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Michael Anton's Projection of The Coming Coup

Pasquale Scopelliti

6 September 2020 #MAGAanalysis Michael Anton's Projection of The Coming Coup I'm about to share an incredible, and an important story. I don't know Michael Anton, and have not studied his work before. He predicts an actual coup between now and January 2020.

2) Before I share the link, we have some business to cover, together. First, this will not be a short thread. I hope not one of my longer ones, but I can't promise that. Second, while taking Anton's work with much respect, there's also much I disagree over, strongly.

3) In my own analytical work, I try - but often fail - to stick tightly to present facts, things either occurring right now, or that have already taken place. I do love facts. But there is no way serious analysis can always stay so safe. We must extrapolate outcomes at times.

4) Once we turn to Anton's work itself, I will return to this point, and will make a critique there. Fourth, the title of the article itself is incendiary. That is why I have not given the link yet. There is a key distinction the title fails to make.

5) The needed but missing distinction is between the Democratic Party's powerful leadership, and the Patriotic Core of Democrats. The Democrats, I propose, have their own silent majority. In my work, I always reach out to and hope to give them voice. I'll give you the link below.

6) You see the link, and in the subtitle portion you see: "Democrats are laying the groundwork for revolution right in front of our eyes." Please understand, I do NOT stand behind that statement if it in any way applies to the Democrat Silent Majority.

7) If I were reading this thread, I'd pause now, and go read Anton's entire essay. He clarifies his position that it is, in fact the Powerful Democratic Leadership his analysis points to. And, here I support him, Republican Power Leaders also.

8) Here is our first quote to assess: "As if 2020 were not insane enough already, we now have Democrats and their ruling class masters openly talking about staging a coup."

9) Anton explains who he means by the ruling class shortly, but I'll put this into my own words. Well, Eisenhower gave us the term Military/Industrial Complex. This is the ruling class. This class lives off the fat of the land as collected and distributed by our Government.

10) This is easy to understand when one counts $1,000 toilette seats and $13 for a single muffin at a government paid shindig for 100s or even 1000s of attendees. How many $13 muffins can 1,000 people eat? No it doesn't break America's bank, but it's still lucrative for someone.

11) Less visible, but still easy to comprehend are the ties between big business like pharma and automakers, as well such entities as unions and foreign nations. All feed their largesse into the pockets of America's great ruling class. As we'll see, these people loathe Trump.

12) The other player in Anton's sentence above are the Democrats. I believe he means the leadership, hasn't given us that distinction yet. I strongly disagree with that and view it as a serious error. If I were a Democrat, I would be NOT likely to read further.

13) "It started with the military brass quietly indicating that the troops should not follow a presidential order." In his second paragraph, Anton shares facts that he strings together and interprets. I hope he's wrong in this paragraph, but I fear he may be right.

14) He posits that the incidences he sites indicate disloyalty to Trump in the highest ranks of our military. Where this is a credible interpretation is in the degree to which the "top brass" as he calls them, are under the direct control of the ruling class.

15) Still, it is easily possible to dispute Anton's interpretation. Facts are not always connected, even when they appear to be. When calling out a coming coup, one must be very careful when tying one fact to another. The term for getting it wrong is confirmation bias.

16) You all know that term I assume, but this is a special case. It could be that Anton's fears generate a theory for him, and he then ties facts together under that umbrella. Again, I hope he's wrong, and fear he may be right. I take this very seriously.

17) "The former United States Senator (for 26 years) and Vice President (for eight) [Joe Biden] has not once, not twice, but thrice confidently asserted that the military will “escort [Trump] from the White House with great dispatch” should the president refuse to leave."

18) We have to pull these assertions apart. As I understand them on their face, Biden is stating that after he wins fair and square, Trump will try to hold onto the reins of power, anyway, and will have to be forced out of 1600 Pennsylvania by the military.

19) I think Biden should be ashamed of himself for that prediction. It has no basis in fact, but he presents it as if he knew it. That appalls me. It is, however, a great leap to go from his wrongful statements to the step of signalling a coup. Anton knows this and says so.

20) Anton gives a link to a WashPo article, which I refuse to pay for. The headline: "Trump could refuse to concede" What an atrocious headline. A newspaper speculating about what might happen, and presenting it on its pages as if it were news. Terrible.

21) Of much greater significance, Anton offers a link to this paper: Preventing a Disrupted Presidential Election and Transition…

22) I have not taken the time to study this 22 page document, yet. I will, I assure you. Skimming it, however, I have chills, leading me to contemplate just how accurate Anton's analysis may actually be. There may be a coup coming. This must be faced.

23) I'll step in for a moment with what I consider to be supporting evidence for Anton's assessment. There is absolutely zero doubt in my mind that Obama and team broke the transfer of power basis of our Democracy in 2016/2017.

24) It is the easiest analysis to see that, in linked cycles, one immediately following the previous, the attack on Trump's legitimacy as President has been continuous. At no time has the Democrat Power Leadership ever entered into the function of Loyal Opposition.

25) I can easily see how my Democratic friends would take umbrage over that statement. I do apologize for that. Yet, from my perspective, it is simply factual. The attacks against this Presidency have been like nothing before since Lincoln's Administration and assassination.

