17 June 2020 - #MAGAanalysis A fighter telegraphs, a political party forewarns. There is a strange and wonderful history we have in the West, of sword manuals. That's right, books on swordsmanship, manuals. We have more of them dating back further in time than any other people.

2) The manual you see above comes at the end of a roughly 180 year tradition. It is called German Longsword. The name is a bit deceptive. The tradition is, no question, German, but it is so much more than just that. I'd call it the leading school of European Longsword.
3) During those 180 years, our guess - no one knows, or can know for sure - is that we have about 60 separate manuals. After that, and in other nations, Italy, Spain, France, England, Scotland, etc., the guess is that we have around 200 manuals on swordsmanship or more.
4) But 1570 seems to be my year. My other favorite manual is one by Giacomo di Grassi, but now I digress. Meyer teaches us how to NOT telegraph our strikes. While quite challenging in practice, in concept it is very simple.
5) In all swordsmanship there is a single most basic strike. The Germans called it the Zornhau, or Wrath Strike. Forget a sword, and think a hammer, a club or any other thing in your dominant hand, for our purposes, your right hand. You hold it up and strike down. Instinctively.
6) There is a natural arc to this motion. It automatically flows from upper right to lower left, swooping in front of you. And let me tell you, it's a terrifying thing to face. When violent rage takes over a man, and he has a weapon in his hand, you will be scared. I promise.
7) Well, scared, that is, unless you have trained yourself and have a weapon in your hand and know how to use it. Picture a sword, any sword. This crazed angry guy is coming at you with his. You plant yourself, holding your own sword high up on your right, calm and ready.
8) He steps toward you and starts to strike the Wrath Strike. What do you do? Give him a tiny moment to build his momentum and then, do the same damned thing. Strike down from your right above to your left below. You catch his sword deflecting it, and strike him, himself.
9) With timing and distance, every strike may be used as the defence against your enemy's strike, and will convert into offense if executed properly. That is just about always the goal. You want to be safe, first, dangerous second. Defense before offense, converting into offense.
10) I truly can assure you, there is only one thing more frightening than a crazed man with a sword, and that is a calm man with a sword. So why did I show you my worn Meyer manual? He teaches us the next key lesson. It is his most essential.
11) Anticipating that your enemy knows how to deflect your Wrath Strike, you step forward commencing it. You observe him commence his defence. But instead of completing your own strike downward from above, you gently allow your sword to change directions. This is worth following.
12) As his sword comes down on yours, you allow its energy to be added to your strike, but you change your target while gaining momentum. Instead of striking from your high right downward your sword bounces from a downward strike to an upward one. It comes upward from below, now.
13) We're almost done with our sword lesson. If your enemy had no defense, your downward strike would hit him on the left side of his neck. Your right is his left. His sword deflects yours, as we said. Ready, and you step to your right cleanly out of his sword's path.
14) Now, deflected, your sword changes course and, dropping downward arcs back upward. If you succeed, your sword strike upward into his left side's rib cage. In German this is called Unterhau, or Under Strike. Can you see it? I hope you can.
15) Let's simplify. Striking down from above, you pause your sword's motion for but a moment, and instead of falling down from on high, it swoops up from below. What did you NOT do? You did NOT telegraph your target. I must repeat... You did NOT telegraph your target.
16) I say to you that since 2016 the Left has been crazed. They did not see Trump coming, and never mounted a meaningful defense. Once he won, they started Wrath Striking, again and again. Actually, they started during the campaign before he won.
17) Their error is that they ALWAYS telegraph their moves. They strike too hard, too fast, always fantasizing that Trump will have no defense, and no ability to convert his defense into an offense. Trump does NOT telegraph his moves. He does NOT indicate his targets.
18) Let me go loopy on you for a moment, for an example. I think that the George Floyd murder was an operation. Handcuffs on, one guy holds his feet, another pushes on his back, Chauvin kneels on his neck and the fourth guy handles the crowd, hands in pockets. An operation.
19) The rightful protests that result are 100% predictable. What does the left do with this? They show up everywhere converting peaceful protest into riot, looting, burning, and destruction. They occupy city blocks in Seattle. And the connection to Floyd? Immaterial.
20) Crazed, the left strikes too hard, too fast, too predictably, with way too much telegraphing. Trump simply steps back for the moment, observes, mounts his defense which he will certainly, and without telegraphing anything, convert into an unstoppable offense.
21) A crazed man commits too much to his strike. Undisciplined, his body weight is behind the sword, unthinkingly committing his entire momentum into an undefensible attack. His crazed mind is certain the strike will hit the target. He sees nothing else.
22) Turning, within hours, a rightful peaceful protest into a wrongful rioting, looting, burning, destroying melay telegraphs the left's intent. They put all their momentum into it, not imagining that a calm mind can step back, evade the attack, convert the defense into offense.
23) I have no data, yet. I will, but I don't yet. So, all I can do now is offer what is called fundamental analysis, as opposed to technical. I'm never happy about that. I do both. Still, it's not a hard call for me to make that law and order will win Trump 2020's election.
24) The left telegraphs its utter disregard, its racist loathing for suffering black communities. They empower Trump to ask his wonderful question: what the hell do you have to lose? Racists that they are, they simply assume the black vote, just because.
25) Racists that they are, they send paid operators in with incendiaries and molotov cocktails, and start the burning, not caring for a moment who will bear the brunt, the great burden of the suffering. Peaceful protest, a sacred 1st Amendment Right, is abused hellaciously.
26) Who will rebuild the burnt out businesses? Strike, strike, Wrath Strike again, the left telegraphs its real purpose. The purpose is to destroy law and order. What is Trump's greatest asset right now? Law and order. A strike is its own best defense.
27) The left strikes down with criminal violence. Trump, waiting, strikes down with law and order. He deflects their strike and converts into his own offense. But, not merely his own. America's own. He fights for America. He will not lose.
28) A sword and a swordsman are not two separate things. A sword's pommel creates its balance. A swordsman's body is the balance to the sword itself, as a whole. The sword flies threw the air. The swordsman's feet plant upon the earth, but flow over it as well.
29) Feet both planted and flowing like water over the earth, sword flying, soaring as if upon the winds, the swordsman and his sword are two parts of a single, completely integrated whole. His enemy never knows where the sword will strike as there is no telegraphing.
30) That is how Trump is still POTUS. And, the left always telegraphing its criminal intent, or its manipulative psyop's purpose, always loses against him, against us, against MAGA. As a swordsman, that's my call. They telegraph. Trump leads. We win. America wins.
Thread ends at #30.