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Crony Capitalism

Pasquale Scopelliti

John Minford, #SunTzu 9: 34 "Bearers of water drinking first indicate great thirst."

And Giles, 9: 30 "If those who are seen to draw water begin by drinking themselves, the army is suffering from thirst. [As Tu Mu remarks: "One may know the condition of a whole army from the behavior of a single man."]

Have you ever noticed the fish tank at the entrance to any good Chinese restaurant? For the Chinese, water equals wealth, money. You can understand this by the following aphorism: A man without money is like a fish without water.

Oh, how often have I been that fish stuck on the beach, or trapped in a fisherman's net, gasping for lack of money. I know what thirst for cash means. I bet you do too. Money is NOT an easy thing. We all lack for it from time to time, at least those of us NOT 1%ers do.

When our politicians use their power of law to create the power of the purse, they are drinking first, before the rest of the army drinks. Who remembers how Congress exempted itself from Obamacare? I do. That's drinking first, while the army suffers from thirst.

Who has studied the history of Congress' power of the purse, and understands how limited that was by the Constitution, before 1913? I'm not saying Congress was honest prior. I am saying that their limited capability of service was obliterated by the 16th amendment.

How does this Congressional power of the purse slack their thirst for money? It is SO easy to understand. Congress buys things. Things cost money. Sellers make money. Sellers pay Congressmen to buy their things. Congressmen sell their votes of law to makers of things.

I am a true capitalist. I believe in profit. But I abhor corruption. This is called Crony Capitalism, but it degrades the term Capitalism. It isn't that. It is Corruption enthroned. That this corruption is legal makes its immeasurably worse. Congress slacks its thirst, first.

Let's talk about Giles for a minute. He informs us that Tu Mu says: One may know the condition of a whole army from the behavior of a single man. Who is that man today? That man is Adam Schiff. Did you know he has a wife? Her name is, I'm not kidding, Eve. Adam and Eve.

You can know the condition of the entire Democrat army by Schiff. They are beyond thirsty; they're dying of thirst. Their greed, avarice, and corrupt complicity knows no limit. Their perfidious collusion in every false attack against Trump is blatant, obvious, and disgusting.

What we have allowed over the past Century, since 1913, is for the greedy politicians to always drink first. They tax us. We pay. They drink from the well before we get anything back at all. They always cover their own needs. Ours, we're led by nose rings over our needs.

And as we true Capitalists know, we should NOT be looking to the public weal for our own needs at all. We should be covering every possible need we have by the generation of profit by endeavor. We create value. We sell it. We receive compensation. We pay our own way.

So, why would one Democrat soldier like Adam Schiff be SO completely DERANGED by @realDonaldTrump? The simple truth is this. If Trump gains a second term, he will DRAIN THE SWAMP of its money, its illicit power.

Weak in the Senate by such hellacious and evil Republicans as John McCain; and weak in the House by such evil Republicans as Paul Ryan, Trump's first two years were limited by their swamp-protecting actions. They drank from the well first.

In Trump's second two years, he is first dogged by an illicit special prosecutor, an illegal prosecution from day one, and now, by a false impeachment endeavor. False? They've not taken an impeachment vote. Dying of thirst, it's all they can do.

Would you like to discover the parched thirst of any Democrat friend you may have? Ask him or her about rights. Ask for a definition, what is a right? Ask about live, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and property, these four rights. You'll get a non-answer answer.

Corruption is the reason we have thirst for wealth in our nation. Freedom empowers the ability to create value and exchange it for money. That is the source of Capitalism itself. Capitalism doesn't create Freedom, Freedom creates Capitalism. A free soul need not be corrupt.

mentions I have no knowledge about Adam Schiff's money, or his thirst for it. But, I do know that power corrupts, and it corrupts for many things in many forms. And, I can look at him, as Tu Mu would have me do, and see the entire Democrat army in this one soldier.

Again, see Master Sun's actual situation. Bearers of water drink first. This is the opposite of the law of service. Proper bearers of water drink last not first. How long has it been in America that our "public servants" drink from the trough of corruption long before we benefit?

Woodward and Bernstein taught us, follow the money. If, in your world, you see a person angling for the money, you will know that thirst is forcing them to do so. Know that, and you'll be safe from their corrupt attacks, precisely as @POTUS is now. He understands. So should you.

262 verses completed, 194 to go. To return to previous sections in our #WarForAmerica2020 and #SunTzuForMAGA series, don't forget to head over to @WarForAmerica21. You'll find the digital table of contents for this series, there. Please retweet each entry you enjoy.


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