John Minford, #SunTzu 9: 33 "Soldiers standing bent on their spears indicate great hunger."
Have you ever fought so hard, and so long, with so little to eat that, bent over, you needed anything at hand to help you even move at all? Have you felt hunger pain so fierce your body couldn't function without a morsel of something to eat? Can you picture it?
I have, and I know the look of famished exhaustion when I see it. Think of the tears that flowed the early morning of 9 November 2016 at the Clinton Victory Party, and on every news show of the MSM that horrible night for them. We starved them, stole their certain victory.
As I watched them weeping, I had an instant reaction. They'd known, for months, just as I had, that their candidate was beyond terrible, and ours was beyond great. They'd simply suppressed their knowledge, starving their own minds, hearts and souls of truth.
As food is to the body, truth is to the mind. A mind starved of truth can only push forward so far, until the agonizing pain of undeniable consequences wrenches it from its fantasy-driven false faith. Hillary? Defeat Donald? What were you thinking? It was never going to happen.
In that moment the fantasy collapsed, and the beginnings of the reality commenced. Of course, they all had spears to throw, and started doing so immediately. Russia Hoax. Mueller Investigation. And now ridiculous Impeachment, equally doomed to failure.
Want to see a soldier standing, bent on his spear from hunger? Look at Pelosi, look at the House Democrats attempting to Impeach WITHOUT a vote on the floor. They're bent over their spears in famished agony right now, yet again. Minds starved of truth.
A spear is a fearsome thing. I've attempted spear work, and it demands a level of fitness I have never had, so far. Maybe one day. We longswordsmen combine both spear and shield into a single weapon. Both hands on the sword, it is our defense and offense at once.
Unlike a spear, a longsword cannot be used as either a cane or a staff. Can you feel the inversion in Master Sun's image? This fierce weapon of offense has been converted into a mere stave of self-support in walking. A single misstep, and collapse ensues. Famished exhaustion.
Look at the entire Democrat field of Presidential Contenders. They're all, each and every one of them, bent over their spears in hunger. One Biden falls down, now, due to Ukrainian corruption, and Warren rises due to her apparent energy in campaigning. Apparent?
The spear she's bent on, in exhausted emaciation of thought, is "big, structural change." This is the now too soon released "end game" where Communism finally destroys our Constitutional Freedoms, and Communism-lite - Socialism - takes over America.
A recent commentator called this a "sugar high." I wish I remember who it was. He was absolutely correct. Maybe, out of the truth-starved crew, Warren can heft her spear at them. Should she win the nomination, Trump's power will overwhelm her utterly. Famished exhaustion ensues.
Here's a spear your Democrat friends are bent on, right now. It is the Ukraine conversation, leading to Impeachment. I'm NOT talking about Democrat leadership here. Rank and file. They have been false programmed to believe Trump is a crook and will be removed.
Starved of truth, they look at their own crew of leaders and despair, as they rightly should. They know what a complete bad joke HRC was, and they're not seeing anyone who can even be a good joke, let alone defeat Trump. So, their starvation leads them to hope of Impeachment.
Have you seen the stories about President Pelosi? These fantasies call for BOTH Trump and Pence to be removed in disgrace, somehow, some magical how. Then, Pelosi is our man in the Oval Office. How about that? Starved emaciation epitomized. Your Democrat friends suffer this.
You've likely seen it in your own family, too, like the prodigal son in the New Testament. The one who attacks the family with a spear of judgment, must bend on that staff, limping back, hoping for help in later years, skinny and wan, and hoping for a little food.
I'm not now, but I was once a famished prodigal son, myself. I hung my head in shame and asked to return, and to garner help. I dreamed my family would "kill the fatted calf" for me, as in the parable. Alas, it was not meant to be, but that truly is another story for another day.
Last for today, look at all the House Representatives in 2018 resigning their seats, and more now in advance of 2020. Look at the Never-Trump contingency of Swamp Republicans. Look at the side-with-the-Democrats against Trump crew like Mitt Romney and John McCain.
See John McCain limping towards death with his Trump opposition as his "honored" last stand. He campaigned against Obamacare with the best of the lying, conniving, swamp-rat Republicans. and then, bent on his spear, thumbs down. A former Republican Presidential nominee.
See Romney collapsing under the combined attack of Candy Crowley and Obama in the 2nd debate in 2012. He'd first attacked about Benghazi and then, collapsing, was instantly silenced, and bent over his Benghazi spear, he hung his head in shameful silence. Our Republican nominee.
And now, his mind starved of truth precisely as his Democrat swamp friends minds are, he waits to pounce on each and every flicker of false hope that Trump will be taken down. He shows up on any show that will have him, ready to spew his anti-Trump lies, his starved opposition.
I have to offer one final spear used as a physical support for a starving mind. My head explodes when I hear these idiot Republicans say that they don't approve of what Trump said to the President of Ukraine, ethically, but that it was not illegal. That's a perfect way to lose.
Truth, the nutrition of the mind. Don't leave home without a truth breakfast each day. Don't be like idiots who pretend to lead, but wouldn't know a truth meal from inches away, and would ask for some nice lies to eat, please. And always watch the falling spears becoming staves.
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