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Pasquale Scopelliti

12 May 2020 - #MAGAAnalysis #CoronvirusPsyop Today's psyop word of the day is: morbidity. When you consider the Swamp/China collusion over Coronavirus, the thing they want is for all of us to feel doomed, gloom and morbid. Down. In the dumps. Sad. Disheartened. Discouraged.

2) For many years not only did I watch no TV and most especially no news, I also counseled all my coaching clients to embrace the practice of giving no time to news whatsoever. I miss those days, but have, as you know, realized I can't afford that luxury anymore.

3) I've told the story many times, @KateScopelliti is a news junkie, and spent those years watching her news shows alone. It was the Clinton impeachment by which she hooked me, so it's been 21 years or so, since I gave up that self-protective habit.

4) If you head over to Drudge right now, you'll get a perfect example. It's impossible to go there and NOT feel doom and gloom, hear the drumbeat of certain doom, and feel morbid. Death, destruction and mayhem, hopelessness are everywhere, there.

5) So, why do I torture myself with Drudge, still? Consider it a pre-Swamp day vaccination. I find I have to look all the horror in the face, feel myself pulled downward into the mire, and dealing with the gloom, find the light that lifts me up again. I do it every day.

6) It's been a part of my vocational practice of political analysis since 2016 to throw facts into the cauldron of emotion and discover what brews up as a result. It is fundamental to my process. I seek public facts, and respond both logically and emotionally.

7) Oops, I meant to use a variant of the term avocation, above. Can one use the adjective: avocational? At any rate, as I observe this Coronavirus Crisis evolve, I find its emotional drag harder to overcome. There can be no doubt that the evil forces happened upon an innovation.

8) Until now, we might arbitrarily call for something like a 5% Truth - to - 95% Lies ratio driving their psyops. Trump called them out on this, and I speculate that they have completed the most profound failure analyses they have ever engaged in the wake of 2016.

9) Their failures mounted through the Russia Hoax, the Mueller Investigation, and the Impeachment Debacle. I imagine their evil backroom analysts charting these failed psyops, one following the other, until they realized the problem was in their truth/lies ratio.

10) I can easily picture the flights back and forth between DC and Beijing, the lavish conference rooms, the evil partnership at work deriving the inverted ratio, or at least flipped. That is, Coronavirus is very, very real. The facts, the truth factor in this psyop is solid.

11) This is a fundamental change in the very rules of the game. You might see the seeds of this in Alinsky's work, sort of, but I assure you his ghost is smiling upwards from his cushy position in hell, proud of his children for this innovation. He really didn't call for this.

12) There are two other ways to parse this innovation in their psyoperational guidelines. The first is to parse out present vs future. Facts in the present. Lies about the future. And even there, lies that will become true if believed. That's worthy of special note.

13) It is one of the most fundamental elements of all evil power that it tells this special kind of lie, one that is false when stated but becomes true by the fact of its belief. We might call this the Negative Tinkerbell Factor. I'll give you an example...

14) All children are beautiful. Yet, there is such a thing as an ugly adult. How does that occur. Simple, make a child believe he is ugly, and in the believing he will become so. The famous term for this thing is Self-fulfilling Prophecy. Every evil force employs this power.

15) So, tell the truth - there is a virus and it is contagious - a fact, and now, take charge of the prophetic aspect of what this foretells about our future. There will never be a return to the - and note this key term - former normal. They don't know that. It is assumed.

16) See how insidious? The word "former" assumes itself. By saying there will be no return to the "former" normal, they are assuming the very point they intend to persuade you over. That this is a logical fallacy is not only not an impediment, it is the hallmark of their artform.

17) So, we've covered truth within the present, lies that self-fulfill when believed about the future. The second way to look at this psyop innovation is this. Truth again about facts in the present, lies about the meanings, implications, and policy significance derived.

18) By the way, don't take me wrong. I am NOT crediting them with factual truth, anywhere, actually. They lie constantly about the facts, manipulate the data, bend the science and twist all truths into some form of lies, always. I'm NOT honoring them.

19) I'll just illustrate the shift from 1998 (or so) to 2016. Bill said, and it was a 100% lie, I did not have sex with that woman. In 2016 the Access Hollywood tapes were NOT deep fakes. Trump was in that camper, he was recorded, it was him saying his own words.

20) But, they tried, and abysmally and SHOCKINGLY failed to twist the meaning of Trump's words, playing on images and distortions that had always worked before, and Bannon's and Trump's strategy knocked out a grand slam home run with the actual, factual truth. Minds blown!

21) So here we are with the Coronavirus and the fact of its existence is 100% real. Ah, but the kill-the-economy button? That was a complete lie. Fact real. Interpretation and policy mandate, lies. We now know that killing the economy not only doesn't save lives, it kills also.

22) So, what we now see are, yes, Coronavirus deaths, which will end up miniscule in comparison to actual physical deaths caused by the economic/policy response. We must see that we believed their lies and now, vastly more people are dying. That's real. We have to face it.

23) There is a cure. I employ that cure for myself everyday, and as I've said, it's not a return to my former bliss of not looking. Rather, I seek the truth, and then, I add my own personal will to it. I seek to discover both what I believe AND what I can do, positively.

24) Please note the emphasis on myself, personally. Why? Because, believe it or not, I'm attempting to speak to you, personally. That is, you need the same cure I employ. Each of us common sense Americans, all of us, and most especially we in the MAGA Movement. We must do this.

25) We must inoculate ourselves against the power and innovatively growing capability to depress our spirits and sadden our souls, weakening our will, our resolve, our fighting spirit. Attacking and weakening our belief in America, in ourselves, and in our President.

26) Here's another example I've used before. Look at our rallies. We're now being asked if we'd go to a Drive-In Rally. Imagine that. Isn't that the very hallmark of their success in this mission, this evil mission of theirs? Consider the cost in spiritual strength we're paying.

27) And here's their failure analysis. They wrongly thought, and wrongly sold and sold, this false reading in 2016. Oh sure, they said, Trump can rally, but his rally goers will NOT vote. They're just in it for the entertainment, etc., etc. They now know how wrong they were.

28) In 2016, they may have not really known they were lying about the rallies, but they didn't care. It sounded good to them and they still believed they could tilt the scale with at minimum shoddy thinking repeated and forcefully expressed. In 2020, they've stopped the rallies.

29) No rallies is a fact, right now. And that brings it over into our court. What will we do? Will we also believe their interpretation and doom and gloom prophecies they want us to surrender to? Obviously, I say not. Nope. No way. We will rally, one way or another.

30) And consider, @GenFlynn, our 2nd greatest rallier stands now both vindicated and fully exonerated. And how much do they hate that fact? Ha. No matter what they do, we will have the answer as long as we don't believe their lies. So don't!

Thread ends at #30.

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