1) Friends and fellow supporters of the #PardonFlynnNow movement, I've discovered a logical gap that pervasively disables our side from comprehending the nature of the other side, and we must begin by naming both sides, right now. Let's work on this together.
2) @realDonaldTrump's name for us, our side, is the MAGA movement, and at the level of national elections, nothing could be more powerful. At the level of general culture, this has been a turning point like no other we've ever seen. Yet, we have many battles yet to win.
3) And the other side holds powers that most of us cannot understand. We, most of us, do NOT know our enemy. That is a dangerous condition. I'll come back to naming in a moment, first, consider our current challenge relative to the Impeachment. Their tactics are improving.
4) In the first polls relative to Impeachment, I was able to analyze them for their flagrant manipulations. They were simply false. But, the MSM and the Democrats in Congress were able to use them to prop up their stalling efforts and voila, they're getting their message out.
5) Today's poll, from Quinnipiac, is much more well-constructed. It at least crosses the 1,500 interviews mark, which should always be a bare minimum, and its sampling is much more balanced. Attacking its findings is not the easy task of previous steps on their path.
6) Mind, I'm NOT saying that their findings are true, not at all. I AM saying that the other side - the one we need to better name - is making headway in taking control of the message. It's tempting to discuss the transformation from a mere PSYOP into a major campaign.
7) What the other - not yet properly named - side is winning is simply this. Trump did something wrong. The word Impeachment itself is being degraded before our very eyes. They're not Impeaching, they're investigating. Yet, the entire swamp crew goes right along, IMPEACHMENT.
8) The proper term for today's Quinnipiac poll is an "inflection point." This is the moment, right now, when the lie begins to become the truth. Our side - also not properly named yet - tries to get the word out, the polls are false, we say, and we're right, until we're not.
9) I will offer a fatal flaw that I am 100% certain still remains in today's poll. It is done by the traditional sampling purporting to cover all of America: 1,500 or so souls, in their current opinions, representing we 350 million. But granting them that, there remains an issue.
10) Our Constitutional Republic still recognizes the power of our states in the form of our Electoral College. To say America thinks this, or America thinks that, by polling, is NOT to say, America will vote this or America will vote that. They do NOT use Electoral Votes, at all.
11) These are called POLITICAL polls. But, they - even the most well executed among them - do NOT reflect political truth, at all. I promise, if the Electoral College districting was employed, you'd get a 100% different outcome from the exact selfsame poll.
12) And all of that is assuming that the questioning method was fair, and not ham-fisted in its tilt. That is NOT an assumption I believe, just one I'm always happy to grant for hypothetical purposes. Also, it is very unrealistic of me, generous, if you will.
13) Stick tightly now. One false poll, then a second. Some portion of public perception now moved by the lies, a third poll doesn't need to be so obviously false, the lies have sunk in, a bit. But still, the poll is used for evil purposes. And that brings us to our question...
14) What is their name, their real name? It cannot be merely the MSM, they'd have no power at all if it weren't for the DNC and the Democrats in Congress. But Congress is not, cannot be the Deep State, as they are elected in and out, so it's not just Democrats.
15) The simple definition of the Deep State is career federal employees who are never elected, never held to account, and who serve the Democrat agenda and oppose the Republican vision. Oh wait, what difference is there between Democrats and Republicans? None. Alas.
16) I say again, stick tight. This goes back. Roosevelt and Taft were Republicans. Wilson and Roosevelt the 2nd were Democrats. They all held one thing in common: Progressivism. They stole the word "progress." We have allowed them to call themselves Progressives.
17) With the sole exception of Reagan - who was not immune to Progressive dogma - every other President of the 20th and 21st Centuries until @realDonaldTrump were all Progressives. And what do progressives progress towards? A single global government.
18) And what is the price of this government? Individual freedom. Look at Hong Kong right now. A promise was made in 1997, that individual freedom would be respected. Now, in 2019, China is ready to wipe it out. This is precisely what is being sold to us in America.
19) We were close to naming this evil cabal in the 1950s. There was this thing called the House Un-American Activities Committee. It came close, but was defeated by our enemies. And, it had the wrong name. Un is simply far too weak a term to carry the burden.
20) Who are we? We are the Americans. We are Pro-America. We are America Firsters, absolutely. But we don't need qualifiers. We are just Americans. Inside that name is the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. That is who we are.
21) Who are they? They are the anti-Americans. Yes, they're the swamp, of course. Yes, they are the entire leadership of the Democrat Party, the MSM, the Deep State and all their minions and operatives. They are corrupt city governments and education system officials everywhere.
