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China's Goal = Global Domination

Pasquale Scopelliti

1) Let's talk about testing and results. The first thing to realize - if I'm right about all this - is that China's numbers are not data, they're part of a battle plan against us, and towards global domination. Don't laugh. Global domination is and always has been China's goal.

2) When, oh when, will the world wake up and notice that wiping out millions upon millions of citizens is the true history of Communism? Stalin did it, happily. Mao Tse Tung did it, happily. Xi Jinping is right now doing it happily. Communism employs genocide happily.

3) No, I do NOT blame Trump for NOT telling us this. He has to negotiate with Xi Jinping. He has no choice but to negotiate. It is NOT Trump's job to tell us that Xi Jinping is evil. It is our job to figure that out, ourselves. Again, Trump MUST negotiate and we must support him.

4) Unlike other, previous war leaders, Trump wants peace. He doesn't want to kill, he wants to save lives. Note that in the face of an Iranian attack, the response would have killed, at least, 150 souls. Trump said no. They destroyed a drone. We don't kill people over equipment.

5) But be clear, Chinese numbers are NOT data. They are propaganda, which is to say lies. China seeks to be the nation that solved the Coronavirus problem, while blaming America for causing the problem. Lies. Chinese leadership has never grieved the loss of millions.

6) So, when you hear that America has the largest number of confirmed Coronavirus cases in the world, its true, to be sure. But note the word: confirmed. We confirm our cases, honestly. China does more than lie. It uses its lies as nations use bombs in kinetic war.

7) But lies are, ahem, not the truth. And that's what I'm telling you about China's "data." Their data are lies. Please hear that. Anyone reporting the slightly more than 3,000 deaths in China is lying. China's deaths as a count will never be known. Liars do not tell the truth.

8) Do you realize that they are rioting in Wuhan? Tell me they're doing this over merely 3,000 deaths, in the entire nation of China. Come on. Be real. If China's numbers were true, this would NOT be happening...

9) In my recent reading and study, I've just learned that Mao, himself, was always 100% clear that the US was his enemy. I assumed that before. I know it now. We'll discuss this book more in future. Get it now...…

10) What Gen Spalding explains is this. Mao always knew that the USSR was his enemy, so he played upon China's weakness to lull it into giving aid. By 1970, Mao rightly saw the growing weakness of the USSR and decided to play the US in the same way.

11) I don't judge Nixon and Kissinger as harshly as Gen Spalding does, as I do believe that the USSR was, to us, a true threat, and that the global game they played, they played well. But, I 100% agree with Spalding's judgement of all the Presidents who followed.

12) Who remembers Tiananmen Square in 1989? Estimates range up to 1,000,000 protestors there, as Den Xiaoping crushed their uprising. The world watched as this man died. This is China.

13) And this is the American response. It is Brent Scowcroft, HW Bush 41's National Security Advisor, meeting with Deng Xiaoping who gave the kill order in Tiananmen Square, after he did so.

14) I know, I can't judge Bush 41 for doing so, and at the same time give Trump 45 a pass for working with Xi Jinping, guilty of a vastly greater evil. I understand. Negotiations are negotiations. Alas.

15) But I can say that we, We The People, we must awaken to our enemy. They know us. They know their enemy. We do NOT know them. We do NOT know our enemy. How does that bode for our outcomes in this long, so very long, stealth war as Spalding terms it?

16) I've long since, now, lost the slightest doubt about China's first strike attack against us with the biological weapon. So, I will keep repeating that we are at war. They have hidden their Pearl Harbor attack against us, brilliantly. A virus. Who could have imagined?

17) But I will also keep repeating that, until 4 November 2020, I will remain on record predicting the fall of the CCP by 3 November 2020. If we've learned anything from the Islamists, we've learned that suicide vests are only certain to kill the person wearing the suicide vest.

18) What we've missed, for 109 years since the Communist Sun Yat Sen led a revolution against the failing Qing dynasty, is that freedom is the cure against Communism, and against all dictatorship. Freedom for the people. I'll never understand how we lost that clarity.

19) The way to win the war China has declared is to support the free people of China. They are free. Their overlords must persuade them they aren't. Freedom can't be stolen. It can only be surrendered. My call, right or wrong, is that the free people of China are ready.

20) And another way to win the war of lies is with the truth. Let us face our cases with honesty. Let us face and grieve our deaths, counted honestly. And let us NOT believe the lies of our enemy, who uses those very lies as bombs against us in this war.


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