1) There are many who believe that Gen Flynn is guilty by the excellent reason that he plead so. To my eye, this is the greatest victory of the entire coup attempt. Please listen to Devin Nunes testimony in this clip. @GenFlynn was innocent. He did not lie to the FBI.

2) But how could this occur? How could a sophisticated intelligence master like Flynn sucker into pleading guilty when he wasn't? And doesn't this dash his honor to smithereens? Doesn't it make him a coward, incapable of taking the heat? A turncoat?
3) I say nay, nay and nay. There really is such a thing as a victim in this world. No man has infinite power. The full force of the government was brought down on this patriot hero's head. I say his decision, given his circumstances, was 100% honorable and courageous.
4) But how? How does a man of such extraordinary service and capability get turned against himself, and plead guilty when he was in fact 100% innocent? This is a profound question. It cuts to the heart of the very idea of America Herself. We are for man against his government.
5) Tempting as it is to go back to the days of our founding, and consider the evils that Britain perpetrated against us as her distant child across the Atlantic, a better basis of understanding comes from Soviet Russia and Stalin. Stalin master the art of breaking human souls.
6) We don't have to guess about this. A man who escaped the Soviet Union, Arthur Koestler, left an eternal document for us in the form of a novel called Darkness At Noon. And what a brilliant title. Here's the wiki article about this horrifying book:
7) Why is it dark at noon? Noon here represent perfect innocence in the bright light of day. An innocence that cannot be doubted as it is so completely obvious. And yet, Stalin had the ability to block out the sun and its light, and could force darkness to descend.
8) A man's knowledge of his own innocence is the bright sunlight shining. The ability to cause that knowledge to fail is the darkness that descends. Famously, Lavrentiy Beria, Stalin's head of the secret police, stated: show me the man, I'll show you the crime.
9) Enter Covington Burling and Robert Kelner. It was Robert Kelner's job to protect General Flynn. Instead, he persuaded General Flynn that he had, unwittingly, commited a crime. His forms, his FARA - Foreign Agents Registration Act - forms had been filled out deceitfully.
10) Who was Kelner at the time? The top FARA lawyer in DC. When you've hired this man, and he tells you you have unwittingly committed a crime, you believe him. Whatever Flynn's masteries may be, they do not extend to filling out complex government forms.
11) Relying upon his defense attorney's counsel, Flynn decides he must cut a plea deal. We need not discuss the threat to Flynn's son, or all the other ramifications completely in the power of the prosecution to bring down upon his head. That story is well known.
12) So consider two moments. One, Devin Nunes stands witness for. Flynn did not lie to the FBI agents who interviewed him. Two, he did not lie when he pleaded guilty. He honestly and truly, and WRONGLY thought he was guilty, by way of signing the form.
13) I will rely upon others to work through, to grind through the intricate details of the FARA form and how the government itself led to a faulty filing for its own Stalinesque nefarious reasons. The important thing is that, we have proof of Flynn's honor in all of this.
14) There is an evil player on the government's team named Van Grack. He is the prosecutor persecuting General Flynn. He altered documents. I'm pretty sure that's a crime. Having done so, he attempted to suborn General Flynn's perjury. He failed. General Flynn kept his honor.
15) The detail is this. Van Grack removed the term unknowingly and attempted - and failed - to coerce Flynn into stating he had KNOWINGLY falsified his registration. That was the moment the Stalinesque bubble burst. Gen Flynn refused to lie. You have to contemplate that.
16) Facing the force and power of our government's limitless purse and unencumbered legal corruption, having already plead guilty, Flynn refused to lie. That tells you he had never lied up until that moment. He didn't lie in the original interview. He didn't lie when pleading.
17) Darkness at noon. In the darkness, Gen Flynn refused to surrender. I, myself, can't keep up with the timeline. I'm not certain when, exactly, Flynn fired Kelner and hired @SidneyPowell1. I can tell you this. The Stalinesque clouds began to part in that moment.
18) What is the power of the state? What is the power of just one man? This is the moment we've arrived at in America. General Flynn's case is our turning point. The evil cabal that hunts him knows this. If they bag him, they bag us. Take the best, you easily bag the rest.
19) I know this. I know we must not, and will not allow this. You cannot wipe out America Herself quite so easily as Stalin took over where the Czars left off. We are not Russian peasants. We are Jeffersonian patriots. We still live by the legacy of George Washington.
20) At noon, we will ensure the bright light of the sun shines. General Flynn is innocent. The courts are bent. This is why I have argued, again and again, it is time to... #PardonFlynnNow by a #PardonOfInnocence
