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Free Speech

Pasquale Scopelliti

Updated: Jul 15, 2020

4 July 2020 #MAGAanalysis Free Speech In 2016, as far as I'm concerned, @realDonaldTrump invented something. Political Free Speech. In my entire life, I never heard a politician running for office speak freely.

2) I didn't know it back then, but I tried to do the same thing and failed miserably. I'll explain. In 2009, my son and I created a social media platform for our small family business. Rightly, I had avoided the topic of politics almost perfectly in the 7 following years.

3) After Trump came down the escalator in 2015 I started following him. I never said a word, but I watched everything he did, and was amazed. I was tempted to come out for him, but I couldn't until he won something. His entire pitch was about winning. He had to win.

4) He lost Iowa. Barely. Lyin Ted stole it. And Trump was completely gracious to Ben Carson. I was surprised by that. Not shocked but surprised. He was gracious. That's not part of his normal profile, you know? He was kind to Ben Carson. That meant a lot to me, but he didn't win.

5) He did, however, win New Hampshire. I couldn't hold out any longer. I had to tell people that I believed he'd be our next president. I knew that HRC had a lock on the Democrat nod, and I knew he'd defeat her. All of that was 100% certain to me, in my heart, at that moment. 6) So, idiot that I was, and with no plan whatsoever, I came out for Trump. Foolishly, I thought that I enjoyed political free speech. I didn't. And boy was I punished. The punishment came instantly. Not only did I become a Nazi Deplorable to so many, my business got hit.

7) As a business coach, I hold the all time record of long term service duration. I have clients I've served for years and years, and in one case, decades, literally. Every year we zero out. Every year we must win new revenues and profit over the past year. I'm good at what I do.

8) So, you can imagine my naive shock when clients I'd been working with for years and years started firing me. My clients are not just clients. They're friends. I don't just serve their business lives. I serve them as humans. I serve their families, their entire lives.

9) I believe in free speech. I believe in free selection of political leaders. Not one time, not once did I ever judge any of my clients for their politics. I have never judged any human for his politics and never would. Foolishly, I thought my client/friends would do the same.

10) I lost half my business. Half my clients fired me. Half my revenue disappeared over night. I honestly don't even know how I survived. I made it through. I did. I have no idea how I did it. What I do know is this. Unlike Trump, in 2016 I did NOT enjoy free political speech.

11) There's a happy ending. I now DO enjoy free political speech. Every one of the clients I serve, today, knows precisely where I stand on politics. I learned how to do this in 2018. Part of my journey was that I published a book, here:…

12) Please note that this book, this wonderful little book has a forward by @GenFlynn. It hasn't sold many copies, yet. But what it did do was this, relative to my business and my free speech. It let each of my clients, or prospects know who I am, where I stand.

13) 2017 was also a tough year. I didn't know how to build free speech into my business, yet. 2018 was far better, but still tough. It was in 2018 that I found my new strategy. 2019 was my best year ever, as in, in the 32 years of my business at the time, the best year ever.

14) What I learned in 2018 was very simple. I am who I am. I believe what I believe. I say what I decide to say. If a client wishes to procure my service they need to know who I am, and what I say. Today, every client I serve knows who I am and what I say in public. Free speech.

15) By the way, if you own a business, or are an executive, I'm a fantastic coach. Not only do I enjoy free political speech now, this freedom has made me far better at what I do than I could ever have imagined. Free speech, as Trump created it, is needed in business.

16) If you're interested, check out my business website, here:

17) Do you see what I just did there? I have completely integrated my business life with my political life. I support Trump. Proudly. Loudly. Completely. With no hesitation or doubt. And, I do so every bit as loudly in business as I do here at Twitter. I support Trump. Ha!

18) I support something else. I support free speech both at work and everywhere else, and I have 5 questions to offer you so that you can follow my lead. I don't pretend I'm good at these 5 questions yet. Not at all. I have a story to share.

19) Before I share my story, here are the 5 questions: 1) Will you vote? 2) Who for? 3) Who should win? 4) Who will win? 5) How do you identify: D, I, or R?

