of his life. That was the strength of America Herself, not her poor leaders.

Let's come up closer to today, again. I'm reading Lee Smith's book, The Plot Against The President, and he makes a very important point about Obama, Russia, and Iran. Poisoned by his Nobel Peace Prize, the Nuclear Deal with Iran was always his holy grail. He had to get it done.

On our side, we always knew how utterly weak and compromised he was, and how terrible the Iran deal was. But Smith gives us Obama's perspective, brilliantly. Obama thought he was strong. No kidding. So, seeing Russia as weak, he placates Putin, graciously.

In Obama-psyche, history will always remember how he made the Middle East safe by his glorious deal with Iran. Putin being Iran's ally, Putin gets what he wants so he doesn't mess up the critical deal. For Obama, the deal was strength. Yeah, it's that bad.

So, Mr. I'm STRONG in the Middle East, how does he let Baghdadi go, let ISIS rise up, and lose all the gains so hard-fought? Well, it has to be speculated that he wanted the Caliphate to be there. That's one theory. Assuming he didn't, though, where's his strength?

For Obama, strong was in being nice. They're not Radical Islamic Terrorists, those are mean words. Saying them, you become weak and empower them to recruit more. So, stop saying such mean words. And, Putin is friends with Assad AND Iran. ISIS was against Assad. Follow all that?

The real key for Obama - in all his impotence - was to essentially pretend it all wasn't so bad. Let Assad and Putin handle ISIS while closing his Iran deal. Voila! You know what happened. Our great military was made impotent due to that hellaciously bad leadership.

Have to go back to Bush 41 & 43. 41 brings 500,000 soldiers to Iraq and wins the war in weeks. What's he do? Impotently, he leaves Saddam Hussein in power, but we have a no-fly zone we prosecute for years following. What an unforgivable wimp he was.

What happens under 43? The new government he grows up, following Saddam's demise, is Iranian backed. Do you realize that? It still blows my mind. We go. We fight a war. We win. We give the nation we fought over, to our enemy. That's 43. That's ALL on him. Can you say impotent?

As you can tell, I could keep going. The topic of failed American leadership misleading the great people of America, making America impotent is infinite. I can't get started on our current Impeachment Scam. Well, damn, I have to...

Why has there been no vote on the floor of the House for an actual Impeachment? Because Impotent leader Nancy knows perfectly well that Trump will never be Impeached, and if he were, he'd never be convicted by 67 Senators. Never going to happen.

Nancy isn't exactly a weak leader, per se. But, given the dynamics of her Party, which is in free fall, her position couldn't possibly be weaker. She knows they're doing all the wrong things, but is weakly attempting to thread the needle. It cannot and won't work.

So, it goes. Over and over again throughout our history, we've been betrayed by weak, foolish, and corrupt leadership. When Trump gave us MAGA, it was US he was speaking to. We must rise up and take back the nation from the impotent leaders. That is what our movement is.

I'll close out with just one further action thought. Who is the mayor of your town? Is he or she pro- or anti-MAGA? If pro, then give support. If not, why not you? Maybe you'd be a strong leader, and you'd surely have strong principles of leadership. How much worse would you do?

294 verses completed, 161 to go.

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