John Minford, #SunTzu 9: 42 "If they fail to hang up their pots and do not return to their quarters; then they are at bay."
We commence, today, with the wonderful term "at bay." Interestingly, it has two, seemingly opposing definitions. A bit of looking will reveal they are richly complimentary. Here's the first: "Forced to confront one's attackers or pursuers; cornered."
Here's the second: "In the position of being unable to move closer while attacking or trying to approach someone —used with keep or hold: The soldiers kept the attackers at bay."
The first definition has you in such deep trouble you've become so dangerous your only option is to fight to the death. You're a cornered badger. Your enemy beware. The second has you holding off your attackers, you're keeping them at bay still, so far.
Here's how the two definitions converge. After you've held your attackers off for as long as possible, you weary. You begin to lose hope. Your appetite begins to dissipate. You don't need your pots and pans anymore, and as there's no safety in your tent, you don't need it.
You're really not sleeping anymore, anyway. Just as the ache of hunger dissipates, so also does the paralysis of terror. When you've suffered that much terror, for that long, your ability to stave it off fades, and acceptance settles in. Let's picture this tactically.
Picture that you and your compatriots are holding a gate against the relentless hammering of a great ram on the other side. Hands on the gate, feet planted, you feel the strikes reverberating through your entire body, as do all your fellows. You hear the splintering wood.
As breach draws nearer and nearer, there is a moment when, stepping back away from the gate, you draw your sword. Who remembers the Alamo? Who knows if the tall tales are true? But we've all heard of warriors dying surrounded by the dead they slew first.
We've discussed the Jewish hero Samson, who slew more enemies in his death than he had in his entire life of battle before. When at bay, you may end up dying, but you'll be damned if you're going to go down alone. You're going to take some enemies with you.
Picking up where we left off yesterday, this is precisely where the Democrats and their entire swamp apparatus are right now. We know that the 3 previous Impeachment inquiries all commenced with a vote of the House. Today's inquiry has no such vote in sight, yet.
You know the phrase, everything but the kitchen sink? Well, the Democrats have wrenched the House cafeteria's sink out now and are throwing it at the wall too. What will they have left after this? How will they get through November 2019 with this, let alone November 2020?
On that note, I have to offer an analysis I did this morning, of the FOX News Shock Poll quoted at Drudge. Check it out and you'll see the desperation they've reached.

So, they're Impeaching WITHOUT a vote on the floor, eh? What enemy are they planning to take down, even if they too must die? In significant part, Congress, the Rules of Impeachment, the Constitutional nature of such an act, and so much more.
Here's an example of just how far we've come. Did you know that John Brennan, the former head of the CIA, voted for the Communist Party's candidate in 1980, just before being recruited? And did you know he has never been challenged over this, to this day? He remains avowed.
What does Communism detest the most? The answer is certainly NOT Democracy, they can work with that all day long, as long as it is majoritarian, and NOT a Constitutional Republic. No, the thing they hate the most is the Constitution and its Republic.
From November 2016 until today, they have attempted to keep the Constitution at bay, and they're growing exhausted. In all this time, @POTUS has never fallen into their hands, and We The People know it. We've seen through all their tricks and traps and power plays and PSYOPs.
No, it goes back further. Who remembers how, in the weeks before the RNC Convention, there was a great attempt to release the delegates from their bound votes for Trump? And none of that is to mention the corrupt support for HRC at law, and by Obama and his team.
The kitchen sink? Oh yeah. They're throwing everything they've got at our culture as a culture. We're reprobate racists, we are, they tell us. Yet the Communist practices of riot baiting and cultural destruction are behind everything they're doing, Impeachment included.
They're indeed very dangerous right now, no question. But yet again, they've sprung their trap too soon. Here's how. They're allowing all the so-tempted Republicans in power to see our support. The lying poll this morning is so easily seen through.
As we raise our voices and let the Republican power entity know it will face our wrath as nothing it can imagine or foresee if it betrays us again, we have the time to act. And I'm telling you, the Republican swampsters fear us now as never before. They're at bay.
If I were one of them, I'd be selling my Bentley right now, and putting my beach house into a blind trust up for sale and proceeds to be donated to Wounded Warriors. I'd fire my assistant after having her cancel all my planned vacations. I'd be selling the pots and pans and tent.
Getting back directly to Master Sun's counsel, please remember we're in the middle of a 14-verse sequence on signs of defeat in your enemies. How fortunate we are to have his help. Don't you agree? Let's see where the remaining signs of enemy's defeat lead us.
270 verses completed, 186 to go. To return to previous sections in our #WarForAmerica2020 and #SunTzuForMAGA series, don't forget to head over to @WarForAmerica21. You'll find the digital table of contents for this series, there. Please retweet each entry you enjoy.