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Friday The 13th

Pasquale Scopelliti

13 March 2020 - #MAGAAnalysis Coronavirus I'm not a fundamentally superstitious man, but, I confess, I have a couple. One is whenever I see a full moon and the sun both. Another is Friday the 13th. They're always lucky days for me. I love them!

2) I saw the most amazing full moon in the morning, last Tuesday, and that was the first time I'd ever seen it setting as the sun rose. In all times in the past, it was the setting sun and the rising moon. The joy in my soul is beyond describing.

3) Professionally, although I coach any type of business, my specialty is recruiting. What I realized this morning, in my daily meditation, is that Coronavirus will lead us to a new and better form of recruiting.

4) Who remembers Steve Austin? We have the technology. We can make you a better man than you were before. We didn't call it this back then, but he was our first Cyborg. Coronavirus will create a new, cybernetic recruiting industry. It will better than ever before.

5) On my own account, and not for my personal fears but on behalf of my family, I have instituted a social distancing protocol. Where I would have shaken hands, until now, I now bow. It's a simple bow. I place my hands together and bow at the waist.

6) I have no fear of the Coronavirus on my own account. None. I have, as I have previously shared, a mighty immune system. It will not take me out. But, I have members of my family who are vulnerable. I'll do my best to not be a carrier on their account.

7) I am a blessed man. I have a wonderful business that I execute right from my office in my own home. That's a fantastic thing. I live in a wonderful home that offers me every joy. I can stay here, right here, in my safe haven.

8) Our water is potable, right from the faucet, but I prefer bottled water. As long as I can buy that, I will. As soon as I can't, our water will be fine. We need electricity, and if we lose that, we'll have entered a new world. I have no plan for that...yet...

9) The new world is filled with new ways to buy food. We purchase Hello Fresh weekly, already. That is fantastic. Now, there are online order and pickup services at places like Walmart and Giant. How awesome is that?

10) Being the healthiest and most robust person in our group, I can order take out food from restaurants, employ social distancing, and get the best food to bring home our town offers. You have to admit, building such strategies is a good thing, don't you?

11) My wonderful granddaughter is about to head off to highschool. I imagine this will like be her last day there until after the Coronavirus threat has past. She already has an online portal for her schoolwork. I will ADORE having her home all day, if the shutting comes.

12) And I say again, I believe this to be a form of bio-economic warfare. I believe this virus was created in China, foisted upon its own people as a means of attacking the rest of the world, and I believe I know why.

13) Trump has defeated China, and removed its economic power. He has built an economic wall that China cannot breach. The WTO is dead, ding dong, the wicked witch is dead. China's Most Favored Nation status means nothing now. Trump killed it.

14) The Chinese people are the most ancient living culture on earth. They treasure their freedom. Mao sold them a new freedom, tricking them, and then imposed the worst slavery any nation has ever suffered. They are fed up, and ready to claim their freedom.

15) Did you realize, I didn't, that the Russian Bolshevik Revolution was the SECOND, and NOT the FIRST Communist Revolution? Lenin took down the Czars in 1917. Sun Yat Sen took down the Qing dynasty in 1911. Did you know that Sun Yat Sen was Communist?

16) Chiang Kai Shek, Sun Yat Sen's good fellow, was also a complete Marxist. The Kuomintang ran China as a Communist Dictatorship until 1949, where their fellow Communist competitor, Mao Tse Tung, defeated them. Mao was even more serious in his dictatorship.

17) It boggles my mind. Why is it that we don't know that China was the first Communist nation? Truth is, though, Communism has never actually taken there. They are, yes. But more, they're the last standing monarchy, absolute monarchy.

18) No, they are not a dynastic monarchy any longer. Power does not follow a bloodline of descent. But, each Premier is, in fact, nothing other than a king. And an absolute king, rightly called a dictator.

19) As it stands, my current theory remains that Communist China realized it is under the worst existential threat it ever faced, the moment Trump was elected. So, with genius-level strategy, it released and cultivated a virus within its own most vulnerable population in Wuhan.

20) To wrap your mind around this possibility, you have to focus on the strange field of epidemiology. Strange? Indeed. We think of epidemiology as a field that dedicates itself to the public good, and here in America, that's the way our science rolls. Alas...

