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It Is Time To Redirect

Pasquale Scopelliti

31 July 2020 #PardonFlynnNow Analysis It Is Time To Redirect I was angry last night, yet, I stand behind what I posted, retweeted here below. I am angry now. To the degree I slept, it was an angry sleep. We have failed our hero and we must redirect our efforts.

2) Those of you who know me well, know that I live by something I call The Law of Failure Analysis. The world is large. We are small. Failure Analysis is built on the silly proposition we may win anyway. We may face the great world, spit, and win. We may.

3) We often don't. We just don't face the large world in its power and its venom, its evil forces, its blind stupidity. We often surrender to the vast might of the world and believe in our small tininess, and protest our failures as successes that were not possible.

4) In a warm, loving, and oh so truly kind way, Failure Analysis looks at us with a sad smile and, forget the world and its power. Redirect. Turn your face away from what foiled you and look within. What power did you have, but failed to employ?

5) We are taught by the world to leave the land of would have, should have, and could have behind. It's of no account, we are told. We are told wrong. It is precisely in that world that our greatest lessons await us.

6) Failure Analysis is built on the very possibly foolish belief that what we might have done, but didn't, matters. What we could have done, but didn't, counts. And most of all, what we should have done, but didn't, is where we find our inner demons in all their evil power.

7) Buh, buh, but what could we have done, yet didn't? We could have taken off our blinders as a movement. Yes, us, the MAGA Movement. We are law abiders. We support our government and believe in our Constitution. We send our children to risk life and limb for our freedoms.

8) We believe in our courts, in their fairness, prudence, and integrity. We believe in our judges. We honor them. We are in awe of them. When told, we rise and stand reverently in court while the judge enters, and sits, installed in power and glory. He sits, and when told we sit.

9) What is this power and glory? It is the law. It is judgement at law that he is empowered to oversee. And yet... How are we blind? When the judge overrides, rather than oversees the impartial application of law with no respect of person, we let him. He is, afterall, the judge.

10) Question: What is the difference between a Calabrian and a Sicilian? Answer: 10 miles of water called the Strait of Messina. My family is Calabrese, yet I often just call myself a Sicilian. Today, I am Sicilian. And in Sicily, we know better than to trust a judge.

11) In Sicily, we have lived under corrupt power (forget the word government) for 1,000s of years. Its cancerous reach is everywhere. Corruption controls every single well of water across our dry land. Water is power. Corruption loves water. There is no safe place. Comply or die.

12) We look at a judge and we see the corrupt power he is run by. Wealth, politics, religion, all conspire to keep us under their great collective thumb. The judge simply executes what his masters instruct him to execute. And we are brittle with hatred and despite.

13) Be clear, we know we are not without sin. We comply. And complying, we embrace. We become very, very good at corruption, ourselves. I know, sir, I forgot to pay my fee for the water from the well, but come to my home and we'll take care of it together.

14) A lovely bowl of pasta. A warm glass of pungent wine we brew ourselves at home. A few bits of change change hands. Problem solved, and we're much better friends now than we were before. We finish with some coffee. Maybe a bit of Strega and our friendship is sealed. 15) Strega, you ask? "Strega is the Italian word for "witch" and since legends of witchcraft at Benevento date back to the time of the Lombard invasion, it was a natural choice of name for the liqueur. The liqueur is sometimes called "the witch" in the English-speaking world."

16) So we came to America. We believed in America. We prospered in America. And with our growing wealth, we tapped into an ancient corruption seated in American Courts that we recognized and knew only too well. The corruption of judges, and of justice turned unjust.

17) I was there in 2017 as the American Injustice system turned against @GenFlynn. I knew he was 100% innocent. I knew that "the law," the corrupt pretenders of law, targeted him for purely political reasons, which is to say enjoying their corruption, they protected it.

18) I knew, and stated on public record, that the ONLY crime we knew of was committed against General Flynn. We're often that the NSA recording of his conversation was normal. Okay. We're told that unmasking occurs all the time, and must. Okay.

19) We are then told that there is no crime in unmasking. Wait. No. Hold on. Unmasking is, by law, NOT to be done for political reasons. To do so is a crime. It was obvious that Flynn's unmasking was 100% political, criminal thereby. It was the first crime we know of.

20) Everyone admits that leaking an unmasked name is a crime. Everyone does, really. But, we're immediately told, it happens all the time, and besides, Obama had loosened the definition of illegal unmasking and expanded those with unmasking power, so, no harm no foul, etc.

21) To leak the name was criminal. But a corrupt justice system will in no way seek out and prosecute the perpetrators of that crime. It's an okay crime. No problem. This corruption runs deep. It's a rigged system. Dirty through and through, just like Sicilian "justice."

