11 June 2020 #MAGAanalysis
Leninism Today
There are 7 blocks in Seattle that are no longer American. The governor of the State of Washington will do nothing about it. These 7 blocks are the heart of the city. If not retaken, the takeover of the State has already started.
2) Leninism? Allow me to offer my own definition. Man, as an individual, has no rights. All rights are accrued by the collective. The vast majority of men will never agree to this. So, we find the few that will take aggressive attack against the feckless many. We then take over.
3) There is an America-free zone in Seattle. This is the beginning. If this is allowed to stand, the State of Washington will be lost. With one state lost, every other state with a major city will follow. This is how Bolshevism works. Use the powerful few against the weak many.
4) Stunning, isn't it? I confess I am shocked. I won't let it last long. I will face this, and I hope you will too. We must muster ourselves. I believe we shall. But let me be both tactical and specific. This is how a Civil War is started. It requires the will of Lincoln, now.
5) Who remembers Fort Sumter? 12 April 1861. The previous President, Buchannan, would have simply let it go. He was in favor of secession. Lincoln saved America. He refused to let his fort go. That's where Trump is right now. He cannot and will not let Seattle and Washington go.
6) Those blocks of Seattle need to be stormed, right now. I hope today. They must be taken back. If they are not, you can count the day, right now, as the beginning of the second American Civil War. It will require bullets to retake Seattle's center. Ballots cannot do it.
7) Leninism preys upon the incapability of the great masses to think clear thoughts and understand the reality as it occurs. Leninism is based upon a genius realization. The led few may easily overwhelm the unled many by violence. Leninists are masters of violence.
8) George Floyd is executed. This is a violent act. Protests arise, as rightly they should. Protests are, by definition, NOT violent. Ah, but what follows? Looting and burning and murder. I believe 6 policemen have been murdered so far. Hear that? Murdered.
9) Will there be protests against the murder of the policemen? No chance. Their deaths are not the equal of George Floyd's. They will not be carried in a horse drawn carriage to their final resting place. Their loss will not be celebrated as a turning point.
10) This is how Leninism, Bolshevism works. We're there now, right here in America. We are about to be overtaken by a led mob, not realizing it is being manipulated. And, unless we rise up and defeat it, we are done. America is about to be put paid. Over. Done.
11) But that is NOT my prediction. We face that threat. That's why I just stated it as I did. The threat is real, more real than any threat America has ever faced. It's real. But it will not defeat us. That's my actual prediction, my call. We will not let it be.
12) Here's why. We remain a Common Sense people. We still have minds that we have not surrendered. We know that criminals who take over 7 blocks worth of territory in Seattle are nothing but thugs. We will not allow this. It will not stand.
13) Please understand, I know how wrong I may be. It may well be that we, America, will let Seattle go. And then the State of Washington. And then the cities and states that lean left may follow. It may happen.
I just say it won't. I say we Americans face our threats.
14) But we must be clear. This is Civil War, right now. Seattle has commenced the process of secession. That is how a Civil War begins.
15) Let's drop down a level. Why? Why is America facing a Civil War? The lines may easily be drawn.
Statism versus Individualism.
Who matters more? The state...or you?
16) I am an individualist and I suspect so are you. I do not worship on the altar of the state. For me, the state has a single purpose. Its purpose is to protect my rights. Why? Because I am only one, and the mob is many. The mob will steal my rights.
17) With the invaluable help of my friend @shestokas, I have learned that America is the ONLY nation ever founded on the principle of individual freedom. Imagine that. An entire nation's full power is directed to protect the rights of just one individual. That is America.
18) I do NOT yet have the data I require. I cannot and am not calling November's election today. If I were, it would be for Trump's reelection. Biden is an even worse candidate than was HRC. Yet, I cannot make the call. You get that I don't yet have my data, yes?
19) If it were for that alone, I would not speak, I wouldn't say anything about the coming election yet. I'd talk about a lot of stuff, I'm a very talkative guy. But, the data for the election not being there, yet, I'd say nothing on topic. So, why am I? I have a confession.
20) The integrity of our vote has been compromised. Yes, voter fraud. I have attempted to deny its importance. I have failed. It is important. We do not know that this coming election will not be stolen. We have to go slowly here.
21) What is a Democracy? It is nothing other than majority vote. Why does that matter? The vast majority of totalitarian dictatorships have commenced their reign of terror by Democratic vote. Hitler was elected. Stalin was elected. Democracy leads to dictators. Popular dictators.
22) America is NOT a Democracy. Rather, it IS a Constitutional Republic. The vote rightly always goes to the majority. But, the vote alone is NOT the basis of our nation. Our nation is founded upon principles that transcend the vote. You do not find freedom in the vote alone.
23) In America, the vote is NOT allowed to abridge your individual freedom. The vote may not state that you may not vote, no matter how many voters agree. You cannot destroy the vote, by controlling the vote. In America, you cannot make Lenin the President.
24) Ponder the beauty of that. To be President of the United States, you must submit to the freedom of each individual American. You must surrender to each American's freedom. You cannot jail any America by whim, in spite of being President. You are constrained.
25) Our courts are corrupt. So also is our Congress. And, up until Trump, so also has been our executive. Stick with me. Three branches of government.
1) Legislative
2) Executive
3) Judiciary
And pay attention. That is the order, the proper order.
26) We hold Congressional elections every two years. The House of Representatives is our most important Federal body. It most reflects our will as a people.
The Executive and the Senate only suffer election every 4 years.
27) Why don't we have Senators for life? Why is our President not a king? Why don't his heirs automatically inherit the throne? It's simple. The ultimate sovereign in America is the individual. He votes his mind, for his own interest, individually.
America created that.
28) Leninism, collectivism, is simply regression. The king is king over all. All power to the king. What is law? What the king desires to be law. What are rights? They are only what the king allows to be righted, by his whim. There are no fundamental rights. Just king's rights.
29) We, in America, are stronger than this. We will not let Seattle establish a Leninist zone. We will crush this as we rightly must. We will not surrender the state of Washington to these insurrectionists. We will crush them. Freedom demands we must.
30) There cannot be freedom without an honest constabulary, a civilian controlled military, or honest courts. All three are required.
Trump will make it so again.
That is my faith.
Thread ends at #30.