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A Rising Sun Sometimes Reveals Great Devastation

Pasquale Scopelliti

1 May 2020 - #PardonFlynnNow Analysis A Rising Sun Sometimes Reveals Great Devastation It will soon be the case that @GenFlynn will be the most vindicated man in the world. In @POTUS' press conference yesterday, Trump stated, emphatically, Flynn has already been exonerated.

2) Anyone listening to the subtext of Trump's comments, at all, could hear quite plainly: I hope I don't have to use the power of pardon, as I'd far rather his complete and full exoneration and restoration occurs as it should. However, if I need to, I will surely pardon him.

3) Trump could not have been more clear about the fact that this great patriot was placed in front of the freight train of a corrupt government bureaucracy, and faced it with strength and honor. He stated that no American should ever have to suffer what Flynn has, ever again.

4) Asked if he'd hire Flynn back into his administration, Trump may as well have said, are you kidding, why wouldn't I? He deserves to be restored in full. I was thrilled to see Trump stand behind his friend and ally with such strength and loyalty.

5) But one could hear another subtext throughout, and that was one of profound sadness, perhaps even a bit of a broken heart. For all that's wrong, I am confident that Trump never realized how utterly evil the inner workings of the government might be. How horrifying.

6) As an analyst, and being there while this was all happening, I knew from the first moment how utterly off the rails our nation's government had gone. I've spent the years since attempting to share with people what was so clear to me. I'll remind you.

7) The moment this atrocity commenced, I stated over and over again that the only crime we knew of for a fact, was the illegal unsealing and leaking of Flynn's conversation. That was a crime committed by the Obama administration. The Logan Act was always a farce, a fraud.

8) What's more, I knew and am long on record that the Mueller Investigation was absolutely a criminal enterprise from the get go. It was commenced by James Comey's criminal behavior, completely confessed before the world, but for some reason, not named as such.

9) We have the principle of a jury of one's peers, in America, harkening back of course to English Common Law. We do not, we clearly do NOT have the principle of a prosecution of one's peers. Nay. Our principle is a prosecution of one's betters, who enjoy complete license to lie.

10) Our prosecutorial betters also have an unlimited treasury of tax generated funds to throw at the defendant ceaselessly, relentlessly, and we must face this, unjustly. Providing our prosecutors so great an anvil is to destroy justice itself. It is a fissure in our governance.

11) It was that imbalance that was at the heart of my analysis recommending the creation of Gen Flynn's defense fund. It went against his every instinct. He is a proud man, and has no desire for the dole, or to put himself forward in need. I had to overcome that resistance.

12) No matter how great his losses, he would never have moved forward for himself alone. General Flynn requires rock solid principles to inform his every choice and action. The principle I put forward was that the people must rise up to speak on behalf of justice.

13) I assured him that not only were there millions who support him, they would each and all feel saddened for the lack of the opportunity to express that support. He was more than just himself. He was their leader and friend. He owed it to them to accept their assistance.

14) In the end, though, the real basis of my case was that the government employed unlimited resources at the tax payers' expense in the endeavor to break innocent souls such as himself. His financial duress was an evil force, that had to be pushed back against.

15) I said then, and I say now, this evil must be rooted out of America if we wish to return to a state of justice in our land. The simple idea is this. Prosecution must be a search for truth, not the very execution of punishment itself, no matter guilt or innocence.

16) I don't imagine I have the answer. I can, however, offer a single idea to illustrate the transformation we require. Imagine the government under obligation to reveal all prosecutorial expenses to the penny. And also under obligation to provide equal amount for the defense.

17) No treasury is actually infinite, even with the money presses printing all night and day. If the government's burden instantly doubled in price, you might instantly see a halving of cases brought. On its own, that would be a great boon. Efficiency is a beautiful thing.

18) But of course the true benefit would be the balancing out of power. I assure you, if a prosecution knew that its cost would be mirrored, it would instantly cut its costs to the bone. A good thing. More, it would stop looking at the defendant the way foxes look at hens.

19) If General Flynn's immeasurable sacrifice is to have meaning, we must learn the lesson of our vast failure as a nation that allowed this travesty to occur. We must address this imbalance, and change it. Were I a congressman, I'd be introducing a Flynn Bill for Justice, now.

20) The sun is rising. From the moment I determined to support candidate Trump till now, I have never been more proud of him than in his support for Gen Flynn expressed to the world in recent weeks and most especially from the podium yesterday. Flynn IS exonerated, already.

