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Four Stages Of The Left

Pasquale Scopelliti

1) I've only got a few additional thoughts to share. First, though, the thread below will remain my pinned tweet. It really is a position statement. Okay, It's those four stages of the Left and their no line/fuzzy line I have a bit more to talk about, now.

2) Here they are again: 1) Communism 2) Socialism 3) Progressivism 4) The Liberal Left

3) We'll talk about Progressivism and The Liberal Left more in the near future. Just know that the Liberal Left is driven to "progress" our society toward Socialism. That's the real meaning of Progressivism. Socialism itself has to be defined as an ideal, a utopia.

4) True Socialists do not disparage the term "Utopia," at all. Rather, they truly believe that it is the destination of all people, to arrive at the place where nations disappear and the heaven on earth of the Proletariat's complete control equalizes all things for all people.

5) So, Progressives seek reforms that weaken the evil power of Capitalism, that causes one class, the poor workers, the laborers of the world, the Proletariat, to be exploited by the Bourgeoisie, the Capitalists.

6) What Socialism claims as its demarcating line, between itself and Communism, is the act of revolution. Communists not only require a violent revolution, they also require a single-party system called the Dictatorship of the Proletariat. Socialists disavow both.

7) Socialists are the true idealists. Communists are the true pragmatists. And, Socialists are indeed Communism's dupes. In every single case, even Sweden and the European Democratic Socialism's great role model states, it always collapses of its own weight.

8) Consider Sweden's model. It ended up spending more GDP on social programmes than any state ever has. How did this occur? Under NATO's protection. It didn't have to spend any money on defense. Ah, but a hidden component of their utopian dream ended up like so...

9) Precisely as they worked out a way to equalize income, ownership concentrated to a higher point than in any other nation on earth. Capitalism, freedom, always finds a way. Okay, you're going to tax my income? I'll just invest in ownership. That is Sweden's hidden secret.

10) So, here's what we find. The fuzzy line separating Communism from Socialism is revolution, and a single party system which ends up always being a dictatorship. First, it is pitched as a dictatorship of the people. But that's always a complete and total, or false dream.

11) The non-revolutionary reforms of Socialism are never enough. There always remain owners and Capitalists who end up, one way or another with an evil concentration of wealth in a disproportionate manner which must be wiped out.

12) It was not Marx who figured out how to use Constitutional, or Democratic Socialism as the means to lead toward the revolution and the single-party Communist State. It was Lenin who worked all that out, and Stalin who perfected the technique.

13) In closing for today, you can be 100% certain that the Democratic Socialism Bernie embraces will lead, sooner or later to one of two conditions. Economic collapse, due to the destruction of the means of production as the State takes control, or...

14) Or, it will lead to the real revolution of the Proletariat, the destruction of Democracy itself in America, due to the need to wipe out all our social structures as poisoned by Capitalism, greed, and selfishness. Everything is owed to the State, the Commune.

15) But, the Proletariat is incompetent to face the necessity of all-out war, complete violence, the death of millions upon millions from either starvation or execution squads, or slow death in prison camps. It takes souls of a sterner type to accomplish such transformation.

16) So, but of course, the Proletariat must be led by those truly dedicated to the cause, who will die for the cause, and who most of all will kill and kill and kill some more for the cause. And any member of the Proletariat unwilling to do what is required may be shot, as well.

17) No, the Democratic Socialist States of Europe have not always followed this path to completion. But, history is not over. And, I promise you this. If the Red Army of Amerika wins, they will. They purported Progress toward a Socialist Utopia never quite arrives.

18) So, the fuzzy lines surround revolution and single-party dictatorships for Communism, Constitutional Reforms for Socialism that end up - often unwittingly - either to the Revolution, or, to economic collapse.

19) Obviously, the Socialists, and their Progressive and Liberal Left forebears are all dupes, fellow travelers and friends of the one great Party of the People. And that Party always requires total control over every person, every thought.

20) In fact, Totalitarianism itself is not defined by total control of the society, desirable as that is. Rather, it is total control over the person, and yes, the person's thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and actions. And that, my friends, is where Bernie is leading America.


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