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America Herself Is Awakening

Pasquale Scopelliti

John Minford, #SunTzu 9: 26 "Dust in drifting pockets is a sign of an army encamping."

Our wonderful commentators explain, before an army encamps, it sends out light horse to scout out the location. Dust drifting up in drifting pockets is the sign that indicates this activity. Light horse - unarmored - can move quickly, lightly, across the land.

We can see precisely such pockets today in the Democrat's build up for the 2020 election. Here are their drifting pockets of dust. Climate change, and the Green New Deal, which clearly states that Capitalism Is Killing The Planet. Note that. Capitalism is the bad guy.

Two, they've decided it is time to socialize healthcare. They destroyed the healthcare market in their first punch, Obamacare - following decades of corruption in D.C. in that industry. Now, they believe America will fall for their second punch in wiping it all out.

A nationalized healthcare in America is only the first step towards Communism, NOT Socialism. Calling it Socialism, as we have now suddenly accepted ('suddenly' covering about 50 years or so) is merely the first step toward a resurrected Communist America.

Resurrected? I'm not sure the vision ever really died, but it certainly lost its cache as the name of a dream. What we're really discussing is Red Communist America, now, with its own Red Army, and NOT Red as in Republican. Red as in cycle and hammer.

Right now, these are mere pockets of dust, drifting in the media. But they show us precisely where the Democrats plan to encamp. We have more pockets to consider. The next one is this or that candidate. Clearly, Obama chose against both Joe and Bernie, they now have no chance.

We'll come back to candidate selection. Impeachment is the largest of the currently drifting dust pockets. The Mueller Report having utterly failed, Impeachment has become the drum they beat the loudest. Camp here, oh ye Democrats, camp here.

Who remembers the Access Hollywood tape? It was released on 7 September 2016, and to my eye - by my data - it collapsed 15 September. That was when I made my final call for Trump's electoral victory. They needed a two-month wave. They got a one-week nudge.

They certainly enjoyed Discipline and Command. They failed on the Earth, did NOT enjoy Heaven's will, and they have no idea whatsoever of The Way. Not one of those conditions has shifted. They are releasing Socialism vastly too early, and with vastly too little disguise.

Why? Because they know we have already won. What does the law say? I don't know. What if you impeached a President just before an election? Would that mean he would be disbarred from running? If not, their impeachment would assure his victory.

Everyone says, you can't get an impeachment through the Senate. Do you trust that? I don't. I don't trust the Republican Senate as far as I can throw it. What I trust is America Herself, awakening. I trust that America Herself, patriotic America, embraces MAGA.

What is MAGA, exactly? My wife @KateScopelliti and I wrote a book on topic, one worthy of your consideration and purchase. In it, we outline @POTUS' 10 Principles which follow below. Here is the link:…

MAGA IS: 1. Remember The Forgotten Americans 2. Rule Of Law 3. American Jobs 4. Quality Of Life For Every American 5. Heal Our Cities 6. Build The Wall 7. Make America Wealthy Again 8. Make America Strong Again 9. Make America Safe Again 10. Make America Great Again So back to candidates. Joe is too old, as is Bernie. Joe is too corrupt. Bernie is too obviously Communist. He figured out that Socialism sells better, but in a campaign against Trump he'd be blown out of the water. The Democrats know that, their published polls be damned.

Back to Joe. He becomes a third of the triumvirate, Obama-HRC-Joe. This brings up all of Obama's crimes. It brings up all of HRC's crimes. And who knew? Joe is now a billionaire. Yeah, doesn't look so good. Not to mention gaffes. And again, too old.

So, wipe out Joe, let Bernie be taken out by Warren and who do we have? Fresh face, properly painted with war lines from her Cherokee past, Pocahontas. And she's the most Socialist of the non-Communist candidates. Alas. She may whip up the Bernie base, but alas. She's their gal.

Thus, their biggest pocket of dust is Impeachment. They have to dirty Trump so much that, to some electoral majority of American voters, Warren is the more "moral" choice. Right now, I don't think they can pull it all off, and here's why.

We have The Way, the American Way. We can see the Heaven just as clearly as they, and we all know the date and time of contest. We are stronger on the Earth than they are, thanks to @realDonaldTrump and @parscale. I still don't think we have their Command and Discipline.

Three out of five fundamentals, and the top three is enough for me to call for us. But, it's NOT, it's NOWHERE near enough for me to be happy. For that...we must address Command and Discipline also. And for that, I call for... #100kMAGALeaders of #100kMAGATeams

What does that mean, numerically? It means that we require 230 such teams in EACH of our 435 House districts across America. These are small, targeted, high-performance, self-organized teams. But let's let go of the full complement, and start small.

In each of the 435 House districts, having but a SINGLE such team would be an AWESOME beginning. You can populate the high ground, as Master Sun would have you do. And if you can see the pockets of drifting dust where the other side is encamping, you have the advantage already.

254 verses completed, 202 to go. To return to previous sections in our #WarForAmerica2020 and #SunTzuForMAGA series, don't forget to head over to @WarForAmerica21. You'll find the digital table of contents for this series, there. Please retweet each entry you enjoy.


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