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#Coronavirus #StrategicAnalysis

Pasquale Scopelliti

1) As opposed to a teaser thread, this one is a bit more like testing out the ideas a little in advance of my next full thread. The trigger was this story by @KathleenKauth. You will want to read it, I promise, and follow her as well!…

2) I won't make all the logic water tight, nor establish the clean, clear correction to @KathleenKauth's work. I'll just skip right to the chilling idea itself. I have to, once again, lay out my theory about China's 4-stage attack: 1) Biological 2) Economic 3) Social 4) Military 3) The most powerful strategies is not only a cumulative, linear effect, but also a chaotic, geometric spiraling effect. For instance, looking back, we can see that the economic effect of COVID has transformed its health effects beyond measure. I'll explain...

4) At first, COVID is a biological threat, made out to be so severe as to necessitate the shut down of our economy. 40,000,000 jobs lost later, what's happening to the health of the people who lost their jobs and their income? The ones who had no COVID whatsoever, and low risk.

5) Consider a retired person who has a secure income, but is at high risk for COVID. Now, how do you use that person to attack BOTH the income AND the health of a young person, gainfully employed but in obvious need of their work income? Send in the virus. Wipe out that job.

6) Let me try to represent just that much: 1) Virus => Job Losses 2) Job Losses => Wipe Out Low COVID Risk Income Or... 1) Biological Attack 2) Economic Attack => Enhanced Biological Attack 7) Let me play with how I represent this. I'll use a + sign to = the word Enhanced. 1) Biological 2) Economic => Biological + That doesn't look bad, does it? I think it kind of works so far.

8) So, here's the new model in 1st draft: 1) Biological 2) Economic => Biological + 3) Social => Economic + => Biological ++ Oh wait, the double + sign could mean double enhanced, but it should be squared, shouldn't it? Let me try again, where the # 2 will = squared...

9) Let's just look at that part: 1) Biological 2) Biological + 3) Biological ++ Or... 3) Biological +2 Nah. That doesn't work and I think I know why. It just looks like add two. Besides, enhanced is a pretty powerful word. Okay...

10) I think I see it now. Before I try to show it, let's talk about the word enhanced vs the words squared or cubed or whatnot. To square is to multiply something by itself once, the cube to do so three times. But either sqauring or cubing may be indicated by the word enhanced.

11) Let me say that another way. Whatever the effect of one attack upon another, forward or backward or both, representing it too cleanly with precise math is disingenuous. The formulas are mere guesswork. Chaos is in far too great control to allow easy math. Enhanced is good.

12) Enhanced China Attack Model 1st Full Draft 1) Biological 2) Economic => Biological + 3) Social => Biological ++ => Economic + 4) Military => Biological +++ => Economic ++ I'm meditating... Meditating more... Not sure I like it.

13) I don't know, I mean, well, it gets the idea down in model format so that's, if not good, at least okay. I know the idea is right, by the way. I'm not messing about with that. @KathleenKauth's article lays out the idea, although not directly. But still, the idea is right.

14) No, it's the visual part I just don't quite feel, yet. As you might have noticed, I prefer the sparest, sparsest, most completely reduced models, one term per element, in proper sequence, and I hate going past four elements in order. That's a clean model.

15) Okay. All done. I mean, for today, for now. You can only push model building work so far in any given stint. Then, the creative juices feel more like getting some diabetes prohibited orange juice. Well, you know, espresso. Speaking of which... Model building excursion ends at #15. But, I obviously need HELP! You genius meme souls might, if interested, take the ideas above and lay them out for me. Or come up with totally different ideas for how to show the model. What do you say? Yo! @cancerousToejam, interested?


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