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Let's Unite

Pasquale Scopelliti

John Minford, #SunTzu 9: 48 "Protracted, fierce confrontation, with neither engagement nor retreat, must be regarded with great vigilance."

Do NOT tell me Master Sun was not a prophet, speaking across 2,300 years to us in the MAGA movement today. This is OUR verse, for right now, October of 2019. This is EXACTLY our situation. It really is amazing to see ourselves painted with precision like this, isn't it?

I won't return to a history lesson today, but it has to be stated that the other side has had its way with virtually no resistance whatsoever for at least 103 years, 1913 - 2016. Their assets and resources are beyond counting. Let's review our situation strategically.

We, the MAGA movement, have on our side: 1) The Way and 2) Heaven They, the Progressive Socialists have virtually OWNED 3) Earth Although we did put that in contest and have defeated them upon it one time so far, 2016. As to 4) Command and 5) Discipline Forget about it. It's almost all theirs. Well, I'll qualify that. @parscale and team have AMAZING Discipline and @POTUS is a Commander of historic rank, one of the greatest ever. So, we have that, and that just may be enough.

So, why then my rapid and strong dismissal of our strength is Command and Discipline? It's simple. When it comes to organization, we, as a Movement ourselves totally suck. Teams form and break, form and break. Or, teams form, but no cohesion builds, and no results occur.

We have no chain of command, and we are worse, we reject the very idea. We take our orders from no one. No one is allowed to lead. Internal politics and resistance within our subgroups are absolutely endemic. We're simply a terrible fighting force. Horrible.

I believe I have the cure. It comes down to the creation of leader-led, small, high-performance teams, organically grown across our great land. MAGA Teams, led by MAGA Leaders, self-chosen, self-directed, who master the key art of recruiting dedicated, disciplined followers.

We'll come back to that cure again and again. Before I let go of my focus on it right now, allow me to explain these two hashtags: #100kMAGATeams, and #435MAGATeams. The 100k number is what we need to win the future. We just need 435 to win our elections, politically.

I discussed Judge Napolitano's book Theodore and Woodrow yesterday. If you read it and consider all the other side has stolen from America over the past 100 years, you can see it will take a massive force to right the ship of state and culture to win the future. #100kMAGATeams.

When it comes to elections - Presidential and Congressional, to include both Houses - we really only need 435 small, high-performance MAGA teams. Those, however, really do have to have district wide reach and impact in every one of our Congressional districts. #435MAGATeams.

There's only one other qualifier I must urge. Every leader must embrace full dedication to Sun Tzu studies, excellence in study all the way to execution capability in the field. This is no mere academic endeavor. This is the life and death of our Constitutional Republic at stake.

Who remembers verse 1: 1? "War is a grave affair of state; it is a place of life and death, a road to survival and extinction, a matter to be pondered carefully."

And that's why today's verse is so amazingly, critically important to the MAGA mission. Beyond elections, we're in a war to save more than just our culture, but absolutely to save freedom in our land and upon the earth. If we fall, what will happen to our followers and friends?

We must face the fact that we have long, long since LOST our Constitution. We are no longer a Constitutional Republic. We are - in our government - a Left-leaning, Socialist-tilting Democracy. If we're not victorious, if we fail, we will become the People's Republic of America.

In our people, we remain a Center-Right leaning Republic, but ONLY due to the fact that the Left has failed, so far, to remove our protection in the Electoral College. Should that last barrier fall, we will lose all. Make no mistake about that.

Master Sun turns next to clear guidance. Today's verse is the first of 8 final verses. It follows those we've worked on for the past two weeks about signs of the enemy's defeat. This is the moment of critical transition. The is no greater danger than in the moment before victory.

So, if you follow this chapter's arc - you know the story being told underneath the flow of verses - we just spent all our time picturing the enemy's defeat, so happily. But now, Master Sun tells, not so fast, buckos, it's good we did that, but be careful, and right now!

Within these 8 verses, you'll find 4 serious warnings and 5 serious guidelines toward victory. Do you remember our conversation about the structure of poetry, and especially sonnets? This final section is absolutely a poem of serious but optimistic guidance towards victory.

Finally, I can't help myself, I just have to passionately urge you to go back over the entire chapter again as you grow closer to following its subsections and structure. The depth of these lessons never ends, at least not before your study does. Take heed. Please.

276 verses completed, 180 to go. To return to previous sections in our #WarForAmerica2020 and #SunTzuForMAGA series, don't forget to head over to @WarForAmerica21. You'll find the digital table of contents for this series, there. Please retweet each entry you enjoy.


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