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Broken Promises

Pasquale Scopelliti

John Minford, #SunTzu 9: 30 "Words of peace, but no treaty, are a sign of a plot."

In his hope and change campaign, Obama offered all of us words of peace, but there was no treaty. When he promised us we could keep our plan or doctor if we liked them, these were words of peace but followed by no treaty.There's another word for all this: lies. Promises broken.

Today, Warren tells us we need Major Structural Change. She too is attempting to cover her raw socialism in words of peace - no one should be without healthcare insurance - but you may be assured there will be no treaty to follow. I am sad today, and I'll explain.

Countless times I've expressed the evil power of the Communist Manifesto over the history of the world since its 1848 publication. We do not have a Democrat Party in America anymore. We have a Communist Party rising. Sure, Socialism. Those are words of peace without a treaty.

Once elected, should she be so, can you assure me Warren will not enforce her will over our Second Amendment, and surround your home with her federal police, coming to take your weapons away? How long will it take her to destroy, to outlaw all private health insurance?

What about the Executive Pen? How long will it take her to write crippling requirements decimating our economy? If you don't see that she may instigate the 2nd Civil War, you're not looking carefully enough. Tom Paine, in 1776 told us that these are the times the try men's souls.

Are you ready? I'm not. I have not protected my home against a shutdown of electricity. I do not have survival skills. I do not have a stock pile of canned food and gold or bullets to be exchanged. I am not a warrior with a weapon in my hands. I am not ready.

I live in a gated community. I am not ready for the gate to be overwhelmed, and neither are my gatekeepers. They're wonderful people, but they depend upon the police. If a President Warren turned our police against us, what would we old timers in our gated community do?

We don't know how to provide ourselves with water, food, or healthcare. President Warren need but threaten our prescriptions and will we meekly comply...or die? I mean that with question with 100% literalness. Am I ready to die rather than to comply? I wish I knew I was.

Thank Heaven, we're not quite there yet. We do still enjoy a President Trump and have time to assess our weaknesses and strengths. We still have time to address our Republican Senate and assure them, they dare NOT betray us, or they will absolutely face our wrath.

Think it through, carefully. Have you actually faced the fact that Socialism is offering words of peace with us - as the thin varnish on the face of Communism - and that this is the direction of the Democrat Party, and of its Media collaborators? Have you faced that?

I beg you, please, let go of all denial or resistance. Even as we took comfort from Reagan's leadership - and then followed with complacency through HW, Clinton, W, and Obama - we let them steel America's greatness. Now, we are ready to reap the harvest unless we rise up.

Perhaps election 2020, when we re-elect Trump and provide him with an ironclad House and Senate, we'll save the day. But if we allow the Republican Senators to drop the line, to turn on us, to vote to oust our President, then we will have lost America in that moment.

There's no peace treaty coming, friends. Only the show of force at our doors demanding first our guns, and then our persons for internment camps since we resist the new order. It is that serious.

If there's a single action to take right now, it is to reach out directly to your Republican Senator (I don't have one, here in Virginia). Let each and every Republican Senator know that holy hellfire and brimstone will fall upon him if he abandons us now.

And if you haven't yet, read our Constitution. Read Tom Paine's Common Sense. And yes, read my book, too:…

But most of all, beyond all else, please: DO NOT BELIEVE in the words of peace. There will be no treaty to follow. Don't buy their lies. Know that the only way forward is reclaim the entire Constitution for ourselves, and to vote upon its basis.

258 verses completed, 198 to go. To return to previous sections in our #WarForAmerica2020 and #SunTzuForMAGA series, don't forget to head over to @WarForAmerica21. You'll find the digital table of contents for this series, there. Please retweet each entry you enjoy.


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