30 April 2020 - #PardonFlynnNow Analysis A tale of CELEBRATION, a tale of caution. First, where are we right now. In case you missed it, you WANT to watch this wonderful segment from Hannity.
2) Let's discuss the celebration. Attorney General Barr ordered an investigation into @GenFlynn's case. That is more than just a good thing, it's kind of amazing. Just that particular investigation. Believe it or not, it took courage to order it. Hats off to Barr on that.

3) That, of course, is old news. Still it is 100% worthy of celebration, and of respect to AG Barr. But yesterday, things got dramatically better. As a result of this investigation, exculpatory evidence has been produced. Note the solid factual nature of that term: produced.
4) With a hat tip to all the wonderful analysts now specializing in the Flynn case, I won't go over any of the legal niceties. In this celebration, I'll stick to the high notes alone. We now have - NOT hope for, but HAVE - incontrovertible evidence of crimes in high places.
5) While everyone who loves justice is now praising the great @SidneyPowell1 from segment posted above, I too must add my own praise, and so should you. It doesn't have to be complicated. For my part, I simply must express:
#SidneyRocks, or maybe...
6) We'll get a tiny taste of caution here, within our celebration, right now. We must ask, what if? What if, in spite of the incontrovertible evidence AG Barr and team has now produced, justice is still thwarted? It's a serious question, we'll explore more below.
7) However, as part of our celebration allow me this proposition. Even if justice is crushed now, as it may be, the fact that we have the hard evidence matters, and matters greatly. Even in that scenario, #SidneySavesAmerica. Let's follow that out!
8) Any who have been paying attention ever since this news hit - and strangely, the Drudge Report seems not to have so much as noticed - knows that the left has gone berserk over it. The simple fact of their head-exploding rage and fury is a GIGANTIC WIN! Temporary, but HUGE!
9) By the way, this entire thing is classic @realDonaldTrump. He always makes/allows the left to think they've defeated him, and always disproves them a bit later on. You have to love and celebrate that pattern. We can celebrate that proof is still proof, even still.
10) So imagine for a moment that the DOJ and the court still do the wrong thing anyway. I know, noone wants to go there, but we must. Even then, #SidneySavesAmerica. We HAVE the proof. And proof does not disappear once you have it. That is a change of condition.
11) So imagine that, even with incontrovertible evidence in hand, there is still a miscarriage of justice. Even then, Sidney's work to wrest control over the true proof will never fade. We who love Flynn, we in the #MAGAMovement will never, ever let this go. We have this.
12) Extend your vision forward with me. Imagining that justice is abrogated, and even this incontrovertible evidence is insufficient to move justice forward, what next? What will occur is a kind of new rage in America. I foresee a new awakening if that occurs.
13) So far, with souls like HRC and McCabe, we have allowed the guilty to walk free. We know perfectly well how guilty they are. So does AG Barr, and he's done some, but not much to date, about it. But that is an entirely different thing than punishing the innocent.
14) Mario Puzo fans know that in his last books he followed the life of one Don Clericuzio. The great Don immigrated to America for a principle. Here is what it was:
Better that 1,000 guilty men go free than 1 innocent man be punished.
For him, this was transcendent beauty.
15) A thing our legal system has come close to utterly losing is the principle of:
The Presumption of Innocence
We do not shake and quiver when guilty men go free. But, to allow an innocent man to be punished rips our souls apart.
16) What I assure you has been achieved, now, is that Gen Flynn's innocence has been establish beyond the shadow of a doubt. He is innocent, and contrary to the principle of presumption, it HAS BEEN PROVED. If for nothing else, we celebrate that, this very day. It's a fact.
17) With that, we turn to caution. His case has NOT been closed. It is not yet dismissed. We must face this sobering fact as well. Why not? Why has his case NOT been dropped, yet? A new player enters upon the stage of our focus. One Christopher Wray. Why has he not been fired?
18) I'll tell you why. James Comey. The Mueller Investigation. That's why. It was started by Comey, over Gen Flynn's case. Wray has replaced Comey. The Trump team, rightly, has to be cautioning Trump that he could get in the same trouble again if he forces Wray's hand.
19) As I always say, I'm not an attorney, and I have no inside information. All I have is analysis of publicly available data. And I say Wray is bent. He has known, likely from before day 1 of his tenure, that the Flynn case was 100% bogus. Hinky. Twisted. Corrupt. He knew.
20) But what has Wray done? He has stonewalled at every turn. I will honor AG Barr if Flynn's case is dismissed. But, I will still have my squinted eye on him, as long as Wray is in power. Why didn't we have this exculpatory evidence within weeks of Wray's ascension?
