1) Although we #PardonFlynnNow supporters must complete our #DreyfusFlynnInsights work today, I do have to spout off about yet another poll about how America has turned against Trump relative to the Impeachment, first.
2) I did a quick check on the poll methods of the ABC/Washington Post poll. Here's their basic model, covering a mere 1,003 interviews:
Dems - 29%
Repubs - 23%
Independents - 38%
I know that's only 90%. Hmm.
3) Let's look at the Dems vs Repubs alone, forgetting about the Independents and the 10% plus that's unaccounted for. If you take 6 percentage points away from Repubs and give those points to Dems, you've actually altered your poll by 12%.
4) I laugh anymore when I see a margin for error. In this poll, it was given as a precise 3.7%. In the very model of the poll we find a 12% leaning. Picture a hand. Picture it filled up with ham. Ham fisted. Now, picture it leaning down on a scale, a balance.
5) So, why? Why was a model acceptable with 6% more Dems than Repubs? It's a NATIONAL model. It is NOT and Electoral College model, that's why. It weights California and New York VASTLY more than it weights all the states in between.
6) In essence the poll - again, of a mere 1,003 people - is saying is that California and New York want Trump Impeached. Even with their mere 1,003 interviews, if you lay the Electoral College over the data, voila, the nation LOVES Trump. Horrors. They can't stand the truth.
7) Something, likely obviously, just hit me. Exactly as @GenFlynn is suffering an illegal prosecution - as did Dreyfus - so also is @realDonaldTrump. First there was the Russia Hoax, perpetrated by the same DOJ the persecutes Gen Flynn.
8) Second, and continuously, we now have the Impeachment Scam. I have to talk about analysis again for a moment. My method comes from geometry. First, we have a point, 1 point of data. Next, we have a 2nd point. We now draw a line. Then, we project. Where might a 3rd point fall?
9) The take down of Gen Flynn, the Russia Hoax, and now the Impeachment Scam, they're all just points upon a single line. The Democrats have lost their hold over America. The swamp is in freefall. The MSM is imploding in its ratings. The globalist Republicans are quitting.
10) The evils of a state over its own people are growing eve r clearer, and yes, sadly, our American State has grown evil over we, its people. Most especially over one American hero, @GenFlynn. So now, let's turn back the Dreyfus Affair for its historic guidance.
11) In the Dreyfus Affair there was a brother - the exact equivalent of @JosephJFlynn1 - who NEVER gave up or gave in. His name was Mathieu Dreyfus. He was a rich industrial executive, as is Joe Flynn, today. Let's return to our source...
12) "Mathieu Dreyfus was convinced of his innocence. He was the chief architect of the rehabilitation of his brother and spent his time, energy and fortune to gather an increasingly powerful movement for a retrial in December 1894, despite the difficulties of the task."
13) Friends, I've spoken with the Flynns. This quote represents how they feel, yet it is from more than 100 years ago:
"After the degradation emptiness was around us. It seemed to us that we were no longer human beings like others, we were cut off from the world of the living."
14) If you read yesterday's analysis, you saw how Dreyfus was degraded, formally, to include the breaking of his military sword. Remember, please, he was 100% innocent. How must the Flynn family feel over their brother's degradation?
15) Lucie was Dreyfus' wife. Lori is Gen Flynn's wife. They too, are equal. The letters from Lucie, which found their way to Alfred in Devil's Island, are what kept him alive. He'd have surrendered without his wife's love. That's the power of family.
16) The story ends well for the Dreyfus family. It does NOT end well for France. Dreyfus, finally released and eventually reinstated in his military career, ended up just fine. France did not do so well.
17) In a world of infinite complexity, France's antisemitism placed it squarely within Hitler's vision. Map it out. When Hitler took over France, it could have resisted utterly. It did not. The resistance was weak, courageous, but weak. Why? It shared values with Hitler.
18) France's leaning toward antisemitism remains in force to this day. But, let's let go of the vast global dynamics. Dreyfus was innocent. The government that prosecuted him knew he was innocent. Had it not been for Dreyfus' family, they'd have gotten away with it.
19) There are cases in history, legal cases that matter. Gen Flynn's case is just such a case. Perhaps one of, if not the MOST important such case ever. The court system has corrupted itself. We've discussed this. Me? I have no trust left.
20) So, I conclude, let's walk away. The court, corrupted as it is, has no justice to offer. The only justice possible, as I see it is: Please, Mr. @POTUS, #PardonFlynnNow by a #PardonOfInnocence
