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Pasquale Scopelliti

5 May 2020 - Convergence #PardonFlynnNow meets #Coronavirus Some random thoughts on how things come together To begin, the moment for @GenFlynn has risen higher than ever before. I've never seen Hannity lead his show with a long segment on Gen Flynn before last night. 2) My friends tell me, as I missed it, that Tucker's rant on the Coronavirus and China's role in it, and globally, was epic last night. My simple theory today is that such confluence is not coincidental. Well, at least not completely so. That is, Gen Flynn is needed back, now.

3) In a few moments, below I'll walk through three current articles on the topic of Coronavirus and China. Before, I'll just discuss the Flynn case as it is evolving before our very eyes. Proof defeats Analysis, as Rock crushes Scissors, Scissors cut Paper, or Paper covers Rock.

4) If you have not followed the story, @KateScopelliti's, @TamaraLeigh_llc's, and my work on the Gen Flynn case, you'll want to check it all out here:

5) That analysis dates back to Devin Nunes Report from February, 2018. My own analysis on topic dates all the way back to early 2017, but I have yet to get my hands on those analyses. I have not yet mastered the art of organizing my postings and writings.

6) My point is this. I have known that Gen Flynn was 100% innocent from the very moment the attack against him was made public. I've said it many times. The attack against him was a criminal endeavor, and it morphed into a failed Coup against @realDonaldTrump. 7) From then till the past week, my absolute belief was based NOT upon proof, but upon observation and analysis. This is a very important point. An analyst's dream is proof. Rock solid, indisputable proof. Conclusive proof beyond the shadow of a doubt. But, we rarely get it.

8) The life of an analyst is the risk area, the grey area of mere probabilities and logic. In fact, while we dream of proof, the moment it arrives, our window of analysis has passed. When you have bedrock level proof, analysis is, well, not needed. You just use mere logic now.

9) Still, an analyst such as yours truly can both celebrate and let down his guard a bit, once proof arrives as it did over this past week. You need no longer read my analyses to imagine Gen Flynn innocent. The proof is in. He's innocent beyond the shadow of a doubt. It's proved.

10) And the implications are beyond imagining. Follow this connection out. If Gen Flynn is innocent, 100% innocent, the Chris Wray is in deep doo doo. Well...Chris Wray is in trouble. Why? The FBI stitched Flynn up. Or, as Mark Steyn says, they "fitted him up." It was a set up.

11) Director Wray, Chris, had a window of opportunity. He could have fessed up. He could have cleaned up the 7th Floor. Rather, swamp man that he is, he covered up. He withheld exculpatory evidence. He cheated and lied. It's time for him to go. Flynn innocent? Chris must go.

12) Imagine that. The FBI that colluded to bring down Trump, and that took down Flynn, in so doing has taken itself down. Now that's justice. That's America. Chris must go. Got it? Flynn in. Chris out. Don't let me get started on the Medieval Wheel of Fortune...

13) Too late. The medieval people loved nothing more than to laugh at the great and the mighty as they fell from the top. Comey, and now Wray, Kings of the FBI, they thought they'd live at the top forever. Flynn, rose to the top and was toppled. The Medievals would love that.

14) But, in Medieval times, Flynn, who has been at the bottom these years, bankrupt and destitute, who is now rising again, he would be the story they'd follow. No, no, I won't go there. I'll just drop on you the name Lancelot. He uses his lance, quite a lot. Rise, fall, rise...

15) So what's the deal about China? What's that got to do with Flynn. Flynn is a warrior who is for peace, but NOT at all costs. Flynn is a warrior who will fight a war to win, but always in the mission of winning the peace that follows. Flynn knows how to win.

16) I proudly declare that I am the man who identified the Flynn doctrine. I isolated it out of his extraordinary work. He explains his doctrine in detail, himself. I am simply the one who called it his doctrine. He created it. He who the people predict will win, will win.

17) Flynn won't mind that we might call this the Mao Doctrine as well. Before he won the war, in the 22 years he fought it, from 1927 to 1949, Mao always won the hearts and support of the people. The Kuomintang abused them. Mao respected them. Mao won.

18) I'm not guessing about that. Mao himself explains it clearly. He could never have won without the support of the people. The Kuomintang had vastly more resources. But, since they abused the people, they obviously did not win their hearts. Mao did.

