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Negative Campaigning? Versus True Attack.

Pasquale Scopelliti

29 August 2020 #MAGAanalysis Negative Campaigning? Versus True Attack. The year was 1983. I was the founder of a small entrepreneurial firm selling computer books to computer retail stores. And I learned about negative selling the hard way. It doesn't work.

2) In those old, early days, people still used to learn how to use their computers and software by reading books. Can you imagine? It's true. And I learned how to sell those books, and rack job the computer stores who needed them.

3) The real art was so simple. Back then, people did not buy their computers the first time they walked into a computer store. So, the best possible technique was this. Sell them a book about the computer, and offer to refund the price of the book, if they bought the computer.

4) The problem was this. Computer stores were TERRIBLE at displaying computer books. Enter @KateScopelliti and me. We knew how to display books on shelves for optimum sales, optimum ease of showing a prospective buyer how to contemplate which books to buy.

5) Well, we did have competition. Actually, we were their competition attacking them. We were the upstarts. But I'll never forget one day when I got my pitch wrong. Instead of focusing on the values that our company provided, I was attacking the negatives of the other firms.

6) My prospect was very kind. She leaned in and explained that she felt I had a positive value to offer, but that attacking her current vendor was no way to win her attention and business. What a fantastic lesson. I took a few beats to respond, and then, followed her advice.

7) Not only did she give me the order, she became one of very best and most loyal customers. In following conversations, she had no problem discussing all the failures of those I was attacking. But it was my job to know my own positive offering. She was a great teacher.

8) This is the great problem the Democrats face right now, right here in 2020. They simply do not have a single positive message on offer. Donald Trump being BAD is the totality of their presentation. I assure you, my client would be shaking her head and tsk, tsking.

9) Coming out of these two convention weeks, there can be no question that Team Trump has a positive message, and Team Biden does not. And, I assure you, the Democrat Power Players are reeling in their hurt. They're freaking out over the fact that it's too late for their message.

10) Let's talk about race. I'm seeing numbers in the 20s and 30 percentage points of support for Trump among Blacks and Hispanics. If they're right - and I believe they are - then the election is essentially over right now. If after this burning summer minorities support Trump...

11) America is systemically racist, we're told. The police are bad. They want to shoot black people, we're told. Every time anything at all approximating this narrative - and how much have I come to hate that word! - then we get looting, burning, violent mobs. This sells?

12) Evidently, not so well. How do you think it sells in the homes of Black and Hispanic Americans, true patriots, to see Rand Paul and his wife threatened with their very lives? How do you unsee that? You're threatening every aspect of the American foundation, American


13) In 2016, the majority of my analysis centered around the analogy of two campaigns viewed as if they were two opposing armies. I saw, without question, that Trump's Campaign Army was greater than HRC's, and called - with the data! - thereby.

14) Between my analysis and the data I employed, I made my formal call on 15 October. You won't find many others who can make that claim, and I did it on record, in public. I am NOT doing that today. I'll let you know when I have adequate data to make my formal call.

15) But on a fundamental basis, I just can't see how the Democrats turn their phenomenal failures and weaknesses around. All they are doing is attacking Trump, and attacking America. We're bad, they're telling us. We can be better if we agree with and follow and support them.

16) I've seen all this before. Again and again the Communist method has stricken too fast, too hard, too early. Why did the USSR only last 70 years? That's a very important question. Their religious faith in their theories was disproved by reality in practice.

17) We'd have seen the end of the Chinese Communist Party long, long, and very long ago if it weren't for support from, yeah, you know this, the United States of America. Follow this one out. I bet you're not aware of this. When Nixon built our new relationship, he had policies.

18) Every single department of government was required to test every policy that had anything to do with China, at all, for the best possible outcome for...China. One of the most important elements of the America First policy was to finally end that hellacious stupidity.

19) Don't get me wrong. I'm, in a complex way, both a supporter of and critic of Nixon and his China policy. But, having every possible department of the government forced to support China? That was sheer stupidity. There's no other way to cut that one.

20) Let's cut back to the USSR. Nixon and team overestimated them. They failed to realize the power of Capitalism and freedom over Communism and totalitarianism. They too strongly feared the USSR. They too weakly believed in us, in the U.S.

21) And then there was Clinton/Bush. They brought China in as Most Favored Nation into the World Trade Organization. What was their theory? Trade would liberalize the CCP. Uh huh. That was it. They'll get better because they're trading with free nations. This was beyond idiocy.

22) This is precisely the same theory hitting us now, right here in 2020, as the Democrat Party Platform. America is bad. Communism is good. The morality of the commune is SUPERIOR to the morality of the individual. The state is all. The individual is nothing. It's that clear.

23) Let's try to reduce this to a single point of focus. Jobs. In 2016, Trump promised us jobs. We elected him and guess what, we got more jobs than we'd ever gotten before. Promise made. Promise kept. And who was it that wiped out our jobs, temporarily? China. The CCP.

24) Many of my friends tell me that Trump's greatest mistake was listening to Fauci, and shutting down our economy. I understand, but disagree. Here's why. We have four most fundamental rights: 1) Life 2) Liberty 3) Pursuit of Happiness 4) Property Trump decided for life.

25) With retrospect, we may agree or disagree with the method he chose, or the science behind it. What we must understand was his reasoning in the moment. He had to choose for life. Life over everything else. It is our highest principle, our greatest right.

26) My assessment of where we are comes down to this. Trump offers a positive vision of American life forward, forever. Biden offers a judgement of America, and a merely attack-based message. Trump is bad. America is bad. Vote for Biden.

27) As an honest analyst, I can honestly support any position. I could offer you a cleansed Marxism, if I were so motivated. I know what its positive values are, and I'd be able to honestly pitch those values. The problem is, I'd have stipulations which they'd never accept.

28) Sadly, there is no such thing as an honest Marxism. And more sadly, Sanders, AOC, Pelosi, and Biden have all given mind, heart, and soul over to Marxism, pure and simple. And they've released their position too early, too hard, and with insufficient buy in from America.

29) I never dreamed I'd say this, but Biden is an even worse candidate than HRC was. All he's got are attacks, and has no positive message on offer. They're really not even true attacks, which would stand a chance. They're lies and manipulations.

30) Biden people, if you're listening, you've already lost. If you would address this, and sustain a chance, you'd best find a truly positive message all on your own. You could hire me, but you probably can't afford me. I'd demand honesty that I doubt you can proffer.

Thread ends at #30.


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