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False Poll's False Basis

Pasquale Scopelliti

1) Good Morning, #PardonFlynnNow supporters, as you can see, Drudge Report not only kept the FALSE POLL up for most of the day yesterday, they even doubled down on it with a FALSE IMAGE. It has to be expressed that Drudge has become a Fake News outlet.

2) Additional flaws in the poll were pointed out yesterday as well, as shown in this outstanding analysis:

3) Thanks go out to @JonStancik for the lead to that analysis, I completely missed that addition component of the FALSE POLL's false basis. It was a lie from the get-go, and purposefully constructed as such. And consider, it was done by FOX, for Drudge Report push.

4) Let's look at @rising_serpent's point carefully. Per the Gallup group's poll - and I don't trust their work greatly, but it is VERY informative in today's assessment - Independents make up the largest part of the American electorate, at 38%. In the FOX poll, just 12%.

5) I have to pause, for a moment, on the topic of math. It is part of the left's agenda to make us all innumerate - incapable of employing math to think clear thoughts. When many people see a % sign, their minds begin to shut down. And more than > or less than <, forget about it.

6) Per Gallup, Independents = 38%, the largest group, more than > either of the other two groups. Yet, in the FOX Poll, they show up as only 12%, FAR less than < the other two groups. Wow. That essentially defines pollster malpractice. Allow me to lay out the numbers again... 7) FOX False Poll: Dem = 48% Republican = 40% Independent = 12% Gallup Dem = 31% Republican = 29% Independent = 38%

8) One more point to labor upon. FOX added 17 additional percentage points to the Dems. By the inexorable laws of math, if they wish to suppress the Independents, they had to add to the Repubs too, and they did. They added 11 points to them. They took away 26 points from Indies.

9) If the simple math above bored you, I apologize. I know I'm a poll nerd. I wish everyone was, but, well, you get the idea. There is, however, a powerful, evil point here to understand. Yet again we see precisely HOW the system is rigged. We see Fake News sausage making.

10) We have to think this through together, carefully and slowly. Clearly, the Drudge Report has turned against @POTUS. That can't be disputed. Yet FOX still has @seanhannity and others doing their best for MAGA. It's a hard thing to parse.

11) On the other hand, we see people like Shep Smith and Donna Brazile put forward at FOX, viciously attacking Trump every chance they get. Much as I despise most of Juan Williams' comments, I do NOT include him in the list of FOX's turn for the following reason.

12) FOX has a long history of attempting to be fair and balanced. I have always respected that. They've attempted to give voice to a dissenting group of commentators. Honest, bold discourse was the ideal they sought. That was a very good thing, once upon a time.

13) I don't like Juan Williams, but I still have to give respect to FOX for having him. I do NOT have to give them respect for Shep or Donna. And I don't. So, what about their polling operation? Clearly, just like Drudge, it has turned itself over to the dark side of Fake News.

14) We need a new term here: FAKE SCIENCE. Yeah, I know you're thinking about Climate Change right now, so let's go there, but only briefly. The climate changes. It always has. Have you ever heard the term "fickle as the weather?" Of, a "fair weather friend?" Come on. It changes.

15) Per my weak understanding so far, there are two great factors driving climate change: the earth's varying orbit - closer or farther away from the sun - and, the Sun Spot cycle. Clearly, neither of these are affected by any thought or action of any person or species.

16) FAKE SCIENCE, folks. There is NO data lingering from the last atmospheric changes when earth went from cold to warm and back to cold again, and back to warm. It's just nature, friends. The science behind anthropomorphic force (humans affecting climate) is simply false.

17) And that's where FOX appears to have landed with its polling arm. False Science. Shame of them. How many elements of polling malpractice did they employ? And how hard have the powers that be pushed this out? Fake news. Fake science. Evil kissing cousins, you know?

18) And as I do each and every day, I ask myself, how can I show the truth? And, how can I see and represent the truth through the single lens of @GenFlynn's hellacious case? And I see we need another term: FAKE JUSTICE.

19) Under the ever-present guidance of Marxist methods, our CIA plus the entire US Intel Community and the Democrats have turned their evil eye upon the American Constitutional system. Regime change. Who does it better? This is the transformational operation we suffer, right now.

20) So think about it. What one man could do more to fix all this than any other? It's obvious, isn't it? Therefore... Please Mr. @POTUS, #PardonFlynnNow by a #PardonOfInnocence


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