19) This was precisely how we lost the Vietnam War. The Vietcong persuaded the people that America was the bad guy, and they were the good guys. That alone would not have been enough. They persuaded the people that they would still be there after America left. They won.

20) The same thing is happening all over again in Afghanistan. The Taliban live there. We send troops and airplanes, etc. The Taliban has, rightly, persuaded the people that they will still be there after we have left, precisely as they were after USSR left. They win. We lose.

21) Trump is ready to concede defeat and leave. Problem is it can't be called that. What's more, the problem is, the moment we leave, they'll start using their poppy seed profits to mount the next attack against us. There is no question about that. It's a big problem.

22) And right there, in Afghanistan, Flynn has proven, he knows how to win. To actually win. To win the war. To win the peace. Flynn knows how to do that. Which brings us up to China.

23) You really need to check this out. This border, and it's small, is the single most important border on earth, geo-strategically important, period. Seriously, check this out!…

24) The way to win both wars, the war with the Taliban, and the war with China, is to ensure that the Taliban realize that China is their enemy. Sure, we might help the Kabul government along the way. Sure. But, they have no real power. We must face this.

25) We must respect our enemies. The Taliban and China. China knows this. They will try to make the Taliban their allies against us. Thing is, China imprisons more Muslims than any nation has ever imprisoned any religious minority. Let's focus on that for a moment.

26) I have discussed this topic with General Flynn, directly. He does NOT oppose the Muslim religion. He absolutely opposeds their tyrannical political minority. Those who have taken over this religion, to turn it into a global, political crusade, are the great enemy.

27) Stick with me. Flynn knows precisely how to fight the political arm of the Islamic world, and win. He does so, as he explains in his extraordinary book, by meeting the people and persuading them that their interests and ours align.…

28) We must follow his lead. What Flynn did on the Field of Combat, was find good people, Islamic people, who had NO desire to impose anything on anyone, but merely wanted safety and security and peace. He was their friend. He won their hearts. And he won, wherever he fought.

29) Jump forward to the present. Why does the left oppose Flynn? In HUGE part because he knows how to ally with the good people, wherever he fights. The Left allies with the evil forces, the world over, to suppress the people and line their pocket books. They hate Flynn.

30) Enter @POTUS. He faces China. While they have the largest population in the world, they remain the second market. America is first. India third. Still, that sucking sound of consumption from the rising Chinese population is impossible to NOT hear.

31) Turn with me to Master Sun Tzu. The greatest warrior wins without killing a single enemy. This is Trump's mandate. He hates killing. He needs to win this war against China with the minimum possible deaths. Hopefully zero. But he must win. How do you win?

32) You hire the best people. Seriously. Be it war or be it business, the team with the best people wins. Trump will have Flynn back. I quote him, Flynn will be back, "Bigger and better than ever before."

33) I mentioned those three articles to walk through. To do so, I have to take a coffee break. That is, I'm going to go make some amazing coffee, from beans I roasted myself, and I'll be back in a few. We'll then turn to three articles on China, and bring it all back to Flynn. Not my best, but it’ll do.

I forgot! I have a 9:00 meeting this morning. So... Later today, this evening, or maybe tomorrow morning, I'll pick up from here. With my sincere apologies, my business day beckons... Meeting finished. Second cup of coffee completed. Time break in hand due to a rescheduled client...we’ll dive back in momentarily... And the coffee is awesome...

34) Diving back in, why was it, exactly, that Gen Flynn pleaded guilty, and lied in so doing? If you have not read his statement yet, you want to right now.

35) To truly understand you have to go deeper. You have to place this all in historical and yes legal context. America has destroyed Rule of Law. As of now, it no longer exists. If we're going to rebuild it, that is what we'll have to do.

36) Why do innocent men plead guilty? Because they're smart. They know an implacable enemy when they see one, one with vastly greater power and ruthlessness than they can overcome, isolated and alone as they are. Evil powers know how to break even the best men. Our heroes.

37) We're about to turn to China in a moment. Please hear me yet again, Gen Flynn NEVER betrayed his honor or his trust. He lived up to his oath. He swore to protect America against enemies both foreign and domestic and that is what he has done. His rise will be beautiful to see.

