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I Thought I Opposed All War, but Was Wrong

Pasquale Scopelliti

1) I didn't follow the original Gulf War closely. I didn't realize I was no longer a socialist, although I wasn't. I was still a Democrat, and, not liking Reagan, I certainly had no reason to like Bush HW 41. Wrongly, I still thought I was a pacifist. I mean that, on both counts.

2) I thought I opposed all war, but was wrong, that is, wrong about myself. I didn't oppose all war, but wrongly thought I did. This caused me tremendous cognitive dissonance. Here's how. Bush 41 left Saddam in power, and I was disgusted by that.

3) I should have thought, well, we didn't have the right to fight the war in the first place, so it's at least a good thing that we did NOT topple the enemy's leader. But that's NOT what I thought. Rather, I thought, if you fight and win, you fought and won.

4) I paid little attention though. Just passing notice. I thought Bush 41 was a wimp. That's all the notice I paid. Then along came Clinton, and I was so happy. My wife called his victory, and I agreed, so very happily. No new taxes. 41 was just a joke.

5) And then there's China. In 1999, a book was written, translated in 2004, called Unrestricted Warfare. In this book, I'm about 1/3 of the way through, the Gulf War is analyzed as I've never seen it analyzed before. Not only is it a time machine, it's a foreign analysis.

6) Did you know that our American helicopters performed with vastly greater speed and unstoppable force than any other element of our massive campaign? I had no idea of that. Helicopters? Go figure. The Chinese took note.

7) So, why was it that Bush 41 backed off after one of the greatest victories in modern warfare? According to the Chinese analysis, it was CNN. Bush couldn't bear the look of Saddam's demise on TV. So, to be the big guy, the kind leader, he let Saddam go. TV.

8) The Chinese analysis goes further. It states, emphatically, that CNN, TV, was equally as important as the military in winning the war. Here I am in the middle of the night, not able to put the book down. I had no idea of that. Did you?

9) And no, it doesn't matter if my two Chinese analysts are right or wrong - they're most likely right! - but what matters is that they thought this, and they published their so-influential book. China views our TV channels in the same way they view our military. Take that in.

10) So, what does China do about all this? But of course...they take over our media companies. How utterly obvious. Sony. Hollywood. All under Chinese control, today. Disney. The Chinese have taken control of our media. And, ask yourself, what if they're right?

11) What if the media is, actually, every bit as powerful and necessary for any war's victory as is the military itself? Well, then no wonder. We've lost the Iraq War. No wonder. We've lost the Afghanistan War. No wonder. The media was NOT on our side in either. Hmm.

12) Cut with me forward to last night. I'm watching FOX News and I hear, absolutely conclusively, that the Coronavirus is a naturally occurring problem, NOT an engineered bioweapon. Un huh. Follow out the logic. If China blundered, then it is safe.

13) Who's asking the question of war? Should America attack China? Who's asking? The answer is almost no one. And the reason is...the media. While the media proclaims that China merely blundered, it will NOT be safe for an American President to prosecute a direct war.

14) With the media against him, no American President can call for a war on China. Sure, this or that action can be taken behind the scenes. Absolutely, and Trump will and is. But, a real war? Without the media's support, the military is, if not deneutered, than virtually so.

15) And who controls our media, now? China does. Let's talk about Sun Tzu. President Trump is a far greater student and master of Sun Tzu than any other leader in the world today, if not ever.

16) If you wish to understand Trump's perpetual harangue of "fake news," the easiest way to do so is this. China's news. China controls our news, our media. Again I say, take that in. It's not merely fake news. It is the enemy's news control. Our news. Their control.

17) Enter General Mike Flynn, @GenFlynn. He taught us that it is we, Citizen Journalists, who have the power of the truth. Even, enter Mr. Q, whoever or whatever he is. Citizen researchers. Only we may break the stranglehold of China's media power. Only we.

18) So, here's what I say. Coronavirus is, and without question or doubt, a bioweapon. It was a first strike biological weapon targeted against the world, with America as its most direct attack. The proof is in. It is the media, FOX to be included, that is lying about this.

19) I wish I was more and better organized. Here's a thought leader. @StefanMolyneux. He's done an amazing video, a full hour's worth, outlining exactly how impossible it is that this was merely a natural evolution of a virus. Here's the thing to ponder.

20) China has a bioweaponry arm of its military. And, it owns America's media. This is warfare today. This is Sun Tzu's counsel being applied by those best able. And this is the best explanation of our real situation right now, right now as I type.

Thread ends at #20.


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