13 February 2020 - China's Chernobyl/Coronavirus Update You can believe me when I tell you that it breaks my heart to report that the China continues to completely mismanage this catastrophe.

2) Gordon Chang is one of the greatest analysts and experts on China in the world. Whatever he says, I believe. And if you read the article above, you will weep in sorrow over the evil that China's communist party is wreaking. Great havoc is yet to come.
3) No, I cannot yet predict the fall of the party. Perhaps, until it happens, I won't be able to predict it. It's like calling out tops or bottoms in the stock market. Anyone who tells you he's good at it is lying. The trends, those are not so difficult to see, though.
4) But, what if Chang's prediction that the virus will spread to Shanghai and Beijing is correct? And what if we end up with a true global pandemic, all cause by the Communist Party of China? How long can the party rule, while this evil progresses?
5) These are the key quotes:
"Chang said that while he understands the preventative measure, he believes the quarantine has “made the problem worse.”
6) “I can understand why they want to quarantine but remember, the Wuhan mayor said about 5 million people from his city left before the quarantine was imposed,” he said."
7) "“Also right now the quarantine has aggravated a problem and that is [that] people can’t get to hospitals, so they are at home…they are dying.”
8) "They are infecting other people in their households because they are not, in a sense, quarantined from wives, husbands, brothers, sisters,” he continued."
9) “The quarantine has made the problem worse. It’s also created panic. That panic has had consequences on, for instance, social cohesion which is absolutely necessary if you want to beat an epidemic.”
10) Truly, you want to read those words carefully, and maybe even repeatedly. Communism is, itself, an evil virus. It requires panic, but in the end, it is the very panic it requires that kills it. Communism is a self-immolating evil.
11) Our next step is to follow this story. Note especially the nearly $100 million dollars coronavirus is costing Japan. And, the first reduction in oil consumption in over 10 years.

12) It is not the most serious element of this story that cruise ships are now part of the virus vector, but it absolutely does demonstrate the consequence of communism's failure. We have to work with that a bit further.
13) Precisely as it is communism causing this catastrophe, it is equally true that communism gets all of its economic power by siphoning profit from capitalism. Capitalist economies that give up these profits are thereafter vulnerable to communism's cataclisms.
14) No, America is not directly suffering from communism's overtake of Venezuela. The reason, though, is that we produce more oil for ourselves now than we require. If we didn't, Venezuela's collapse would have catastrophically affected us.
15) Return to Japan with me. If it wasn't Asia's first, greatest capitalist success, it would not have the $100 million to invest in protecting itself from China's failure. Japanese capitalism leaves much to be desired. But that's an analysis for another day.
16) Now let's move back over westward to China again. And again, I don't know that this indicates an early sign of the party's collapse, but you can see that the party is already affected by all of this, here:

17) Here's the key quote:
"China's Communist Party has replaced the party heads in the coronavirus stricken province of Hubei and its capital Wuhan, state media said on Thursday, reporting the most high profile officials to be dismissed in the wake of the epidemic."
18) Imagine your life. You're the party apparatchik over Hubei, or over Wuhan. You're awesome. You're rich. You're powerful and mighty. You LOVE communism. You LOVE your communist nation. You are cool. Ahem. Cough. Until you're not. Now...you're out.
19) And additionally consider the cost. You've spent an entire lifetime of loyally, faithfully following orders. You've built relationships. You have invested everything you are into your party. And now, the party jettisons you. This is in NO way your fault. But now, you're gone.
20) And consider the cost to the party. Every other leader here or there or wherever sees this and begins to realize, thoughts begin to dawn, the party isn't only NOT flawless, it may jettison me too, and at any moment, due solely to the fact that I obeyed its commands.
21) What you're seeing, my friends, is how a communist party dies. I keep qualifying, I don't know the future. I don't know that this is actually China's Chernobyl. But, it's looking more and more like it is. Are you ready? What if it is? Are you ready for the fall?
22) I almost apologize to keep pounding on this. There is no coincidence. China just lost its greatest economic shield. The World Trade Organization has been completely detoothed by Trump. Allow me an illustration, to follow below...
Until now, the WTO's most favored nation status has been the modern version of the great wall. No trading deal between any nations was allowed to disfavor China.

24) Very simply, this is how it worked. If the USA gave Mexico a good deal, China was automatically allowed the same benefits. I say again, let that sink in. Nafta was NOT merely between Mexico and Canada, it also included China. Not directly. But rather due to WTO power.
25) Ding dong. The wicked witch is dead. The WTO has been defanged, detoothed by Trump. And China's power in the world is plummeting with this much instantaneous speed. Hold onto that. We - the USA - we, the patriots of America, we paid for ALL of China's power.
26) Honor and gratitude to Trump. He figured all of this out. He realized we were paying for China's power. And he, and he alone, he decided simply to stop. No more. No more paying for China. It is actually that simple. Stop paying for China.
27) What then, what is the new dream? I'll take a stab. China's communist party falls. Now. Due to the coronavirus. Or. Or, later, including this catastrophe, by other not yet known factors. But, the CCP falls, sooner...or...later. China is finally released from communism's grip.
28) It's time to reread the Declaration of Independence. It's time to come to terms with our own Constitution from 1789. In these two documents there are four rights that rise over all others.
1) Life
2) Liberty
3) The Pursuit of Happiness
4) Property
29) China - as it is ruled today - does not provide for ANY of these rights. Communism cannot provide them. Communism is ALWAYS a dictatorship. It is always a TOTALITARIAN state. As such, and at will, it will kill you. Kill you. Kill you. Take that in.
30) Consider Bernie Sanders and his Medicare For All. It will kill you. If your disease - such as coronavirus - doesn't meet its stringent specifications, you will get NO help. You will die. You're not the right person to help, so you die. It's called rationing. Got that?
31) Let's be perfectly clear. Socialism is communism. Democratic Socialism is simply a means to an end. Fool the majority of the voters. Get them to vote socialism in. Now, execute communism. That's the simple ploy. There is NO difference between socialism and communism. Equal.
32) Good news. Bernie cannot win the election. As our great @POTUS has assured us, America will NEVER be a socialist nation. Bernie is guaranteed to fail. He may even fail worse than McGovern did. We might win all of 50 states. No, I'm not predicting. It's just possible.
33) What I am saying is this. Bernie cannot win. Period. And if he did - which he won't - coronavirus in China is precisely the sort of catastrophe we here in America would end up suffering too. Communism fails. It fails. It always fails. And ponder how great our @POTUS is.
34) Juan Guaido is the democratically elected President of Venezuela. And he was honored at the SOTU by Trump. Why? Because Trump has trapped the Democrat Party into its communist stance. They, by their silence, support Maduro. Trump has masterfully trapped them.
35) We'll discuss these factors and forces many times in the near future. For now, allow me to encourage you. @realDonaldTrump has this. China's communist collapse, whenever it arrives, is something he is 100% ready to embrace, and he has the real plan for the world's progress.