22) They are the pollsters, even at Quinnipiac, tipping the scale toward Impeachment under the pretense that they're being truly scientific. They're not, they're just disguising their tilt better. They don't know they're anti-American, but that's not their fault.
23) It is our fault, we sleeping Americans, only now waking up to rub the sleep sand from our eyes. We have allowed this entire fiasco by electing and reelecting anti-American representatives again and again and again. Shame on us. We hold the blame, not they.
24) We're not done. I wish we were. It is perhaps our greatest weakness, a logical gap in our minds, that we fail to judge judges for their anti-American leaning. We fail to judge the judicial system for its anti-Americanism. The system has corrupted itself. Can you hear that?
25) Logic. Perhaps that's where they get us. Our hearts are stronger, I fear, than our minds are. We allow logic to escape into the air like snowflakes or butterflies. We suffer from a hellacious lack of logic. I return, as an American, a pro-American, to @GenFlynn's case.
26) We already know that the prosecution is illegal. Need I type that, shouting, in all caps. Okay. GEN FLYNN'S PROSECUTION IS AN ILLEGAL ENDEAVOR. His prosecutors are criminals. They have perverted the law of America. They are anti-Americans to a man.
27) Yet we, we weak ones on our own side, we weak pro-Americans, still trust the court. The court has honored, has enshrined an anti-American, illegal prosecution, as if it had legal standing under the Constitution. Linger with me here. Remember, words count.
28) You've all heard the term "weaponized DOJ." What does that mean? It means that the prosecutorial arm of the US Government has been turned against America Herself. The DOJ has become America's enemy within. And where was Flynn's prosecution empaneled? The DOJ.
29) So, I have to ask all you who still trust the court as the venue for Flynn's exoneration: how do you do that? How do you dismiss an illegal prosecution as a factor, and still beg the court for his "proper" exoneration? The court has disqualified itself. It is anti-American.
30) I have an historical precedent I've shared on multiple occasions, yet no one, not one "trust-the-court" person has ever argued against. Senator Ted Stevens was exonerated at court, a few weeks prior to his death in an airplane accident. Exonerated 100%.
31) And yet, the loss of Senator Stevens' vote in the Senate was precisely the gain that the Obama team needed to pass Obamacare. Obama got everything he needed from Steven's false prosecution. And by whom, again? Oh yeah, the DOJ. Bush's DOJ we might add.
32) Yes. 43. George W. His DOJ prosecuted Stevens falsely. Why don't we talk about that more? Have you heard anyone talk about that? I haven't. And what was the Constitutional remedy for the loss of an innocent Senator's seat? None. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Nothing. No remedy.
33) The courts are anti-American. I have to offer another example. Solitary confinement for Paul Manafort. I haven't and can't take up his case into my analytical purview. I have to follow my focus. But I can say that his solitary confinement was 100% anti-American.
34) Gen Flynn, still prosecuted by an illegal prosecution, continues to suffer for a single fact. He was a 100% pro-American National Security Advisor at a moment in history when the anti-Americans could NOT afford to allow such a thing to happen.
35) Please, please, make no mistake. Taking out Flynn was absolutely and 100% the necessity the anti-Americans had to accomplish, first. It remains mandatory to them to hold him down, out, and silent. His return to the political arena would be their greatest blow.
36) I promise you, my friends, every single time you try to argue that the courts will exonerate him, they laugh at you. Let's say the courts do, eventually, as they did for Ted Stevens. I'd advise him NOT to use private airplanes following that. Wouldn't you?
37) So, here's the simple logic. Every bit as the polling system is anti-American against Trump, so also is the court system against Flynn. How, I simply and logically ask, is a corrupted system supposed to be the basis of exoneration? Come on, where's your logic?
38) And here's yet another point I've discussed, but no one ever seems to reply to. It was our vaunted Judge Emmet Sullivan who first convicted - obviously wrongly - and then, secondly, exonerated Stevens with NO remediation to the Constitutional loss entailed. No remedy at all.
39) That too was an inflection point. Can you feel it? I can't. It's too large for my breaking heart. Obamacare resulted. I can't expect you to do what my own heart cannot. But the connection is logically undeniable. Judge Sullivan's conviction of Stevens caused Obamacare.
Names? We are the Americans. They are the anti-Americans. They have Gen Flynn under their thumbs. They're gunning for our @POTUS. So that's why I ask you to join me in requesting:
Please Sir, @realDonaldTrump.
#PardonFlynnNow by a