22) We call the corrupt power structure in DC by the euphemistic term, The Swamp. It's a good term. I approve. But it remains a euphemism for something far more dangerous and destructive. It is actually a Mafia. It is a protection racket, and the judges are dirty.

23) The Capo di Tutti Capi, current Boss of Bosses, heading up this Mafia is none other than our previous President. If our law was law, Obama would be behind bars, likely in the same Federal Penitentiary as Hilary Clinton. But in America, the law is lost. It is no longer law.

24) I have two legal heroes, great mind, pure patriots both: @shestokas and @TPCLJ. Either of them can explain the legal niceties of an En Banc hearing, the one now scheduled for 11 August, 2020. I can give you what is simple and clear. The term is "cases and controversies."

25) A judge ONLY OVERSEES, cases and controversies, and is never a party to such cases. He is a neutral arbiter who's only interest it the fair application of law with NO respect of persons. The law is that if he enters the case as an interested party, he is NO LONGER its judge.

26) In General Flynn's case, there is no case. There is no controversy. Yet Judge Sullivan has entered in, with prejudice as a party with NO STANDING yet acting as if he were still impartial. He is the definition of partiality. He should be dismissed, awaiting his impeachment.

27) Oh wait. Impeachment occurs in Congress. Congress will NEVER Impeach Judge Sullivan. He therefore faces precisely zero risk of being defrocked no matter how utterly egregious his misconduct of power may be. He is 100% safe, no matter what. That is not law. That is anti-law.

28) Back to early 2017. Illegal unmasking, combined with illegal leaking, were the ONLY crimes we had in front of us. Yet, no action was taken to protect General Flynn's Constitutional rights. He was the victim. They the perpetrators, and I say again, I knew it, then.

29) Yesterday's decision to push forward with a corrupted En Banc hearing is yet another destruction of General Flynn's Constitutional rights. But who is kidding whom, here? He HAS NO CONSTITUTIONAL rights. They have been demolished. He does not count at law.

30) The logic is inexorable and irrefutable. I know. I have argued this matter certainly 100s, likely 1,000s of times. People only hang out long enough to contradict me with prejudice. They don't listen. The do not respond to my arguments, because I argue unarguably.

31) In addition to being blind, trusting Americans (not clear eyed, cynical, distrusting Sicilians like me), they fight for exoneration by a court. As if the court could or would. It can't. It won't. I always say I'd love to be wrong, as I am, also a blind trusting American, too.

32) All this was 100% proven in December of 2018, by Judge Sullivan's illegal outburst, calling General Flynn a traitor, the most severe crime in our entire legal system. He should have been impeached and defrocked immediately. Yet my first reaction was to defend him.

33) It took me some several weeks, into January 2019, before I realized Judge Sullivan is nothing but a well guard in a Sicilian dry land. He guards the assets of the American Legal & Political Mafia. That's all. He's just a normal, protection racket thug.

34) So I honestly confess, I have the same blind faith in courts as any patriotic American. It's just that my Sicilian soul knows better. I get what it means to control the well. I took my blinders off in January 2019, and the've been off ever since.

35) When creating and ratifying our Constitution, there was a single kingly power that made it through the gauntlet of opposition due to fear of tyranny. It was the Power of Pardon. It stayed in, barely, as a counter balance of mercy against the heavy weight of justice.

36) In the heat of the moment, our founders made a very small, forgivable, and understandable error. They assumed the pardon would be used solely for the guilty. They stated nothing about the innocent facing a corrupted legal system. They failed to go there.

37) But, we've all forgotten something. No right or power NOT prohibited reverts to the states or the people. And, the executive is empowered to right wrongs by executive decree. Thus, a pardon of innocence, not being proscribed, remains 100% legal and right, just not understood.

38) Along with trust in a corrupted court system to offer exoneration for innocence, Americans remain blind to the power, and the righteous goodness of a pardon of innocence. All it takes is an executive order. That's it. 15 minutes and done.

39) What the founders got 100% correct was their system of checks and balances among the three entities of our Federal System. A pardon of innocence is the single most important, and missing element in this system of checks and balances. It needs to be created by order.

40) Our court system has NEVER required this check more than now, more than in the case of General Flynn and his stolen, destroyed Constitutional rights. The courts cannot succeed in correcting themselves. Therefore, it is up to the current executive to do so.

41) More than any other element of my irrefutable argument, is this logic of executive correcting the corrupted judiciary, that my so-patriotic, fellow Americans, fail to absorb, or even reply to. No one has to date. No one seems to remember that it must be a pardon of innocence.

42) There is a group of people who absolutely DO get the logic, and it is those in the DOJ who run its Office of Pardons. By policy, and not by law, they require an admission of guilt prior to receiving the grace of pardon. They knew what they were doing. Hat's off to them.