21) I don't know what day Flynn will be able to speak in full. But, he has already tweeted twice this past week. I say a full-throated HALLELUJAH, his voice is coming back. He will soon stand and speak, and may that day arrive quickly. The sun is indeed rising.

22) Upon the true completion of his full vindication and restoration, the future for General Flynn is bright and strong. He will be truly restored, in every way. His personal broken treasury will be replenished, and all patriots will thrill to his being made whole.

23) Yet the devastation to our nation's integrity cannot be repaired by Flynn's restoration, no matter how wonderful that will be. Nay. We must face the demons of our worser self as a people. We have allowed injustice to be named justice, falsely, and done nothing about it.

24) I must offer an illustration here. Consider the lawlessness of our legal aristocracy, running these vast institutions with not the slightest regard for their obligation, honor, integrity, or duty. Blindly, we have allowed them free rein, free reign. This must end, now.

25) We must hound, holler, nag, and threaten every elected official to rise to this moment, and cure the ill. Must we end the FBI, and rebuild from the ground up a proper Federal Constabulary? I don't know, but if so, then let's get on with it. And what about the DOJ?

26) Who watches the watchers? Right now, apparently, no one does. And no, for goodness sake, I am NOT talking about meaningless Congressional oversight. There has to be another way. Congress has so corrupted itself as to be almost nothing other than corruption institutionalized.

27) I have a friend, @KatherineHensh1, who has invested years of effort in tracking sealed and unsealed cases. A Presidential Commission may well be required to address this. How do we provide accountability to the Justice Department? It's a damned important question.

28) Yet, be the tactical, specific answer this or that - and we won't even discuss the corruption of the judges and the bench - there is an ultimate answer and we all know it. It is the vote, itself. No, I'm not talking about voter fraud, serious though that may be.

29) I'm not even talking about voter participation, and the performance of each citizen's civic duty. No, it is the mind behind the vote that is my focus. How much do we know? How deeply do we research? How much do we care? Where does the failure really reside? Apathy.

30) It is the dulling of the American voter's mind that is our greatest foe. No nation - not China or any other - can overcome an awakened America. But, no matter how great we may be, we cannot withstand the devastation of the sleeping American mind.

31) Here is a personal confession. As our leaders hollowed out America, exporting industries, factories, and jobs abroad, I never took the time to learn about the forces and factors in play. I knew nothing about the global economy. I was too busy with my personal economy.

32) While there are many contenders, my current candidate for worst moment on this vicious spiral into economic destruction was the 1973 vote by Congress granting China Most Favored Nation trading status. I only just learned about this about a week ago, or so.

33) Depending on the date, I was either 12 or 13 years old at the time. No, of course I don't judge young Pasquale for that. But at some point in my adult life, before last week, I should have come to understand why America can't build and market a sofa or night stand.

34) It was my own dulled and oblivious mind that stole from me more than merely my voice to stand and speak. Far worse, it deprived me of the meaning of my own intelligent vote. It rendered me impotent to join with others and affect the change we needed. And I truly regret that.

35) I don't remember when General Flynn first told me of his own deepest moral compass. I'll guess it was during the transition, after we won. It was, I believe, his mother who taught him to always do not only the right thing, but the HARDER right thing.

36) If we let go of law, and government, and the strength or weakness of the America Republic, and look at just this one man and his suffering, there is no question as to what is its worst component. These evil doers have sought to remove from him his sacred honor and reputation.

37) Imagine that. All the force and power of the office of the previous President, along with all the force and power of the entire government's apparatus was purposefully targeted at this one good man. Imagine that. Don't think you did, if you only spent a moment.

38) That thought is actually too big for any human mind to process quickly. None of us know the full power and force of our government. To imagine all of that - which we cannot envision - targeted against one good man, it truly beggars the mind. It requires long, focused thought.

39) I tell you this. If we fail to rise as a people to transform the very possibility that our very own government might perpetrate so great an injustice, then we will no longer merit the Republic we received. We will then deserve both our shame and our demise.

40) Yet, no matter the devastation this sunrise reveals, still, it is a new day dawning. We will soon hear the voice of our great leader, hero, and friend speak. He will be restored. And then, it will be up to us to decide if we will win our restoration as a nation.

Thread ends at #40.


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