21) If my hellacious theory is right, what we're facing right now is an act of epidemiological warfare. We think of biological warfare as an infection disease dropped into an enemy population. But, what if you dropped it into your own population first, knowing it would spread?

22) And what if, knowing that your own Communist economy has been denuded of its global trading power, you decided to wipe out uncountable trillions of dollars of value on the world's equity markets? This would be termed, wait for it...Epidemiological/Biological/Economic warfare.

23) Let's talk about the data. I don't believe one iota of data coming out of China. Fake news is easy. Fake science is just as easy. It has been proven by the ridiculous manmade global warming malarkey that science can be abducted for political purposes.

24) So, imagine the Chinese global strategists, not giving a hoot about their own people, setting the seed of the pandemic within its population, and then, as the world's confidence collapses per plan, giving out data indicating they have it under control.

25) You cannot imagine how much I want to be wrong about all of this. I want it to be a force of nature, and a disaster they're suffering, and now we are too. I don't want their government to have such a genius plan of attack against us. I don't.

26) But, as a worst case scenario analyst, I am not given the choice. I have to envision a Communist Party facing its own demise, and using its extraordinary capabilities just this ruthlessly. That's my job.

27) Are we over-reacting. Likely. But, we're passed that question now because our reaction is underway. It won't stop until its done. Nothing you or I say will affect it much at this point. So, we must get ready to hunker down, as intelligently as we can.

28) Let's skip forward to a couple of different ends. The absolute worst case is that our food, water, and medicine supply chains collapse. We may call this the Armageddon moment. Even worse, at that point, would be an invasion of enemies on American soil.

29) Personally, I'm nowhere near calling for that. I believe in America. I believe we have the ability to respond. We are sometimes slow, but we are, once we align, inexorable, the greatest nation on earth, with the greatest capabilities. I have almost no fear of Armageddon.

30) Assuming that water, electricity, food, and medicine remain available, the next scenario can be called Hard Social Distancing. As I said above, we learn to bow, and not shake hands. We avoid group encounters face to face. Funny thing! We have the technology for this already.

31) I asked my stock buyer if we could buy some Zoom, and he said, no, we were too late. Zoom, Skype, etc., work from home will be the new normal. Go figure. I get started working from home in 1987. I must have had some wild foresight, eh?

32) What my recruiting clients are telling me is that final interviews, which used to be done at corporate HQ, are now being done over Zoom. Isn't that interesting? We will build a new virtual recruiting practice, and most of its elements are already in place. How about that?

33) Have you considered that, while commercial real estate will be taking a hit here, corporate expenses are plummeting. Have CFOs begun to realize how profitable a home-based workforce will be? Can you imagine the falling rents exploding their profits? I sure can.

34) And let's talk about real estate. Come on, admit it. Prices are insane. A normal family living in a million-dollar house is insane. I'm not talking about junk bonds and 2008 all over again. Rather, I'm just talking about actual value. A bear market is not always a bad thing.

35) No matter how rapidly we regain our senses, and come out of this total panic mode, the world that arises after will never be the same. I do forecast falling commercial real estate prices, continuing after. One people taste the joy of NOT commuting, they get addicted, fast.

36) Let's make that point another way. We don't look at expenses like offices with a cold eye. There are many illusions affiliated. We believe in the value of a place to go work with collaborative co-workers. But what if that isn't the reality? What if we lose more than we gain?

37) Can't you feel it? Remember how Thomas Jefferson adored farmers and farming? What was that? It was working from home! If the Coronavirus returns us to a more Jeffersonian America, is that certain to be a bad thing? I say not, emphatically not.

38) With rents falling off corporate expenses, I'm calling for rising corporate values. With workers learning to work from home, I'm calling for rising worker productivity. Think about it. What would you do with two extra commute hours per day that were stolen from you before?

39) I've lived my life on the telephone, and still do. But, I also do Zoom meetings, as well as face to face. Each has its place. But, I'm telling you, if I have to pick between F-T-F or Zoom, I'd do Zoom every time. It's more productive. Less time wasted and no commute.

40) So, I close today's meditation with the vision of all of us learning how to bow, and do so with style and panache as we should. Hell, maybe bowing has always been better than shaking hands. But in any case, social distancing does not have to be a bad thing.


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