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Dedication To Victory

Pasquale Scopelliti

1) #KeepCalmBuyStocks is more than a mere, tactical command; it is a philosophy, a dedication to victory. It should be the calling cry of all of America right now, and most certainly of the #MAGA movement.

2) Perhaps we might add something like: #CapitalismRocks. If you've been following my work, I recently discovered what I call the Four Great American Treasures within the most fundamental rights of our founding. Health, Freedom, Happiness, and Wealth for EVERY American citizen.

3) No, there is no right to wealth without work. You don't have the right to health without work, either. We know that freedom is not free. And of course, neither is happiness. So, it is NOT the outcome that is your right, it is the fight for the outcome that is your right.

4) My logic is simple. Here are the four most basic rights: 1) Life 2) Liberty 3) The Pursuit of Happiness 4) Wealth To have life, you must be healthy enough to not die. To have freedom, you must fight for your freedom whenever anyone tries to steal it.

5) Happiness cannot result from any other cause than its successful pursuit. The prettiest girl in the high school will not be your girlfriend if you don't pursue her, and win her attention. So also with happiness, it is a princess demanding of pursuit. Consider it this way...

6) If you fail to learn and grow stronger in the face of unhappiness, you can never learn to be happy. The founders knew that, and incorporated that with the choice of the word "pursuit."

7) Happiness always comes at cost of learning and growth. The founders employed an ancient meaning of the term, dating all the way back to Greece and Rome. For them, happiness was the growing surplus of virtue over vice. There are no vice-free humans. But our virtues can win out.

8) Linger. Happiness is never the result of mere advantage or gain, or even victory, unless the victory was hard fought, well won, and the result of virtue. Victory won by vice, by cheating, by unfair advantage my have pleasure in the moment, but it may not give true happiness.

9) At least, that was the belief of the founders, and I happily add, my own belief as well. I bet you agree. And, if you're int he #MAGA movement, you know that free stuff is the veritable death of happiness. That word "pursuit" may be the most important term here.

10) Turning to wealth, it is important to note that the word Socialism had not been coined by the time of our founding. It was introduced early in the 19th century. Sure, there were many forebears of modern Socialism, but none had congealed meaningfully by 1789.

11) It's worth noting that not only did we complete our Constitution's ratification in 1789, something else that was fairly important occured in France. The fall of the French Monarchy followed suit from our own 1776 Revolution. And guess what. Their Revolution spawned Socialism.

12) But of course, no one knew that would follow over the coming decades at the time. Thus, our founding fathers had no Socialism to refute, as we do today. Here's another way to look at the Property that leads to Wealth. In England, wealth and privilege were completely tied.

13) Whoops...CORRECTION. My list of four rights included wealth. Shame on me! No, no! Here is the correct list: 1) Life 2) Liberty 3) The Pursuit of Happiness 4) Property Whew, I'm so glad I caught that!

14) By my reading, the right of Property informs the command to be wealthy, and it is a command made to each and every, individual American citizen. Do you see where I'm going here? #KeepCalmBuyStocks 15) We can reverse the direction of our thinking. How could you conceivably be wealthy if you were not allowed to own property? You couldn't. It is a wealth-free society that Socialism and its true face, Communism, cry out for.

16) The mathematical term "reduction to the lowest common denominator" applies to Communism, perfectly. We take from the able and give to the needy. From the wealthy to the poor, through no effort of the poor, whatsoever, and with the goal of destroying all wealth, itself.

17) What our founding fathers achieved was precisely the opposite of the Communist creed. They separated wealth from the exclusive right of the privileged. The removed from the privileged the right to confiscate the property of the poor. Listen again to our Revolutionary moto...

18) No taxation, without representation. The great and the good of Parliament in London, and the Crown itself held the power to tax, to confiscate the property of us, their colonial children, without the slightest requirement that we participate in our own governance.

19) If I recall it right, the Stamp Tax - one of the most significant triggers of our Revolution - was something like the equivalent of 3 penny charge on posts. It wasn't the amount that was at issue. It was our right of representation, that was the issue. But why, again?

20) Our founding fathers did NOT believe that taxation was theft. They DID believe that taxation WITHOUT representation was theft. It breached the fundamental right of property. Do you follow? A representative, democratic republic became their dream, thereby.

21) That republic absolutely enjoyed the right of taxing its citizens. There can be no question about that. It is enshrined in our Constitution, and has a much older history back to the Constitutions of the 13 States, each. The right of property is NOT thereby breached.

22) But enough about that, we HAVE the right of Property and what that right informs is the command to become Wealthy, each of us, as individuals, to the degree of our effort, intelligence, virtual and capability as a person.

23) Now mind, we are all EQUAL in rights. Not a one of us is, or ever can be equal in person. We may not be equal in virtue. The equality is in the right, not in the realization. If the realization were assured, no pursuit would be required, or enshrined in the rights themselves.