38) We turn now to China, and to their war against us. I've been struggling to name this war. Maybe you can help me. So far, the best I've come up with is: China's 2020 War Against The World. Let's talk about that, and then turn to today's articles.

39) My studies continue, apace. Let me share what I've been learning about Mao and the 1969 outreach to Nixon. Every one of Mao's economic policies had failed. Like Stalin, and Lenin, he had obliterated millions of souls. He had attempted, and failed at his Cultural Revolution.

40) That he offered "friendship" against USSR was genius. That Nixon accepted was, also, I continue to express, genius. The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend. So, we have an alliance of mutual enmity. No problem...yet.

41) But what did Mao see that maybe even Nixon didn't? He saw that his own economy was in utter shambles. He saw that he needed help from a friend, if his economy was to survive, it had to be...INFUSED. Focus on that term. Communism DEPLETES an economy. Hold onto that.

42) Let's make this simple. It actually isn't that complicated anyway. Mao was Moscow's puppet. Be clear on that. In 1949, upon his ascension, Mao chose Moscow over DC, and it was the right choice. They were, in 1949, the better ally. By 1969, Mao saw the coming collapse of USSR.

43) I'm virtually certain he did NOT understand that Communism always fails. I think his reading was more tactical. He just saw that America was winning, USSR losing. He saw it before we did, by more than a decade. He made his call. He reached out to DC.

44) What was his deal, and I do mean the word "deal" literally? He'd ally with us against USSR. In return, we had to open up America to Chinese goods. Simple. Nixon was all over that, and now! And Kissinger made his vast fortune in that moment. He knew how to cash in.

45) Let's skip forward to Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin. Together, they may be termed the market openers in China. In both cases, they continued Mao's vision, economically. Perhaps they never realized that Communism fails. But, they both continued to work with America.

46) Again, let's make this simple. Xi Jinping is Mao's great heir. But, Xi has seen the fall of USSR. He has analyzed Mao's leadership, and compared it to both Lenin and Stalin. Xi is inspired by all three. And who does Xi fear most to be compared to?

47) If you're following the story, it should be obvious by now. Gorbachev. Gorbachev oversaw the collapse of Communism's greatest empire. Mao foresaw that, coming. Xi is the heir of all this learning. He will do ANYTHING to forestall the collapse of the Chinese Communist Party.

48) Painful as it is for me, we must skip over the years from 2012 and Xi's ascent, and catapult forward to today. We can, however, linger on a single aspect of his ascension. This is delicious. He has alientated the entire ruling class of China. Try to follow this.

49) As China moved ever closer to embracing capitalism, again (it is easy to argue that China actually created capitalism and that it is their fundamental nature as a people), corruption exploded. A communist nation tends to see capitalism solely through the lens of corruption.

50) So, in the era of "opening" who took charge? But of course, the ancient Chinese families reaching back 100s, if not 1000s of years took over. What do they own, you know, besides everything? The banks! It can be argued that China invented banking.

51) These great banking families are NOT naturally communistic. They're better capitalists than we are. No kidding. They really are. And they have, wait for it... POWER.

52) So, what does Xi do? He defines pretty much everything they do as corrupt, and controlling the Communist Party apparatus, we goes after, get this, roughly about 5,000,000 leaders of the CCP. They only have about 90,000,000 members. Obviously, more than 5%.

53) When does Xi do this? Immediately upon his ascension, to consolidate his power over the entire party, and through the party, the entire nation. And who is his great ally in all this? Come on. You know. Obama, as represented by... Joe Biden.

54) Alas. The story doesn't end well for our new, global Communism champion. Along comes 2016. Along came Trump. Not good. What does Trump do? Instantly, he begins to strangle China. We're talking death grip. Trump has been working on this plan since the 1980s. Trump's got this.

55) As an analyst, I only enter the picture in December, 2019, very late indeed. The WTO was killed, yeah, by Trump. I'll tell you, that was a wake up call for a meager analyst. Whew. I was stunned. No details for now, just remember the term Most Favored Nation trading status.

56) And then came... Dahnt, dahnt, dahn... Coronavirus. Don't let my playfulness distract you. It is the greatest first strike attack in world history. It makes Pearl Harbor look like child's play. This is, indeed, serious.

