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Michael T. Flynn Withdraws His Plea

Pasquale Scopelliti

1) For those of us who support @GenFlynn, yesterday was a day we'll never forget. When I wrote the thread below, I had no idea what was coming. Maybe an instinct, but I was stunned by the day's outcomes, truly.

2) In the hours since the motion to withdraw Flynn's plea was announced, I've been asked many times to provide my thinking on it, and will. This small thread is NOT that. That will come later, not sure when, but later...

3) Here I'll offer only a few instant reactions. Overwhelming joy is the most important instant reaction. The plea was mishandled by the previous team and ONLY @SidneyPowell1 could have addressed the hellacious burden it created. Great gratitude flows in my heart.

4) Perhaps even more than gratitude I am proud. I am proud of our hero for staying the course as he has, obviously proud of @SidneyPowell1 and her work, and proud of us, those millions of us who support @GenFlynn through thick and thin. Honor to us.

5) As to the legal status, I am happy that a continuance of 30 days was granted - it's in the statement above, which if you haven't, you'll want to carefully read - and more optimistic about the prospects of the case's potential dismissal than I have ever been.

6) Did you see Sidney on Hannity last night? I got the sense she was using tremendous discipline to not bounce a bit sitting there. And not just from what occurred, but far more from what's coming. And she let us know, this was only the first salvo of many additional steps. Wow!

7) A smart person watching last night would have to believe her. I believe her. Do you? If not, it's the easiest prediction I'll ever make that you'll be proven wrong. Ha! So yeah, relief is in my heart right now in spades. Which brings me to...

8) The harsh reality that we're NOT there yet. We don't know if the court - Judge Sullivan in all his vast power - will allow the withdrawal. And far more to fear, even if the withdrawal is allowed, we do not know how the case will be disposed of, what its disposition will be.

9) It has to be repeated that it is a sham of justice that the case still exists, at all. It is so dirty, through and through, that the fact that it has not already been dismissed is an abomination against the rule of law in America. Don't let me get started on that again.

10) There are a great many other facts worthy of comment or clarification in the announcement, and my bet is that all the other outstanding analysts will likely do a great job parsing all those. I'll look for that work as they release it.

11) The only other aspect I need to speak about right now is everyone's immediate search to ascertain where is AG Barr in all this. It's an important question, and one I have not spoken to at all until right now. So, let's sketch out a couple of guidelines and then wrap up.

12) I have always considered Rod Rosenstein to be more than just an enigma, but a key player in the failed coup. How Barr could come in and call him friend shocked and dismayed me. There are problems there to be parsed out and understood. Yet...

13) Yet tactically, working with Rosenstein in setting up the Mueller Report was sheer genius. I have to tip my hat to the multi-dimensional chess theory people here. They looked pretty good on that one. It was a great tactical decision, perfectly executed. Point to Barr.

14) But then there's Comey, and we're not investigating him at all? And now, HRC has been completely cleared and fully exonerated facing no legal jeopardy whatsoever. How do we forgive Barr for that? Two points down, he's now at a score of -1.

15) I can't handicap the Horowitz report properly, I got lost on that one. What did it mean? With no clarity given on that, I'd have to say it was a further loss...but I'm not sure, so I'll leave that at zero.

16) Right now we have the possible positive of the Durham investigation, but sadly even that is still a maybe, and even if so, we're still months away. While it could be they're timing it for closer to the election, but man, that's calling it close. Makes me nervous.

17) So obviously, the real question is where we started, where is Barr on Flynn (and Manafort and Stone)? In the deafening roar of his silence, we may only guess for now, and that's not all that helpful. I think his style gives us a clue, though.

18) When Barr speaks, he does such a fantastic job that I have to believe him. I confess, I am pulled in by his tone and when he expresses them, by the positions he has taken. Not enough to be confident, but more than enough to give him more time. I like him.

19) So for what it's worth, here's my reading. He's an old school politico, but one of the best kind we've had, the kind that makes the term "civil servant" be something other than a euphemism for swamp creature. I think the complexity of his job, today, is daunting.

20) More than that is the difficulty of the new order arising. Trump world, with us, his MAGA movement as the wind in his sails always having his six, is a different world than anyone has ever experienced. I think Barr may still be finding his sea legs, if you will.

22) I know that's a long way of saying "I don't know." But I hope you can see I'm working on the problem. And that brings us to our wrap up. The whole of America that pays attention now knows the ball is squarely in @SidneyPowell1's court. Even Barr knows that for sure.

23) As to the pardon I'm always ranting about, I still fear it may be needed, and stand behind every analysis to that affect I've published. But, the new 30-day extension for the sentencing removes the pressure from 28 January and for the first time, I am happy about that.

24) So, as they say, let's stay frosty, friends. We must keep our eyes on the ball, and never drop our guard until we've won Gen Flynn's complete freedom in every way and have our leader back with no fetters or qualifiers. That victory is in sight, so we must be steady.

25) But I can assure you there will be a temporary celebration in Scopelliti precincts tonight. I'm thinking a nice steak and a good red wine to go with it. We'll be hoisting a drink to America, Her favorite general, and all us who are, say it with me, Making America Great Again.


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