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Failure of Command

Pasquale Scopelliti

John Minford, #SunTzu 9: 38 "Confusion among the troops is a sign that the general is not respected."

Funny, even while talking about structure yesterday, I failed to notice that verses 37 - 47, all 11, are about failures of Command and Discipline. Yesterday's men shouting in the night to give themselves courage was an obvious example. Failure of Command and Discipline.

Today's verse on confusion among the troops being a sign of disrespect for the general was even more obviously so, and that was my clue. I looked ahead, and wow, all the way to verse 47 we are warned of various other forms of failures of Command and Discipline. Fascinating.

Also interesting is the realization that The Way, Heaven and Earth never fail. Sure, leadership may fail to follow them, and does so all the time. But that failure always shows up in the tactical demonstration of Command and Discipline weaknesses in execution.

Now, look at the Green New Deal. We're going to wipe out the airline industry, right? We're going to provide free healthcare to illegal aliens. We're going to tear down and rebuild every building in America. No more oil and gas, either. All gone.

Who remembers Obama saying, "I'm not a Socialist. If you want, you should let me introduce you to some Socialists." Well, here we are, and now we're meeting some Socialists, aren't we? And guess what? None of them seem to respect Obama, at all. Interesting, eh?

Who has noticed that Obama's minions, like David Axelrod, have been attacking Biden viciously? Who has noticed that Obama won't endorse anyone? He only supported HRC so very weakly. I know we all recall that. He's not much of a general, is he?

And what's the deal with Biden and Biden's boy, the family controlling billions of dollars from Ukraine and China, and it all coming out now as a result of the Democrats' so-weak attack of Impeachment? Does this seem a disciplined, well thought out campaign to you?

I do so love providing the 10 planks of the MAGA platform. I'll do so again, below. Here's the connection. The Democrats' agenda flies in the face of true American values. I'll say more about that point, below, after the planks. Here they are, now...

1. Remember The Forgotten Americans 2. Rule Of Law 3. American Jobs 4. Quality Of Life For Every American 5. Heal Our Cities 6. Build The Wall 7. Make America Wealthy Again 8. Make America Strong Again 9. Make America Safe Again 10. Make America Great Again

I can honestly share that I have been simply so afraid, really since 2016 with the threat of an HRC administration. I've been afraid that if we lose in 2020 then, too, it might be too late for us. Suddenly, now, I'm no longer afraid. This is shocking to me. More than I can say.

Here's an initial theory. Master Sun has comforted me with this verse, more than any other so far. I see the confusion and disrespect for their general, and I just can't imagine their victory anymore. Oh sure, I can picture a Warren administration. But I can't fear it.

Mind, I'm certainly NOT predicting a defeat for Trump. But, even in that worst-case scenario, I still see that we, the MAGA movement he created, have awakened. We know what our principles are. Should we lose 2020, it could well be the loss we require to complete our awakening.

My real prediction is that Trump will win in a landslide, with full MAGA control of both House and Senate also. On our side, we respect our general. He is at one with The Way. He observes the will of Heaven. He marches us across the Earth. He is our Commander. We have Discipline. Well, our Discipline sucked in 2018. Yet, exactly as our general explains, he wasn't on the ticket, and that really does matter. So, our victory in 2020 - with Trump smack dab on top of the ticket - is not too difficult for me to predict. I don't know about 2022, yet obviously.

Let's get back to the confused Democrat troops. Why is there no vote on Impeachment so far? Easy. That one vote alone could readily assure the return of the House to Republican control in 2020. We've discussed Obama as a disrespected general. What about Nancy?

She's got no leadership chops left at all. Consider this. Jerry Nadler. He was the great captain, pushing for Impeachment all along. Now, it's Adam Schiff, and Nadler's out. Why? And what about our Green New Deal youngster AOC? Oh, she's so powerful. Uh huh.

So, I have to ask, does Mitch McConnell fear AOC more, or us, his Republican base? He certainly came through in 2016 for us. He's certainly worked manfully with Trump on appointing judges and justices. He absolutely came through with Kavanaugh.

Nah, I have to think McConnell has no fear of AOC + 3 at all, and none of Nancy. And none of any of the Democrat candidates. Give me a break. So, again, I have to imagine he sees the same confusion among the Democrat troops I do. I have to say I think we have this one.

What about you? Are you able to take comfort from Master Sun's counsel today the way I am? I could easily be wrong. I certainly have no monopoly on truth or wisdom. My crystal ball far too often reveals its deep cracks. What do you see in yours?

In business, our greatest guru of all remains Peter Drucker. One of the greatest things he ever said was this. The best way to predict the future, is to make it happen, yourself. No, neither you nor I can do that alone, obviously. But maybe we, together, in MAGA can.

What I can't doubt is that the other side is in vast disarray, with no strong general leading anywhere. They've spent their wad far too soon. They've revealed their Socialist direction, long before America actually become Socialist in mind, heart, and soul.

Aha! That's another comfort Master Sun gives me today. Education. I have so greatly feared it. I have feared its pervasive influence on our youth. That much is true, to be sure. Yet, their conversion to true Socialism is far from complete.

Yes, some of them will be - for a while - shamed into riding trains or driving rather than flying. Yet, how much of that is the hassle of the TSA at the airport? I'd rather ride a train than deal with the airport, too. Clean up the airport and I won't be the only one flying more.

The method they've used to cloak their purposes has resulted in the weakness of their conversions. The only thing our kids hear is Do-Goodism. They think the government is more powerful for good than we are, as a people. Okay. Show them real Socialism and see what happens.

Our respected generals are not just on the Trump team today. Ours date back to Washington and Thomas Paine, Jefferson, Lincoln and Reagan. Even Kennedy - of whom I'm no fan - gave us the Apollo mission and lowered our taxes. Ultimately, our generals are our principles.

We have The Way, and we know it. Heaven's will guides us upon the Earth, which Trump showed us how to follow and execute. I have to say again, Command and Discipline look far more like ours than the confused and disorderly other side to me. Again, I ask, though, what say you?

266 verses completed, 190 to go. To return to previous sections in our #WarForAmerica2020 and #SunTzuForMAGA series, don't forget to head over to @WarForAmerica21. You'll find the digital table of contents for this series, there. Please retweet each entry you enjoy.


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