43) This oversight by our founders, and perfect sight by our bureaucrats, our Mafia Underlords, holds all the logic of religious power employed by prosecutors of the law. This is a conflation of State and Mafia and Church. Sound familiar? Remember control over the wells?

44) Perhaps we should call it the Flow of Power, of Corrupted Power. Exactly as water flows and we find it pooling, welling under the earth, so also does power, and especially corrupted power flow. It has its own logic of force and execution in real time.

45) Bowing in real humility, I present myself as a Machiavelli qualified analyst of Power Flows. And my great tool, my weapon, my instrument at work is, as mentioned above, Failure Analysis. We turn to our failure in service to General Flynn now.

46) Any physicist or warrior will easily point out how power must be concentrated and targeted in order to be effective. If a group fails to coalesce and agree to the desired, the necessary outcome, then that outcome will not, cannot occur.

47) This is my failure as an activist. I have failed to persuade our movement what we most coalesce around. I have failed to complete the mission of logical persuasion. I have allowed the confusion to stand, and surrendered the field of fight thereby. I have failed, so far.

48) My audience has failed too. I have come close to presenting the logic properly. But, until this moment, I never brought the truth of the evildoers' Mafia organization into the light of clarity. In fact, before this analysis, I never used or mentioned that logic, at all.

49) Previously, I have never clarified the necessity and rightness of a pardon of innocence as a required check and balance employed by the Executive Branch against the Judicial Branch, in time of egregious corruption of law. In a word, I have failed to sell. Yes, sell.

50) In selling we sell, persuade, and close. Coffee is for closers. In this grave matter, I have failed to earn my coffee. But selling is never over until the salesman gives up, and goes away, giving up his mission. That I have never done. But still, I have not closed.

51) Here's a final point of failure to identify. Concentration of force, where a movement coalesces around a single cause, is a function of mental focus and clarity. There is so much going on. It feels impossible to garner focus on the required course of action.

52) When I started the #ClearFlynnNow movement, it received 100% of my social media endeavor. I focused on nothing else. That succeeded. As demonstrated on Hannity last night, General Flynn's lost Constitutional Rights were worthy of little more than one minute.

53) Right now, my own mission is to build a fair and honest polling outfit called

. I cannot stop that mission. It is absolutely mission critical for the greater mission of Making America Great Again.

54) Yet for all that, we MUST NOT continue to fail our hero and leader. We must become his posse, demanding our innocent leader's immediate return to us. We must focus on this, concentrating our force on that one target. What about this: #JusticeForFlynn?

55) You may have noticed that I love the word "now." Yet the term "justice" already incorporates that term. By my count, Amendments I and IV - VIII have all been stolen from General Flynn. To go deeper, check here:…

56) To redress these grievous wrongs, we must build and sustain this focus with all we are. Please read @shestokas work above. And I invite my great friend @TPCLJ to link us to her work on topic here, also, please.

57) Yes, we must win POTUS attention to the precise matter of a #PardonOfInnocence, and to please #PardonFlynnNow. But we must do more. We must campaign, very literally. In our movement we have many unbelievably great campaigners. We must seek their full attention.

58) There are traditional methods. Letters to Congressmen, Senators, even, yes, Editors of News outfits. There are new platforms, right now dominated by podcasts. And there is always the defense fund to support, and so many other tools.

59) But most of all we must find our way back to honest law, that honors the rights of all, with absolutely no respect of persons, which means never employing different consequences or benefits to the great and mighty, but another to the weak and ground down.

60) Find our way back. Picture yourself as a parent seeing an umpire treating one child's strikes and errors one way and your child's a different. That umpire is bent, and exhibiting respect application of rules. This one child gets more respect than the other. What would you do?

61) The formal term is that you petition for the redressement of your child's rights under the rules. You may scream at the Umpire. You may discuss this with all your fellow parents. You may approach leadership directly. You may call meetings. You may speak. You have voice.

62) It is this that I cry out for. I cry out that you find the logic of redressing General Flynn's loss of rights, and stand and speak and be heard and demand that you be heard. Do not sit down. Do not shut up. And yes, the judge may throw you out with contempt of court.

63) As a citizen of the great nation, I say the court is in contempt and must be chastened, publicly, loudly, powerfully, unforgettably. I say again it is the court that is in contempt and that is what I have for it, complete contempt. I judge this court to be false.

64) If you love Flynn as I do, if you love freedom as a patriotic American, I ask you to rise up with my cry the call of freedom on behalf of our friend. I'll end below with more deep recommendation relative to @shestokas great work.

65) I urge you to read this book, and as you dive in, to remember General Flynn and his plight at loss of legal, Constitutional rights. There is no better book within which to learn your rights, and also, General Flynn's stolen rights. #JusticeForFlynn…

Thread ends at #65.


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