57) The current projection of deaths appears to around 130,000. Horrible and hellacious as that is, and IT IS, it is almost nothing compared to all the financial costs and inconceable consequences as the effects roll and roll and roll. Here, there's an expert I want to introduce.

58) My great friend @KathleenKauth is working on a series covering the costs of our social distancing. First, follow her, please. Second, check out her work on her page, and you'll rapidly find the first of four analyses - if I remember right - she's planning to release on topic.

59) Returning directly to our story, back in January I analyzed the basic war plan I assessed that China had engaged. Here are, again, those four stages of attack: 1) Biological 2) Economic 3) Social 4) Military

60) I have to speak on my own behalf here. As a volunteer analyst, so far, I make ZERO money in return for my efforts. That is NOT a problem for me. Rather, I am proud to publish that fact. I am a far. Maybe one day I won't be, but so far, I am, still.

61) But, what I've learned in life so far is this. If you make a contribution, and do NOT get paid in hard cash for it, then you MUST claim your credit. That is, in the field of analysis, he who analyzes first MUST win, first analysis credit. This is not mere egotism.

62) It is simply necessary in order to make the right exchange. I am not a soldier. I am not a revolutionary. I do not fight for a cause selflessly. Rather, I am a self-supporting volunteer, and I have no Patreon account. I ask for, and accept no donations. I self-support.

63) So what I need is credit where credit is earned. My China analysis, I believe, led the way. I deserve and am not shy to ask for that credit. I will soon have a website up and accessible, where all these analyses will be provided, along with their true dates.

64) Let's go back to the story now, and come right up to today. From January till now, I have not seen one shred of data to disprove the four-stage war plan presented above. China has attacked. They have attacked not only us, but the entire world. That has to be understood.

65) Again going fast...why? Why would China attack the entire world? The answer is again, shockingly simple. Communism fails. It must be masked. It is a thief and must enjoy the dark of night, of deception. China has not created any wealth in over 100 years. It is decrepit.

66) Rather, it has plundered. You can go back to Mao, and come back forward to Xi. Their every leader has known that access to the world's vast wealth was required and that plunder was the only means of procuring wealth. They all knew. Pirate kings, each one, they were and are.

67) Here's today's first of three articles. It comes from the Wall Street Journal, and reflects its financially conservative yet economically globalist perspective. Check it out:

68) Please understand, I make no attacks against any of Trump's advisors right now. I don't know if the story is true or false, or manipulated. No matter. It is easy to imagine that some among Trump's people are looking a trade and salivating. I would be too, if I were them.

69) The great fallacy, though, is always that you need your local pirates, who will make life hell if you fail to appease them. We really don't have the ability to make our own antibiotics right now. We just don't. So, but of course, we must appease China and swallow the pills.

70) Okay then, why doesn't Trump just fire all these globalist financiers with their China cheap-products addictions? Here we come to the Art of the Deal. Trump does NOT want to kill Chinese people. And he doesn't want China killing us. He wants NO war, no shooting war.

71) Please follow this distinction. Since the 1970s, we have built China up on the basis of false ideas, pure fantasies. Trump suffers no such illusions. Rather, he simply negotiates. He protects his negotiating options. This is a night and day, black and white distinction.

72) On that basis, I tell you, support him. Give Trump his space. Let Trump be Trump. Do NOT pressure him for this or that. He has plenty of enemies enough, already. He needs us, his friends, to marshall a deeper understanding of his negotiations. Truly, you can just enjoy.

73) Here is today's second story:

74) Follow it out. The first thing to note is that Pompeo, who previously headed up CIA, is the first Secretary of State in our lifetimes to care about America First. Tillerson was useful, for a time, but not loyal either to Trump or to America First.

75) No need to go back past Pompeo, it's too painful. We need to look carefully here. In order to be a Secretary of State, at all, you have to believe in diplomacy. Pompeo does. But, unlike the line of his predecessors reaching back, it's not his only belief.

76) I honor Secretary Pompeo to say that he is his leader's follower. He is a student of the Art of the Deal. He does NOT believe that diplomacy, or its perennial corrupt dealings amongst the great and the mighty, is the only answer. He is ready to walk away from a bad deal.

