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Judge Sullivan the Rook - 51st Analysis - 14 May 2020

Pasquale Scopelliti

Updated: Jul 3, 2020

14 May 2020 #PardonFlynnNow Analysis

When a Friend of the Court is the Enemy of Justice

In the historic chess match of Obama vs Trump, the first betrayal of an administration against its obligation to the peaceful transfer of power, Sullivan is a Rook.

2) It is by now obvious to all and sundry that Sullivan is beyond an activist judge. He is a partisan hack. He is an operator, an operative. He takes his orders and marches. Let us look cleareyed as the current steps taken in his hit job to destroy General Flynn. 

3) “Upon consideration of the entire record in this case, it is hereby ORDERED that the Court exercises its inherent authority to appoint The Honorable John Gleeson (Ret.) as amicus curiae to present arguments in opposition to the government’s Motion to Dismiss,” the judge wrote. 

4) “[I]t is further ORDERED that amicus curiae shall address whether the Court should issue an Order to Show Cause why Mr. Flynn should not be held in criminal contempt for perjury... 

5) "...pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 401, Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 42, the Court’s inherent authority, and any other applicable statutes, rules, or controlling law.” 

6) The article summarizes this order as: "The two-pronged order  (1) appoints a former federal judge to argue against dismissing the case; and  (2) considers holding Flynn in criminal contempt for perjury." 

8) Note especially, in this quote, the two terms "cases" and "controversies."  "Harvard Law School professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz argued that judges are “umpires,” not “ringmasters”: 

9) “If the litigants come to an agreement, there is no controversy. The case is over. … Judge Sullivan should get back to the business of deciding actual controversies and get out of the business of producing political shows.” 

10) With yet again broken heart returned, I recall the collegial and strong friendship between the late Justice Scalia and Ruth Bader Ginsburg. His assassination rankles and his unavenged ghost haunts me. (Not literally, figuratively haunts me.) 

11) “[C]ourts are essentially passive instruments of government.” And, They “do not, or should not, sally forth each day looking for wrongs to right. [They] wait for cases to come to [them], and when [cases arise, courts] normally decide only questions presented by the parties.” 

12) I have not been a court watcher ever since a judge broke my Constitution Right to represent myself in a civil case against a man who broke his contractual obligation to me. I attempted to sue him. The judge literally cursed, get out of my expletive deleted court. F bomb. 

13) My response was the never write a contract for my consulting services again. We agree by handshake. I get paid a fixed sum up front, expended at risk in hope of an unsure beneficial outcome. I give no refunds. We operate by trust, until trust is broken or value completed. 

14) This was early in my career, long ago. I have operated without the benefit of contractual redress of wrongs ever since, as I deemed the courts not worthy of my trust. I let them go. And I was just a solitary, truly small, independent businessman. No national stakes at play. 

15) In today's moment, we have the very fate of our Constitutional Republic at stake. And we suffer under the corrupted grip of a black robed man who has embraced lawlessness as his method. 

16) A judge is rightly, and only, a referee overseeing cases and controversies. The moment their no longer a case or a controversy, the judge must call the end of the endeavor. This is most truly, and only, a walk away moment. Move on. There is nothing more to see here. 

17) But this judge has revealed his passionate motive, and clearly, his obligated commitment to take Flynn down. Flynn's silence and destruction can now be understood as his only wish, his passionate dedication. He has utterly and completely broken his obligation to dispassion. 

18) He has utterly and completely broken his obligation to disinterest. He is, in fact, and obviously and irrefutably, a very, very interested party. His interest is now revealed without question, beyond the shadow of a doubt. His oath of office is a sacrilege to his office. 

19) Thus, we yet again return to the question of exoneration vs pardon, a pardon of innocence. If there is any mechanism that released General Flynn, and America, from this travesty of injustice, I will honor it. My greatest case for pardon has always been time. 

20) No other remedy I am aware of may be completed in 15 minutes, but the decision of a single man. How long will America tolerate the depths of depravity and injustice this spectacle of perfidy has become? How long will we wait as justice is not only slow, but in severe doubt? 

21) How long will we wait while injustice reigns? Who remembers the phrase we have so many times pledged, "with liberty and justice for all?" Who remembers the Constitutional requirement that justice must never be delayed? At what point do we awaken to injustice? 

22) I doubt I have yet adequately expressed a secondary, but perhaps equally important case for the pardon. I have come to believe that it expresses the very reason we have a chief executive as our nation's leader. A case such as this may only be rightly redressed by him. 

23) I've come to believe we have not invested properly, deeply and rightly enough into the full understanding of these three terms: 1) Egregious 2) Misconduct 3) Of Government My friend @NADC10Fan has commenced his study of Seditious Conspiracies. He will be our teacher. 

24) In this moment, however, I wish to charge each of you to stop whatever you're doing elsewhere and count the three terms above out, out loud, please. Read that little list, and do not care if you pronounce them properly or know what each term means. Just say them. 

25) To the degree you're comfortable, you may commence your meditation. If not comfortable work on it. That is look them up and focus first on proper pronunciation until each term rolls comfortably off your tongue so you may speak them with confidence. 

26) To the degree your mind knows these terms, you may begin your meditation. If not, look them up. Research them. Do you know the term etymology? It is the history of a word's evolution through time. Its literal and figurative roots. Look these terms up in that manner. 

27) The meditation upon Egregious Misconduct of Government is mandatory. So profound an attack must be more than merely followed, it must be felt. If you have no anger, no rage, your meditation is not complete. 

28) It has been said that government is nothing more than a mob which allows organization and rules. Yet, a mob remains a mob, and we each of us have a mobbing instinct deep within our souls. We will NOT let go of law. We are not bent officials. But we must access our inner mob. 

29) We need an executive empowered to guide this mobbing motive, and express it over egregious misconduct of government. That is why a pardon of innocence has always been the greatest solution to this so-intractable problem. It is the act of a sheriff. Chief Sheriff. 

30) I say America must embrace the construct of a pardon of innocence, so that our Chief Executive may right this wrong. The truth is that this is Obama vs Trump. The move is Trump's. You know where I stand. Please, Sir, #PardonFlynnNow by a #PardonOfInnocence Thread ends at #30. Resolve continues and intensifies forward. 


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