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Gen Flynn Is the Veteran's Voice

Pasquale Scopelliti

John Minford, #SunTzu 9: 53 "Command them with civility, rally them with martial discipline, and you will win their confidence."

Many of you who follow this #SunTzuForMAGA series are aware of my other great mission, #PardonFlynnNow. As loyal to @GenFlynn as I am, and I am!, my mission is NOT solely due to his need or his justice, much as he deserves it. Few seem to realize his rally powers.

There can be no doubt, however, that the Obama administration observed his ability to rally any MAGA audience, but most especially, veterans. Gen Flynn IS the veteran's voice. They'd already targeted him before. That just cemented their decision.

For those of you who may not have followed the story, under Gen Flynn's leadership, we raised over 5 million veteran votes for Trump in 2016, compared to 2012. Don't take my word. Ask @JoshuaMacias and @Al_Baldasaro. They can each fill you in.

But you can take my word in this way. The other side knows precisely what happened. They know that Gen Flynn was able to rally veterans for Trump, and that that force was beyond even their vast ability to forestall. Veterans are the most influential subgroup in America.

Consider the unbridled love, respect, and gratitude @realDonaldTrump always expresses for them. And, if you're wondering about @Al_Baldasaro, he's the one that our President asked to stand, recently, at the NH rally, and pointed him out as his "favorite vet."

I must introduce another friend here, the amazing @JohnBWellsCTM. I won't go into any details right now. But, I will tell you he has catapulted into the position of my teacher. Here's how. While I've been studying Marx for decades, his studies go further.

And if there's a single theme in John's studies that guides me, it is this. Destruction. Marx worshipped on the altar of social destruction. Please take that in. That explains so much. Why does the Left HATE @realDonaldTrump so much? He is a builder. They are destroyers.

I know, no examples are needed, but I'm going to offer just one, anyway. Consider Obama and the 2009 Cambridge Police incident. Just these words are enough: "the Cambridge police acted stupidly." This is precisely the social destruction that Marx calls for.

I must share that that was a very personal moment for me. That is, much as I disagreed with Obama's policies, I was thrilled for his election. Here, in 2009 already, though, we see he's pitting a white policeman against a black victim. That's how you destroy race relations.

Any hope of healing America's race divide due to our first Black President was obliterated in my heart in that moment. Social destruction is the ultimate tool of Marx, and Alinsky was his great translator, his great America prophet as we have discussed.

Master Sun teaches that a leader must command with civility. I know that Trump fights with all he's got and is NOT civil to his enemies. But he doesn't command them, he opposes them. When he speaks to us, his followers, he speaks with nothing but perfect civility.

When you watch any news, from FOX to any other channel, you can always see how offended their snowflake hearts are. Never before has a President been loyal to us, his followers, and ready to attack them, doyens of the swamp as they are. They're shocked and appalled.

Another point about Socialism/Communism enters in. Everyone associates wealth with capitalism. Yet, consider the vast wealth that ALL the members of the politburos of the world have always enjoyed. Every dictator is always wealthy. So also, with our own ruling elite in America.

As they send us careening toward the exact same economic collapse that all Socialist nations eventually suffer, their own wealth and privilege are virtually unchallenged, unthreatened in any way. And another point must be reiterated here, also.

They always shout about how we must fear the rise of Communist China as the looming great economic power of the 21st Century. Not so! It has built its entire economic might upon our loving gift, and its vile thefts from us. That we allow this is our shame.

What Trump has always known is that the very moment we pull our economic support away from them, the evils and weaknesses of their system will begin to crash in slow motion in upon them. Their system will fail as do all Communist systems.

Yet you'd never hear that from any of our media commentators with their politburo lifestyles. They have no fear of loss, and thus, they never speak to us, their audience, with civility or respect. Thus, we have lost all confidence in them.

Which brings me again to the topic of leadership and followership. A leader must be able to look a follower in the eye and state his respect, with civility. But he must also be ready to fight for and win the right of discipline. Followers need to be led to live up to standards.

Let's focus on the followership side of the equation. When your leader speaks to you with civility and respect but calls you to task for your failures of execution, or the weakness of your performance, you must be ready to follow his lead. There is a single great key.

That key is called Failure Analysis, and I've been teaching it since the early 1990s. I can reduce it like so: 1) What went wrong? 2) What didn't I do that I should, or did I do that I shouldn't? 3) How do we fix this now?

Any follower that brings that practice to his mission is GUARANTEED of being a great follower. And, the sort of strong leadership that Master Sun teaches about only need require that mindset from all followers in order to live up to his high bar.

To be sure, though, goose and gander and all, leadership too must lead in demonstrating the practice of Failure Analysis. When it comes to performance, this is civility itself, and respect, and dedication to the mission above all else.

281 verses completed, 175 to go. To return to previous sections in our #WarForAmerica2020 and #SunTzuForMAGA series, don't forget to head over to @WarForAmerica21. You'll find the digital table of contents for this series, there. Please retweet each entry you enjoy.


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