77) Secretary Pompeo is the first Sec State I have ever seen who knows how to use war in service of peace, the ability to walk away in service of proper, successful, and yes, victorious diplomacy. In case you didn't notice, I'm a HUGE Pompeo fan. There, I'm on record.

78) Now note how scared Xi is of Pompeo. Bluffing? Are you kidding? Pompeo may be a great bluffer for all I know. But I would not bet a single penny, let alone a nickel on that line of that wager. We have to walk that back in time, just a bit.

79) Trump gets elected. What does he do? He begs, borrows, buys, or steals whatever he must to rebuild our military. Why? Why the urgency? Why the vast spending and the explosion of the deficit? Why? The answer takes the form of one word: China.

80) Sure the world is a dangerous place. Lots and lots of very nasty bad guys out there. All of them wanting a piece of America's pie, all of them gunning for us. That's obvious. China was NOT obvious. Every previous President back to Nixon didn't see it. Think about that.

81) Trump pulls Pompeo away from the CIA, where Pompeo could have been very useful indeed for years to come, and brings him over to State. Why? He needed someone competent at BOTH diplomacy AND at walking away. Trump saw China's war against us for what it was. That's why.

82) Again, a pause on analysis. I have NO inside information. I always say that, but I'm saying it again. So no, I do NOT actually know what's in Trump's mind, or what his motivations are. I just watch his actions and put the pieces together. Got that? Good!

83) Here's today's third story:

84) Look at that lovely, amazing, horrifying bird. Have any of you been to the NASA museums in DC? If so, you've seen things that look like that bird of prey, before, haven't you? Wonder where the basics of that technology came from. Hmm. Hard to figure, isn't it?

85) That bird is being published. Why not keep it secret? Can you say thumb in your nose? Obviously, China stole every single aspect of that technology from us, well, with the exception of what our corrupt leaders freely sold to them at billion dollar payout.

86) Join me now. When we analyze, we look for confirmation or refutation. Either is fine. No one is perfect. No foresight is 20/20. We all err. So, we look to discover our errors. Right? Well...I'm not seeing any errors in our analysis here. Are you? Look again...

87) Here are our stages of China's 2020 War Against America: 1) Biological Attack First Strike 2) Economic Devastation of American and Global Economy 3) Social Disruption and Destruction as Never Before 4) Kinetic Warfare and Thermonuclear First Strike Threat

88) Now let's turn to the good news. The Chinese people are absolutely a wonderful people. It's been said over and over, and I'm saying it again. China is NOT our enemy, communism is. And my call is that China is getting pretty sick and tired of its communism about now.

89) If you know anything about Asia - and I can never keep up with the right terminology - and Asians, you sure know that pride, and face, are about as crucial as any factor can be. I'm telling you, in spite of Xi's controls, all of China knows its shame, and it knows it now.

90) If there's one factor determining the outcome of any war, any war at all, it is the spirit, the will, the agreement of the people with their leaders. Don't believe me? Just read Sun Tzu's Art of War, chapter one. A leader who doesn't have the will of the people, will lose.

91) Who remembers the Flynn Doctrine? Give yourself a point if you do, but here it is again: Who the people predict will win, will win. Let that soak in. Imagine yourself as a normal Chinese person. Do you want to win by pandemic, global pandemic?

92) Okay, we took over the world today, and we wiped out 100s of thousands or maybe millions of people to do so. Yeah, I'm proud. Right? Yeah? Exciting. China takes over the world by use of pandemic. Now there's something to pass down to your children and grandchildren.

93) General Flynn has been studying China for his entire career. He has the greatest geopolitical mind today. He has knowledge that no other player on the global stage has. That is the reason that the Obama team took him down.

94) This is key. The greatest enemy of corruption, is integrity. Who will the corrupt of this world work most furiously, most feverishly to take down? It's obvious. The most honorable man. Add to that knowledge, ability, access and will? That's a real target.

95) Usually, I'd end on an even number. Let's end here for today. We'll pick up the remaining five another time. As my friend @Beg1Girl always says, it's Flynn for the win. That's why Trump needs Flynn back, as Trump has said... Bigger and Better than ever Before!

Thread ends at #95.


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