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America's Great Surrender to an Utterly Corrupted System

Pasquale Scopelliti

Updated: Jul 17, 2020

10 July 2020 #PardonFlynnNow Analysis America's Great Surrender to an Utterly Corrupted System There is a great trick that's been played upon America, and @GenFlynn's case is the greatest exemplar of this trick in our history. It's time for us to wake up, and reject it.

2) The trick is the simplest thing, and in order to illustrate, I'm going to refer to the great novel and film, The Godfather. What was his business? Many will remember the Genco Olive Oil company, and that was his start. But, after that, he moved into many other businesses.

3) The real step into his criminal empire was smuggling booze from Canada during prohibition. You can easily see the connection. Trucks able to transport bottles of olive oil need to retrofit to carry booze. His fleet was his initial asset, but he needed a second.

4) He needed corrupt judges to dismiss the cases against his drivers when they got caught by the revenue men, from the IRS, who hunted booze smugglers. Thus, the art of corruption was the next art he mastered. How do you win over a corrupt judge? Don Vito was its Da Vinci.

5) Those familiar with the movie may remember Don Barzini referring to Don Vito's Senators and Judges that he jangled like coins in his pocket, and how, not being Communists, as friends, they must be allowed to dip from the well but he may of course charge a fee.

6) I've been very literally studying the book and the movies since the early 1990s at which time, interestingly, I experienced judicial corruption directly. I attempted to represent myself in court, a Constitutional right, and was thrown out by a corrupt judge. 7) What I did NOT do back then, or adequately in the decades since, was realize the degree to which our Constitutional Republic has been rent from our Constitutional rights. I simply thought of it as my loss. I did not analyze the extension of those losses to our nation.

8) Have you heard the term: "uni-party?" I have. It had little impact on me. I didn't take it literally. I recently blundered - not on my own, but in my reading - into the term: One-Party Rule. Somehow, that term put chill into my bones in ways the uni-party does not.

9) When the legislature of our land, and our judiciary, and the steady stream of POTUSes have all been members of the One Party that rules over us all, the American we grew up believing in has become a fantastical belief from our uncritical child minds growing up.

10) So sadly, Don Vito Corleone's story shows us exactly how we got here. A judge has the power to enforce or subvert the law. Each judge has his price. Don Vito knew this, and knew precisely how to discover that price. The price is always profitable to pay.

11) Let's return now to the myth of judicial exoneration, or as so many of my debate partners call it, "full vindication." Let me ask you, and try to take this in, if your enemy owns the judge, what does that judge's denial of vindication mean to you? Does it mean you're guilty?

12) The trick is, judges adjudicate the law faithfully. The more they have you believe that, the greater the room in which they may corrupt the law with zero risk, zero accountability, zero fear of repercussion. I ask, does anyone not know how corrupt Judge Sullivan is by now?

13) You can believe me when I tell you, I have the dubious honor, as far as I know, of having been the first to unearth Judge Sullivan's corruption. He was previously held in high esteem, unblemished and heroic. I've told the story many times. He stole his reputation.

14) The simple sketch is this. Sullivan presided over Senator Ted Stevens' false conviction. This led to the loss of Stevens' seat, and gave a filibuster proof majority in the Senate to Obama. Then, he presided over Steven's meaningless exoneration. I'm the guy who analyzed that.

15) Once I pulled those pieces together, I saw clearly that Stevens was a 100% bent judge, the very definition, and a master of public relations to boot. His reputation was spotless, while his honor was nothing but dishonor. He should be referred to as Your Dishonor, Sir.

16) Now let's talk about Mueller. Mueller and Flynn. I'm not sure of this, but I believe I was the first guy to go on record decrying the Mueller Investigation as a criminal enterprise. I'm probably wrong, but don't recall anyone else who got there first. How did I analyze that?

17) Jim Comey set the Mueller Investigation in motion. Comey committed the crime of leaking, and of stealing government documents with the self-confessed intention of getting a Special Counsel set up. Those are crimes. The resulting investigation was criminal.

18) Let's go back to The Godfather. Who remembers Police Captain McCluskey? He's the ultimate dirty cop. He is the bodyguard and all round protector of Virgil Sollozzo, an innovator ready to addict America to heroin as never before. It takes dirty cops to protect drug sellers.

19) It should be obvious, Mueller is McCluskey. He's as dirty a cop as they come. He used the criminal powers of both the DOJ and the corrupted FBI to establish his criminal enterprise. Linger with me here. Let's go back to exoneration. Balance out Mueller and Flynn.