26) I believe this cuts to the very core of the MAGA mission. We are precisely attempting to take our nation back from its overlords. The masters cannot be happy about what's going on in the plantation. The clear logic, chilling logic of this is its most frightening aspect.

27) The term for all this is commonly employed. For the ruling class, this is, and without doubt, an existential threat. It is, for them, a life and death battle. They know this. They have brought out the long spears and fighting armor and they are truly ready for war against us.

28) The pattern of behavior since 2016 provides a solid context upon which to, sadly, grant Anton's projections great credibility. By that, I'm saying he has gotten to me. I am frightened.

29) The most damning evidence for his theory that Anton provides is this link. This is, and without doubt, the most frightening document I have ever read. I cannot too strongly urge you to read it, too. Please read it.

30) To my Democratic friends, I have this strong request. Don't read this as a Democrat. I do not read it as a Republican. I read it as an American. Please do the same. And no, I do not accept the claims and justifications Nagle and Yingling provide. I judge them unfaithful.

31) Please note all the tell tale signs of dissimulation. The entire letter is based upon unsourced assertions of fact, and speculations of what America will do - it will certainly NOT reelect Trump - and what Trump will do. A timeline is given, with 100% certainty.

32) One doesn't need statistics to be a lying liar. One can pretend one knows an unknowable future and attain the same dreaded status as lying statisticians. Nagl and Yingling reveal their nefarious purpose with these worn out propaganda techniques. They out themselves.

33) Yet, for all the fear this build within my heart, I still step back, not trusting my emotion. If what Nagl and Yingling lay out were to occur, it would be a coup. And Anton is 100% justified in that extrapolation. And, he also offers the counter case. Man, I love this guy!

34) If you read Nagl and Yingling's open letter above, please note it was General Milley whom they addressed. Well, Anton shows us, Milley is ON RECORD as NOT being on board. Check this out!

35) Sweet relief? Nothing to fear? Move along, folks? So sadly no. Consider this statement from the AP story: "Faced with polls showing he is trailing Biden, Trump last month said it was too early to guarantee he'd accept the election results."

36) On that note, I leave the rest of Anton's brilliant projection to you, for your own discretion in consideration. I'll offer my own assessment below, and then speak to the point above about polling.

37) Anton's projection is, as you can tell, far, far too strong to reject. There is, to my eye, an unquestionable context within which his analysis nestles perfectly. His documentation is simply solid. His evidence...almost compelling. As such, it's solid work.

38) If we grant that he doesn't answer his own question with a certain "yes," we must add his integrity as a clear component in his favor. I grade the work with a solid A, but not an A+ and here's why. I detect an underlying, not fatalism in it, but a clear NOT-optimism.

39) I often claim grim resolve in the face of dire threats. Underlying my resolve, I have an abiding faith in America Herself. In Her, and in us. And yes, I trot out the old term, destiny. Manifest? I'm not so sure. More like a fogged destiny, from my seat. But a destiny no less.

40) To illustrate, let's wargame this out a bit further. Picture Anton's scenario 100% spot on right. Then what? What happens after the coup? I have a simple prediction. It will be the Silent Majority of Democrats who save the American Dream.

41) How? How might that work out? I picture We The People saying, okay, let's throw out this entire election. And no, we have NO President right now, at all. We must call a mulligan. We're going to do this over. We will make certain that Democracy lives on.

42) The best of the best among us will rise up and figure out a way to retain a true American Democracy. We'll fix the vote. We'll do it over. And it will be truly fair. We will NOT allow the ruling class the joy of its own decision over us. We are America and we will win.

43) What's more, coming out of this cycle, likely not completed till summer or even fall of 2021, we will be a stronger democracy than ever before. The American spirit will be awakened. The evil mighty will fall, as never before. America will win.

44) I hope it's obvious that I have no sources to support my projection. It is MERELY and ONLY a speculative vision, with no basis upon which to stand. Yet, I happily proffer it anyway. Once I feel my fear, and surrender to it, then, well, I just stop being afraid.

45) We turn now to the question of polling, as noted above in our last link. Here's what I've got to tell you. The polling case is 100% bogus. The entire case for Biden to date has been polling based. This is PRECISELY what occurred in 2016, but it's far worse now.

46) On 19 August, my worst fears were confirmed about by beloved Dornsife poll, and then, as early numbers are finally released, I find them simply NOT credible. You cannot imagine how much I want to be wrong about that.

47) It is possible that Dornsife's methods will once again prove themselves and I hope they do. If I see any indication of that or confirmation by other sources I credit, I'll instantly return to being their biggest fan. As it stands today I have no expectation of that happening.

48) Again, to my Democratic friends, the very moment I see data I can believe in pointing to a possible Biden victory, I will be the guy saying so. When it comes to data, the only horse I have in the race is truth. What you don't want is the false hope of false polls.

49) Let's solve this problem together. Please go vote at my poll. Please take your friends, family, and neighbors to our site as well and encourage them to vote there, too.

50) Will there be a coup? I hope with all my heart not. Will polling play a part in all that is yet to come? Sadly so, it will, and for the most part a wrongful part. Great thanks to Michael Apton for his great work. I don't fully agree, but I agree more than I want to.

Thread ends at #50.


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