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Calm in the Storm

Pasquale Scopelliti

1) #MAGAAnalysis 6 March 2020 If you go look, you'll be seeing a lot of bad news today. I would never sugarcoat, but I do always seek to find the calm in the storm. More I look to find the good within, or perhaps underneath the turmoil above. Let's see if can't do so right now.

2) The first thing that happens in a fight is you forget about everything else. There are things like intellectual fights, and those are fun. That's not we're looking at right now. In a real fight it's almost like every other part of your brain shuts off. There is only the fight.

3) Your head, both conscious and subconscious,is asking questions like should I stand or fall to the ground? Should I move left or right or be still? How many nanoseconds will it take before the coming blow strikes? None of these need to be words you think. Let's talk about that.

4) I have shared before that in swordfighting the most important thing to do is practice a single strike. It looks a lot like using a hammer. You raise the sword up and bring it down. You don't to give it much force, either. That one motion is the most powerful thing you can do.

5) We practice trying to take a step at the same time as striking, and that can be good. But when actually spar, your footwork tends to get all goofy and dumb, and just get yourself somewhere, stand there, and keep hitting. I say the less footwork, the better.

6) Did you see what I just did there? I showed you precisely how a fight clears the mind, and rids it of all distraction. One more thing there before we head back to the world and its news and such. There is a very serious, real reason to practice your strike 1,000s of times.

7) It's not what you think it is. You don't actually get good at it, no matter how many times you do it. Good is only a bit better than the other guy's move, whatever that is. No, the reason you practice is to remove thinking from the process. You just want your body to remember.

8) You want to shut your mind down and only be your body, nothing else. Contemplate that. That's real reason to practice.

9) America is addicted to China's supplies. As @realDonaldTrump has told us, Made In China has essentially replaced Made In America. That is the fight we're in right now. We are, per force, going into a condition of shocked withdrawal from our addiction.

10) As the withdrawal progresses, the heavy burden of our up-until-that-moment stupidity will begin clearing away. We never counted the dollars we enjoyed keeping, yes lowering quality, but still our companies and our wallets reaped the addictive joy of China's slave labor.

11) Forgive me if this seems an oversimplification. I promise you it is not. I'm aware of scores of other things in the world and in China etcetera, all of which merge it partial causes, all connected beyond ability to track mentally. I do, however, simplify, indeed.

12) If you've followed my work, you know I recently discovered the true meaning of the WTO, because its power was removed. I just offer that as another example of just one thing we can pull out and look at. Each time we do, we will learn more together.

13) Let's just recap where we are. The bad news is the thunderclap of a complex fight. In this fight, our minds will clear. We will come to understand things like how slave labor in China infests our entire economy. It is a cancer, actually, one we must remove.

14) Let's leap forward for a moment. Imagine that in a couple of years we have started to actually learn this single lesson. How might we complete the process of no longer depending on slave labor? We might start to say, who knew?, human rights are economic assets. 15) Picture the four rights like this: Life => Liberty => The Pursuit Of Happiness = > Property This symbol, = >, can be read as "leads to."

16) This part breaks my brain. I picture a new China where its government stands firm, protecting and guaranteeing all four rights to its every citizen. In my vision, that New China will become the best friend America could ask for. It really could happen.

17) Looking again at how we might implement, here's just one idea. We could employ nation-specific tariffs, thereby removing the largest market in the world. We could precisely state our reasons, listing the four rights, right in the tariff itself. Wouldn't that be wonderful?

18) That's absolutely a fight I would love for us to have. I want us to start looking at everything we do with those four rights as the cardinal directions of our national compass rose. We can make a better world. I say we must.

19) But do you see? We would never make that change without a fight to focus our attention on what's most important. Without the fight, you just don't get there. It is the fight that removes, or at least weakens on normal stupidity and shallowness.

20) I have to say again, the more I learn about the coronavirus, the more I come to feel it really might be a perfectly designed poison pill, targeted as missile at the center of our society. If successful, the minimum benefit I feel they seek is to remove Trump from office.

21) Unpracticed in clear thinking as we have grown, I suspect their ultimate goal is to defeat our fighting spirit. They want us to believe we are poor, sad, enslaved, diseased, and doomed to an early grave. Please, slowly ponder my theory.

22) And, I'm pretty sure you know is 100% NOT important whether we ACTUALLY are rich or poor, sad or glad, free or not, healthy or weak. The ONLY thing that matters is how strong our minds and hearts are. Maybe we can this a dispiritation bomb.

23) I'll conclude on that part of the fight's impact in creating new clarity. If you or I wish to succeed through the coming challenges, we must peer into each other's hearts and minds together, and find each other's strength or weakness of spirit.

24) As friends we will add to each other's strengths and weaken our weaknesses. We will forgive vices, and try to help. We will find and build those virtues that lead to success, safety, victory, the bond of brother- and sisterhood, and yes, we can't shy, we will build love.

25) Doing that, we will find other friends and make new friends, and our circle of strength will grow. Think it though. How fast could we pop our bull market to new heights again if we all agreed, and say it with, to... #KeepCalmBuyStocks


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