24) Yes, these rights have been attacked, and our institutions have sold themselves to the highest bidders. No, we do not, as a people, any longer enshrine our rights - and their individual commandments - in our minds, hearts, and souls as we must.

25) But these rights are still there. Perhaps covered with much of the grime and dust of history and forgetfulness, but they are still there. And it is these four rights that have informed the greatest nation in the history of earth, and the wealthiest and most powerful.

26) And that is why, of all nations of the earth, the one nation with the greatest chance at coming through any disaster, any at all, to absolutely include our current crisis of coronavirus, is us, the U.S. Now, let's get back to stocks! Wealth seeks out a safe haven, always.

27) When we put on our doomsday hats, and envision a collapse of this and a collapse of that, let us remember, that we are the most resilient nation in the world. However bad things may come, and in the worst case scenario, that's pretty bad, we'll still be the safest haven.

28) For our worst case, let's just draw back a bit from Zombie Apocalypse. I recommend we all envision the horror of losing friends and loved ones, and perhaps something as devastating as the Great Depression. And here is my strange parameter to include...

29) Our great stock market plunges, back to levels not seen in decades as a result of the global pandemic. does NOT stop trading. Imagine that. And, imagine that our nation even in that scenario remains the safest place on earth.

30) Please understand, I am NOT predicting that. I am simply hypothesizing it. And, if you can accept my hypothetical scenario, guess what all the wealthiest of the wealthy around the world will still want to do. #KeepCalmBuyStocks

31) I have zero fear on behalf of the great wealthy upon the earth. They'll be just fine. Nor do I give a hoot about their vast fortunes. No, I just want each of us to feel the joy of our own wealth, and even more so of its pursuit. And you know I mean it when I say "each of us."

32) But now let's draw back from the brink a bit. What if each of us starts buying stocks right now, and on every single drop? First, the fall will be slowed. Second, we'll find a bottom, eventually. Third, from that bottom, we'll start to rebuild. How beautiful is that?

33) There's more. We've discussed that a virus is not what kills the most people. Starvation is. The one thing we need is to protect and to harden our supply chain for food. How do we do that? Can you say it with me now? #KeepCalmBuyStocks

34) With every stock you purchase, you are transferring your property from your possession into the market. From there, the confidence of the greater market itself is, to that tiny degree, shored up. The term for this is "support." Every stock you purchase, gives support.

35) Obviously, I want every single American citizen to buy stocks, right now. But, I must address my strongest advice to those of us who make up the #MAGA movement. If every one of us who voted for Trump buys stocks, our market fall will be mitigated without question or doubt.

36) What does it mean for us to pull our own weight as a movement? We must be ready to take rightful action. Right now, the greatest step any #MAGA believing American can take, in order to Make America Great Again is, yes... #KeepCalmBuyStocks

37) Feel it now. When the rest of the world plummets into fear and despair, they look to America, as the light upon the hill. They turn to us as the leaders we are. We lead the entire planet. Isn't it our job to ensure we live up to that obligation and destiny?

38) Imagine that in shoring up entire treasury of free businesses here in America, we do more than win the benefits of being the world's greatest safe haven. We also mitigate any disaster we face. And, As our great @POTUS told us last night, nothing is inevitable.

39) Your right of Property empowers you to do as you will with that which is yours. I say, on that basis, that the greatest step you may take, though, to ensure your own life, liberty and happiness, is - in this circumstance right now - to: #KeepCalmBuyStocks

40) By the way, find a way. Let's say the cheapest stock available that you might buy is more than your current cash treasury allows. No problem. Find a friend. A brother or sister, a co-worker, it matters not, and pool your pennies, and share the wealth.

41) And if you've never bought a stock before, how do you pick? Remember, you're NOT buying right now for a quick hit of cash. You must be prepared to lose your investment. Risk and reward cannot be separated, and risk means you might lose what you invest.

42) So, what you're doing is trying to imagine the entire crisis over, and life on the other side. What companies will still be there, once this catastrophe is over? You must look out no less than two years forward. Better is to envision five or more. You are buying to hold.

43) Now then, of those companies you can imagine - remembering you might be wrong - that will still be there, who might be best positioned to succeed most on the other side? That's where you lay down your bet. And again, let no one take the risk out of this for you. It's a bet.

44) I'll add another bit of advice. Look to those companies with the strongest footprint here in America. If we're going to be the safe haven, our companies least present here will suffer the most, most present here will benefit the most. Look to America. We're where it's at.

45) Another day, we'll discuss your health. You must always fight for and treasure your freedom. I urge you to discover your own vices and virtues and tilt toward virtue. Be happy. And, own your property, and grow it, and be wealthy. And of course... #KeepCalmBuyStocks


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