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Huddles of Whispering

Pasquale Scopelliti

John Minford, #SunTzu 9: 43 "Men whispering together, huddled in small groups, are a sign of disaffection." And Lionel Giles: "The sight of men whispering together in small knots or speaking in subdued tones points to disaffection amongst the rank and file."

It's too bad we don't see them doing this so often today, because I'm sure they do. Consider the protesters outside Trump's rally in Minneapolis last night. That was obviously planned. Small groups of men whispering, huddled. What a pathetic escapade.

Pick any of the failing Democrat campaigns you wish, Swalwell for instance. Who told him he should run? Believe me, if it had been me, I'd have been whispering. How about Kamala Harris? Who's telling her she can still win? She's got no chance.

What about the ousting of Jerry Nadler from his position over the Impeachment, after he led the way, paved the way? Can't you just see the huddles of whispering, disaffected souls telling Nancy, 'Nadler's out, Schiff's in?' And what about on our side?

Who makes the decisions that this or that district is so Democrat we need not even run a Republican candidate? These huddles, by the way, often occur on teleconferences in today's world. I've only been on one, and that was plenty enough for me.

Did I tell you that story already? If so, forgive my repetition. Just in case, I'll be brief. A big shot gets on the line. His minion informs us: mute your phones. The big shot expostulates. You don't dare ask a serious question, even in the Q & A. Believe me, I know.

The whispering doesn't necessarily indicate disaffection, but boy, does everyone get disaffected if you don't whisper. Use your golf voice, your indoor voice, your restaurant voice when you speak. Nothing loud, or challenging, or even with too much intellect. It won't be welcome.

Have you noticed; Trump doesn't whisper well? You'd have to push Obama to get a slight lift in decibels, and forget about it with Bush 43, not going to happen. Bill could always raise a lascivious eye if he thought sex might result, but he too typically used soft tones.

Bush 41 could do stern well, but his voice was pretty calm, usually too. They say he wrote really great letters by hand. Funny, I never heard about that before he died. He said No New Taxes a little too loudly, don't you think? Now Reagan, that was a man who could speak.

Today's greatest whisperers are the Brennans and Clappers of our world. 1976, Brennan votes for Gus Hall, the Communist candidate. He's still whispering about his Communism, which is to say, he doesn't talk about it in public much.

Hey! Great news. Shep Smith quit FOX news today, thank goodness. Can't you hear the hushed whispers of the executives trying to persuade him to stay? The executives know that Trump - and all of us MAGA types - detest Smith. They know we're celebrating today!

One of the worst places that whispering - or worse, perfect silence - occurs, is in the halls of education over American Exceptionalism. I have a wonderful young Democrat friend who was debating with me over the meaning of equality. He told me it was originally a French thing.

Seriously? I asked him do you know when the French Revolution occurred? Silence. I asked him have you ever read the Declaration of Independence? No, he said. I about fell out of my chair. He's a brilliant and wonderful soul, but before our debate, he'd never read our Declaration.

The fact that our Declaration introduces, in 1776, the idea of political equality among men, 13 years PRIOR to the French Revolution in 1789, was a fact my young friend had never blundered into before. He has what anyone would consider an excellent education.

Far, far worse, he had no idea that our nation was the first in all of history to be founded upon ideas, ideals, and a philosophy of freedom. Our disaffected teachers merely whisper to our children about our great nation's great past, if they speak of it at all.

Would you like to know what's gotten me into most trouble in my social and work life, other than just my too loud voice? My out loud laughter. I laugh a lot. Far too much so for proper, polite society. It's worse. I have a drippingly scornful laugh, quite hurtful at times.

For a few weeks in 1992, I almost cemented a joint venture with a consulting firm, until my sarcastic laughter blew that deal right up. My politely whispering compatriot never expected his idiocy to gain an actual response from anyone. Do I sound sorry? Yean, not so much.

I truly am sorry when I hurt tender hearts of those I should protect. I work on that. But this disaffected whispering stuff, it's just not for me. And no, I don't play golf, either. I'm a raucous soul, and damned proud of it.

Let's return to Master Sun's setting, literally. Your scout is out and about and discovers a group of officers from the other side, in the forest outside camp. They're speaking in hushed tones, not wanting to be heard. Does your scout need to hear their exact words? Not at all.

Your scout can instantly wheel around and return to report their method of conversation, you don't need any specific contents. You will instantly know that you're winning. The other side's general has lost the credibility of his leadership. Command and Discipline are failing.

Trump asks raucously, last night, where's Hunter Biden? We get no answer at all. Did Hunter collect $1.5 Billion from China, or didn't he? Who knows? We get no answer from Papa Joe. What kind of whispering is going on over there right now?

Here's one thing you can know. The swamp thrives upon hushed tones of respect for persons, no matter what laws they may break. No one in the swamp says anything bad - let alone in loud tones - about HRC. She's sacrosanct. The swamp is all about persons, and their comfort.

I was thinking about just how long DC has truly been the swamp today. I can't actually date it back to 1913, and the 16th amendment, tempting as that is. But, there's no way to date it any later than 1932, with FDR's ascension. It's no less than 87 years old, now.

As we recently discussed, we might date it back to the 40's with the rise of the IMF, the World Bank, the UN, and then, ultimately in 1995, the WTO. Can you imagine loud mouthed me in any of those august institutions? Ha! They'd escort me out in minutes, if that.

No, their hushed tones and whispered conversations are not for me, and I bet they're not for you, either. Burn them down, I say. Burn them down. And I bet they're whispering about us coming to do just that, right now.

271 verses completed, 185 to go. To return to previous sections in our #WarForAmerica2020 and #SunTzuForMAGA series, don't forget to head over to @WarForAmerica21. You'll find the digital table of contents for this series, there. Please retweet each entry you enjoy.


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