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Fair and Balanced

Pasquale Scopelliti

John Minford, #SunTzu 10: 2 "'Accessible' means that both sides can come and go freely. On accessible terrain, he who occupies High Yang ground and ensures his line of supplies will fight to advantage."

Oh my do the commentators go off, and our translators as well. Neither Giles nor Minford approve of this chapter's basis in six forms of terrain. I apologize, but I want to smack them both. Lighten up. It's just a different analysis than we find elsewhere. It's all good.

I won't go off on that again. The commentators need to own up to their respect for their master. Let's us just dive in. Accessible terrain means that both sides can come and go freely. That's a beautiful definition. In America, that's just called fair and balanced.

In the domain of public speech, we Americans always respect the other side. We respect the right even of Communists to spout off about the destruction of our government and way of life. Free speech is precisely for those we oppose the most.

It is absolutely critical that we claim America as 'accessible' terrain by way of free speech. Let them spew their vile. The remedy for bad speech is more speech. Let us speak our minds, loud and strong. Accessible terrain operates just so.

The key to accessible ground is High Yang terrain. Master Sun has discussed this countless times before, but he rightly reinforces his lesson here. Everyone can readily access accessible terrain. So, you must arrive early and find the High Yang ground.

The high ground, in the sunlight. The ancient Chinese defined North and South by yin and yang. The northward side of a mountain, with its most, dank undergrowth, was yin. The southward side with its dry, hardened soil, was yang. You fight from yang, not yin.

Yet no matter how well you may position your troops on the yang side of the mountain, you must still provide for your supply line. Soldiers fight on their stomachs. What is that in America today? It is our economy. If Trump had failed to serve our economy, he'd have no chance.

Let's return to the yang ground, the highlands of rightness and truth. That's how we won 1776. Our revolution was fought on the high ground of principle. And that is what we gave up in 1913. We surrendered to the low ground of soaking the rich. We gave up our ideals.

From 1913 to 2016 we continued to fall prey to the utter destruction of our values as a people. We gave up our freedoms. We allowed our Constitution to be obliterated. All of our original greatness was lost. And it was all on accessible grounds.

Pick your spot. How about the media? From Walter Lippmann through Walter Cronkite to Dan Rather, they were left leaning. And what does that mean? Communist. I know, we might call it Socialist, or Progressive. It's all the same. In the end, it is anti-American.

We must face, we must admit that our minds have been fair game. Our minds have been accessible, they have been accessed. We have had our own faith in America, and in our Constitution weakened. If we hadn't, we could never have elected the crew we have.

So, we've occupied the high ground - to the degree we have - but have we secured our line of supply? I say no, we have not. Had we, we would not have lost the House in 2018. Our line of supply MUST be understood as our ability to get out the vote.

Look at today's question of Impeachment. If a single one of our Republican Senators feared losing his seat, then there would be absolutely ZERO chance of Impeachment. This is the line of supply. We supply our representatives with their power. They need remember that.

It's a phenomenal phrase: occupies High Yang ground AND ensures his line of supplies. Do you recall the phrase, build your castles in the sky, but anchor them in the earth? It is a similar mandate. The higher you climb, the farther you must bring your supplies.

Yet Master Sun assures us that if we can do both, we will fight to advantage. That is an assurance well worthy of our deepest consideration. Take the high ground, assure your supplies, then you'll fight to advantage. That's pure Master Sun guidance. It gets no better.

285 verses completed, 171 to go. To return to previous sections in our #WarForAmerica2020 and #SunTzuForMAGA series, don't forget to head over to @WarForAmerica21. You'll find the digital table of contents for this series, there. Please retweet each entry you enjoy.


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