21) Why is it that not one person on the Democrat side has yet been prosecuted? Why is it that AG Barr is friends with those who prosecuted the coup against @POTUS, such as Rod Rosenstein? Why has Andrew McCabe NOT been prosecuted? There is still danger afoot.
22) So let's look at the danger. To begin, I go back to the summer of 2016. The great and mighty director of the FBI, the towering and vaunted James Comey, Esquire, is on TV reporting the results of the HRC investigation. He spends roughly 15 minutes listed her crimes.
23) The esteemed Attorney General Lynch has honorably - I say that with dripping scorn - recused herself from the HRC case. So, Tall Comey pontificates on all the breaches HRC committed. He lists them carefully, mathematically. She did this wrong. She did that wrong. On it goes.
24) Naive idiot that I was, I'm hearing the beginnings of a true prosecution, and I am overjoyed. I like bourbon. My wife and son are watching with me. My wife doesn't drink bourbon. So, I pour - IDIOT ME! - a couple of shots for my son and myself, in pure, stupid joy.
25) My wise and understanding son, who already knows how utterly wrong I am, dutifully drinks his shot of celebratory bourbon with me, while Comey drones on and on. But my wise son knows what's coming. I don't. Idiot me. Nico knew justice was being breached. I didn't. Yet.
26) Word trickery this, legal schmegal that, but of course, NO PROSECUTOR would move this case forward. So therefore, HRC goes free. My bourbon almost came right back up. I hate it when my son is right and I am wrong. Unfortunately, I've had to get used to it.
27) We have to go again. Stepping back in time. Obama, in the dark of night, places palettes of cash on a plane. Not just any cash, oh no. Foreign cash. Not one honest American dollar in the lot. Why not? American dollars are prohibited from this transaction. Interesting.
28) Even though none of them were actual American dollars, they equalled, do you remember?, $1,700,000,000.00. $1.7 billion in foreign cash. Did I get my zeroes count right there? It was Billion with a B, for sure. One point seven...Billion dollars. To whom? Iran.
29) Follow this hellaciously painful story out further. We confiscated Iran's American holdings in 1979, when, after their coup and their hostage affair, the new terrorist government of Iran took over. By some strange logic, twisted and bent, Obama says we owe the money back.
30) Forget the damned cash on a plane in the middle of the night, cash for hostages which is against every part of the law. Oh no. No matter. The real deal is One Hundred Fifty BILLION dollars of reparations to the greatest terror state in history. Every part of this is illegal.
31) And what happens next? All the genius manipulators twist, contort and distort the law to make it all okay. Obama is the greatest funder of terrorism in human history, and no one seems to blink an eye over it. There you see the real state of justice in America.
32) Idiot me? Oh yeah. I actually thought this would matter. I did. I confess, again, idiot me. I thought that the overwhelming illegality of Obama's acts would count, would matter, that we'd do something about it. Are you following? I'm an idealistic idiot. I am.
33) But as you know, the Obama team had no difficulty at all. They didn't raise a sweat. No one felt the slightest discomfort or fear. They knew America would NEVER hold them to legal account. The old term is sophistry. They knew their sophistic case would cover all.
34) And they were right. No one cared. No one did anything. No one protested. There was no march upon the Mall. There were no million man marches. There was barely a peep of opposition. Obama did it. It was good. And that's enough for America. Come on. Admit it. We did nothing.
35) So, sadly, here's the skeptic's sad version of what just occurred for Gen Flynn's case. AG Barr saw it was in his best interest to throw some red meat at his red-meat base of support, who questions him severely. He did. All good. All done. Now, we let them all off.
36) Happily, that's NOT a prediction. It is ONLY a skeptical man's worst case scenario. Worst case scenarios are often happily wrong. Sadly, not often enough. I'll state my caution now, directly.
37) It remains ever so sadly possible that yesterday's progress, for all its significance, was merely a temporary head fake. If AG Barr is not the man we all hope he is, it was a sedate-infused steak thrown to the nightwatch doberman, before the burglar climbs the wall.
38) We must simply stop underestimating our enemies within. We must simply stop hoping that good things will happen. If they do, we will certainly be happy, and rightly so. Yesterday was a good day. But it did NOT win the war. The war is not yet won.
39) To be blunt, I do not yet know if AG Barr is a good guy, or not. If not, he might easily offer up yesterday's red meat, full well knowing it will amount to nothing in the end. That is NOT my forecast. It IS my fear.
40) Assume the worst. Hope for the best. All good. In case of worst, let us be ready to assume our rights as Americans, and oppose any miscarriage of justice forward. It's time we stop sleeping and demand the rights of justice. We must demand the rights of justice.
Thread ends at #40.