20) How, I ask, does the same system that honors Mueller exonerate Flynn? How? Wouldn't honest exoneration require that Mueller be prosecuted and convicted at law if it was going to offer Flynn some sort of clean bill of health, legally? It's laughable if it didn't make me weep.

21) So we've got the Deep State's pet judge Sullivan, and it's his court that should fully vindicate and exonerate Flynn, why now, precisely? Because a pardon would indicate guilt. And there's that trick again. Stick tight now: Guilt does NOT = Innocence.

22) Clean out your ears and your mind, let go of your wrongful assumptions. Just because we've all been manipulated into believing that the word Pardon means Pardon FROM GUILT, does NOT mean that's what it means. One can be pardoned due to innocence. Try the logic out.

23) The United States government, and its many corrupt judges are beyond capable of egregious misconduct. How is an innocent man to be protected against system corruption of this nature? This brings us to the Office of the Presidency. We don't like to face this, but it's true...

24) A President is, in reality, a king, just a Democratically elected with with a term limit. That is to say, he is a temporary king. And that is where the power of pardon comes from. English freedom was created long before Democracy became an English right.

25) At the time of our Constitution's creation, the ever-so-kingly power of pardon was somehow on the table for consideration. It is so vast a power, and so easily corrupted, why allow it to a mere President at all? It was a corrective. The logic wasn't perfect, but still sound.

26) The founders employed the logic of mercy over justice in retaining this kingly power. That is sound, good logic. It speaks to our kindness and goodness as a people, we allow that sometimes, where justice demands this, mercy demands its opposite. That's how they wrote it.

27) To my eye, what the founders missed was Don Vito's corrupt judges. They did not protect us against judges who free guilty men at price, and convict innocent men at benefit. By the way, I completely forgive them for this failure. It was, after all, an experiment.

28) No one could have been expected to anticipate the degree of corruption rotting our entire governmental apparatus in what may actually be stage 4 socialtal cancer. It was our job to notice and do something, and we failed. I failed. I should have seen it.

29) On the other hand, I claim I see it now, and with a clear eye. And, I stand behind my case. This corruption is so deep, so rotten, that the ONLY man in America who stands an honest chance of doing something about it is President Trump. And turns us to politics.

30) If I say Tillerson, Mattis, Sessions, Bolton, and Fauci, what's the unifying parameter? They all abandoned and betrayed their President. I don't know why Tucker supports Sessions, but he's wrong. POTUS has Deep State players constantly revolving through his administration.

31) And that brings us back, no, not to mere uni-party, but actually to One-Party rule of state. We know that the Deep State's greatest target is Trump. After him, and as a means of weakening him, its next highest target is Flynn. And obviously, it doesn't support a pardon.

32) The One Party rules all. It rules the Congress, the Judiciary, and until Trump, the Executive. It rules the entire Federal apparatus. There is a technical term for what they are. Oligarchy. They're not a singular Dictator, but they rule utterly.

33) Back when the founders were arguing over our Constitution, the sad fate of Democracies was well known. A small number of power players can always trick the people by offer of rewards. This was known, since ancient times, as Bread and Circus.

34) England, the creator of our original freedoms fell prey to Bread and Circus immediately after WWII. Health, Housing, Education, Entertainment, and Income security all put in place immediately after defeating National Socialism in Germany. That's Bread and Circus.

35) What history has failed to do, so far, is set rights in place as such, where the right is worth more than the bribe to give it up. As it stands, our claim to be the land of the brave and the home of the free is weak, my friends. Weak. We are far more cowardly than we realize.

36) How can you have freedom if the court to which you turn for redress of its loss is corrupt? You can't. Corrupt courts mean no freedom. And if we're too cowardly to call that out, then where is our courage, our bravery?

37) Words count, and definitions matter. As you know, I stand behind a Presidential Pardon...and let me shout this... OF INNOCENCE A #PardonOfInnocence. I do not believe Trump is corrupt. I believe in his honesty and his rightful power to perform what justice demands.

38) I ask for no merciful pardon, demanding a confession of guilt. I spit on that right now, not that I don't see the power mercy. Flynn needs no mercy. Rather, he needs the firm hand of justice as empowered into the one part of today's American government we can trust.

39) Who counts the meaning of time? How much time do we have? How many days of true justice being rent, of our Constitution receding into the land of fairy tales do we have? I say, every day of justice lost is a price we cannot afford. And this, for a corrupt judge to correct?

40) So no, I don't expect those around Trump, minions of the One Party as so many are, to ever support this pardon. But I don't care. I'm just one voice. But I am a voice. And with it I request: Pleases Mr. POTUS, #PardonFlynnNow by a #PardonOfInnocence A little while later, from my garage roostery...brand new Brazilian beans freshly roasted for my afternoon brew.


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