20) I want you to meditate deeply on those 5 questions. I want you to imagine them as the beginning of a free speech conversation. I want you to imagine them in business, yes in business. I want you to imagine them in your family. I believe in these 5 questions. Utterly.

21) I'll come back to my story, yesterday's story. But I have to share with you what I mean when I say, "I believe in these questions." Believe? Yes. I believe that we should be able to ask these questions of any person, at any time, in any context. This is political free speech.

22) To demonstrate, here are my answers: 1) I will vote. I have come to believe that this is my ultimate responsibility as a citizen. It is my voice. It is my power. I control my vote, sacredly. I will vote. I didn't always believe in this. It is a new belief. I will vote.

23) I will vote for President Trump's reelection. He is the greatest president in American history. He has faced and overcome opposition from his own party as no other president has had to do. He is the greatest president in American history.

24) Should? Who should win? This is, I believe, the most important of the 5 questions. I beg that you ponder. Who should win? I beg that you ponder the word "should." In order to do that, fully, we must return to 1789.

25) Should America have ratified our written Constitution? Written? Do you know that England, to this day, has no written Constitution? Do you know the old use of this term? What is a morning constitutional? It is a walk. A walk that raises your temperature and respiration.

26) In 1789 we ratified our Constitution, in writing. Our Revolutionary War began in 1776, formally. 13 years later, we ratified the Constitution that stands to this day, to the degree it still stands at all. We The People formed a More Perfect Union in 1789.

27) I assert to you this. I assert that @realDonaldTrump is the only candidate who will live up to the 1789 mandate of our nation. I also say this. Today, July 4th, 2020, I am proud of my president. He lives by the very mandates that make this day meaningful.

28) Okay then, here's yesterday's painful story. I asked one of my wonderful granddaughters to ask the 5 questions in our family's Whats App. She did. And one of our family's members viciously attacked her for doing so. Imagine that. We're a family. We do NOT enjoy free speech.

29) I don't mind confessing that my heart is broken, right now. Family is far more important than business. We have a family business. Family is the key. But, in our family, we do NOT enjoy political free speech, yet.

30) Do you know this term: where angels dare not tread? I brag. I am that man. I go where angels dare not tread, always. I am that guy. In business and in family, I go there. In all of life I go there. I go where angels dare not tread.

31) The 4th question is: who will win? I predict that Trump will win. Landslide? I don't know or care. He'll just win, landslide or no. Biden will not win. That is my call. Trump will win, again.

32) How do I identify? I remain an independent. I don't want to be one. I'd far rather being a Republican if could. I can't. I've tried. I just don't support the Republican Party. It's a terrible party. It's cowardly, principle free, weak, incompetent. Just terrible.

33) I identify therefore as an Independent who leans Republican, in spite of how much I detest the Republican Party. That is how I identify, politically.

34) Do you see the power of these 5 questions? Here we go again: 1) Will you vote? 2) Who for? 3) Who should win? 4) Who will win? 5) How do you identify: D, I, or R?

35) If you add the word 'why,' you have the very conversation that we all, all of America must have. Why? It is the key to free speech. We are allowed to state our own why. And that is what I celebrate this day. I celebrate free speech in America.

36) My granddaughter asked these exact questions in our What's App conversation for our family, yesterday. She was viciously attacked by another member of my family. That I was shocked should be completely obvious. I was heart broken. In my own family.

37) That is the power of the evil forces in America. We're not allowed free speech. We're not even allowed to ask. Asking is bad. Politics are bad. Political discourse is bad. Shame on her. Shame on my granddaughter for asking. Shame.

38) And there you see the evil power. A nation founded upon political ideas has now descended into a nation where political ideas are bad. Families do NOT enjoy free political speech, today. We are no longer independent. Our holiday has become hollow. Not hallowed, hollow.

39) So, what will I do? I'm going to keep asking my 5 questions. I will ask them of family. I will ask them of friends. I will ask them in business. I have claimed free speech, and I will ask. Hell, I'm asking you!

40) 1) Will you vote? 2) Who for? 3) Who should win? 4) Who will win? 5) How do you identify: D, I, or R?

Thread ends at #40.


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